I studied my string; he was so handsome. I quickly extricated myself from him and ran to the bathroom. I moved my hair out of the way and looked at my neck. It wasn’t as big as Reagan’s or Nadine’s, but I liked it. There was a black wolf, who was obviously Bolt, and Chase’s name was below it. My eyes filled with tears as I admired it. It was really pretty.
A part of me had been worried since Heath had mentioned it to me that once marked wolves couldn’t be with anyone else. A silly part of me worried that maybe that was part of Chase’s reason. Now I knew he only wanted me. I was his and on Christmas he’d be mine. I wasn’t going to wait another day past Emmaline’s wedding.
I hopped back into bed and started to plant kisses on Chase’s chest. The sensations I felt while he touched my mark in anyway were crazy. I hoped he didn’t think he was getting out of this bed until he calmed the throbbing between my legs now though. GOD, it was insane how much I needed him. His touch was driving me insane. Ted downplayed being marked. Everything was so intense.
Once we’d finished, I realized I was famished. I was about to pick out an outfit when I heard Chase turn on the shower. My feet were the true culprits. Before I’d even processed it, I’d walked into the shower with him.
It ended up being three more times before we got out of the shower, and now my stomach was insistent I feed it. I walked over to my suitcase and opened it. I had to laugh. Haley was right. It was bigger than it looked. She’d packed bikinis and sexy beach dresses. You had to love her.
I grabbed a cute little sundress and threw it on. Chase’s boner made it clear he approved of my choice. He had no idea what was coming. The swimsuits were all really cute, but there was no denying they were sexy too.
We went to the restaurant and for once we weren’t worried about who would see us out together. I actually saw the flight crew who looked like they’d tied one on last night. The flight attendant caught my eye and waved. That’s when I saw her mark. She was the pilot’s mate. That was adorable. I wondered if they’d met on a plane. Or if she’d become a flight attendant to spend more time with him since he was Chase’s pilot.
He thought we could relax out like this at home. I just didn’t know if that would end up being true. Even if his situation was handled, as long as Noah was lurking around; I would be on alert at home. Here we could both relax because Noah had no idea where we were.
Once we’d eaten, we drove back to the house. We walked along the beach, and honest to god frolicked in the ocean. I’d never thought I was that kind of girl, but by the war goddess I frolicked. We made our way back inside after I had run away from Chase for a brief moment. We christened every room in his beach house.
We even went snorkeling. Susanna and I had always talked about going, but with our missions, we’d never been able to make it happen. I’d seen pictures of Ted’s family vacation in Florida. It looked like a lot of fun. Susanna and I didn’t have parents that could take us. I bet her vampire would take her. I’d have to give him the idea.
Well, he couldn't take her during the day, but surely there were other bonded vampires. Maybe the humans bonded to vampires could all go during the day. I jumped right off the boat after Chase told me he’d messed up having an instructor take us out. I had to jump in because I almost mounted him right then and there. Clearly all that time I spent in the Hackura realm sunk in for me. It was jump in the water or have sex in front of the instructor. Since the instructor was human, I didn’t think he’d enjoyed the show. Being here was doing things to my libido.
The water was so clear you could see all the animals. We saw a sea turtle swimming around. Chase seemed to enjoy my reactions to everything, and I was just so happy. Once we had finished, we got back on the boat.
We drove back to the house in a comfortable silence. The sexual tension was mounting though. My eyes kept drifting over to Chase. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. I had to run into the house once we got there because I was about to have my way with him in the car. I was trying to get a grip on myself in the house.
This insane need I had for him to be inside me was constant. How did anyone get anything done? I felt guilty about all the times I’d called Haley and Eric rabbits. I finally understood exactly what was going on. I tried let him do this at his pace when he joined me, but his hands were moving too slow for me.
A need snapped within me, and I pounced on him. I had no idea what had overtaken me, but I needed him. I might actually spontaneously combust if he didn’t fuck me in the next five seconds. Thankfully, he didn’t argue. I didn’t even care that I came literally the second time he thrust into me.
When he bit my mark, sparks exploded all over me. I was having an out of body experience. I never wanted to leave this bed or this place. We didn’t manage to get much sightseeing in. Everything we did just led to us getting naked and having sex.
Something about this island was clearly getting to me. Or maybe it was being marked. I guess when we got home, I’d find out. Maybe Sally could tell me. For once in his damn life Ted had skimped on the details. I was going to club him over the head with something when I saw him.
When it was time to leave, I couldn’t stop my tears. Not even like a few tears I was practically sobbing. Holy crap Lexi, get it together. First you can’t stop climbing the man every ten seconds now you are crying about leaving. You have things to do.
Then I realized why I was so sad. Everything was easy here, but back home it wouldn't be. Here we were just us. Back home we had a pack. I had a business, and we had people to take care of. Noah wasn’t around, but I imagine if we’d stayed he would show up and ruin it.
It was clear Chase had no clue what to do with me. He ran his hands over my mark. That was not helping, it was making me want to drag him back to the bedroom. We calmed down only for me to spin him back up talking about marking him. For a moment, I thought I’d get my wish and he’d drag me to the bedroom. Unfortunately, he managed to gather himself and get us to the plane.
As soon as I buckled myself in, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I felt the plane jar as we landed. I bolted up in surprise. Chase told me I’d slept the whole way home. Somehow, I still felt tired. We needed to get home. There was no way Ted didn’t have a million questions for me, and I had a few for him.
When we got in the car Chase laughed about my company name. I smirked teasing that it took him long enough to put it together. All the signs were there for him, and he just ignored them. That wasn’t my fault. I explained to him about the fairy prophecy. He seemed to realize what that would mean, and he didn’t look like he was looking forward to it.
We talked a little bit longer before Matt appeared to burst our bubble. He pulled Chase away saying he had to get to Emmaline’s wedding. I sighed. I wanted to go with him. My phone beeped.
Heath:Ted has the details of your mission. I hope you enjoyed your getaway.
Me:I did. It was hard to come back. We need to talk about some stuff eventually.
Heath:I can give this someone else if you want to take the day off. My door and phone are always open to you, Lex.
Me:No, I’ll get this done for you and we will talk soon.
Heath:If you’re sure. It’s not a problem to assign it to someone else.
Me:I can do it.
Heath:I’ll see you this evening then.