Sophia eased my worries when she announced the man wasn't her mate. This prick was planning to forcibly mark her. I raised my bow. He was a Noah type if I’d ever met one. I released my arrow to his heart, killing him. Sophia turned around to face me in shock. What?

I wasn’t going to let him try to have several wolves pin her so he could try to forcibly mark her. She’s not my favorite person, but we were allies and that idea was abhorrent. No one deserved to be marked or raped against their will. Sophia was trying, and that’s all any of us could do.

Tyson nodded to me. I had no doubt the guy I’d just killed would’ve been Tyson’s first target in this fight. I would always help Sophia because if she were ever hurt or forcibly marked, Heath would blame himself until the end of time. I would’ve protected her with or without her alliance with Chase.

My brother joined us with several of our fighters. I smirked at Susanna who’d come with Robert. Robert also didn’t come alone. Damn. We had a lot of intersecting groups now. Eddie was nonplussed. Was he that deranged? Did he really think a coven of witches and warlocks could beat our group? We were spanning most supernatural’s here on our side.

Eddie showed his first sliver of fear when he saw Titus. He quickly shook it off when a warlock said they’d prepared for Haley. Haley snorted. The Hackura’s eyes blazed. Bjourn gripped his weapon tightly. Astrid whispered to me, “Prepared for her? They want her back in their disgusting ring. Over my dead body.” I agreed, “Mine too.”

Haley stepped forward with Titus and her brothers mirrored her. Even Gunner did. Eric was right behind her with the most menacing ‘I will kill you’ look I’d ever seen. Heath outright laughed behind me while I tried not to during Haley’s comments.

Sophia seemed resigned to that fact she was going to have to kill her half-brother. She couldn’t keep him in her dungeons. He was crazy and he had to go. His mother had poisoned the well and there was no saving him. Eddie never had a chance to be a normal kid.

Haley got to work. The ground began to shake. Several on their side were trying to catch their balance but wasn’t going to work. Haley taunted them in the most Haley way. You had to love her. Her wings came bursting out and she flew above us then out to the middle of the group. Several were in awe and astonishment. I guess she did kill all the others from their group who could’ve told them she had gotten her wings.

She even drew me in, asking me a question. I was one hundred percent on board for not fighting witches. She held out her hands and the ground began to split. I asked, “Uhh since when can she do that?” Astrid answered, “I don’t know. Bjourn?” Bjourn said, “She’s done smaller versions. I’ve never seen it this big.”

Kyler linked me, “She did this when you were hurt. The earth is LITERALLY going to swallow them whole.” I whirled, “When I was hurt?” He nodded, “By Gamma McCann.” I whispered to Astrid, “I guess she did this when I got hurt.” Astrid chuckled, “Damn.”

Titus proudly said, “My Princess is astounding. Just as I knew she always would be.” Veronica took his hand. We watched as Haley shook the ground. Several witches and warlocks fell in. Others were gaping at her. One started to chant, and others quickly joined.

I let my arrows fly and saw Ubbe throw a few daggers. We’d killed them easily. Several were starting to retreat. Haley scoffed, “I don’t fucking think so. OSCAR!” Oscar happily replied, “On that.” He let a spark go. It turned into a flame that surrounded Eddie’s witches cutting off their escape.

Haley taunted, “See I think the humans had it right burning you bitches at the stake. There are exceptions, but we should go back to that. Dark witches get fucking burned.” Several tried to chant in vain. I assumed they were trying to get the flames to go down.

Haley rolled her eyes, “Well, this has been fun, but now I’m fucking bored. Off to death you go.” Marcus chuckled, “She’s never going to get a saying right.” I concurred, “It’s adorable though and endearing.” Thor looked at me and nodded. In fact, several wolves did.

Titus agreed, “It is. She’s still so innocent in some ways. It amazes me she was able to retain that.” Haley called a huge burst of wind and the ground shook harder. The witches and warlocks couldn’t keep their balance. There was one wolf who couldn’t either on Eddie’s side.

The warlocks and witches fell into the massive crack Haley created and then she began to close it! I gasped, “Holy mother of god.” We heard people getting crushed as the earth came back together. The wolf shifted back trying to avoid being crushed to death. He was hovering somehow and everyone realized it wasn’t him.

Haley crushed his bottom half keeping the top half out of the earth. Kyler linked me, “That’s what she did to Gamma McCann. We couldn't dig him out, the shovels would fly out of our hands and hit him. It was slightly comical.” I snorted, “It sounds like it.”

Haley flew back down and landed by Sophia. She apologized, “I’m terribly sorry about the one wolf. I’m going to maintain it’s not my fucking fault he has no balance. I’ve never met a wolf that’s not sure footed.” Sophia nearly laughed, “Naturally. A wolf that can’t keep his balance is not your fault, and I see you did in fact leave him for us to deal with. Thank you.” Haley nodded and popped back to us.

Sophia turned to Eddie warning him, “Last chance.” Eddie was gaping at Haley. He pointed, “THAT is Haley Holloran?” Eric growled loudly, shaking the trees. Sophia said, “Her name is Princess Luna Haley Cambridge Conners, and something tells me you should remember that before Alpha Eric Conners kills you.”

Eddie ignored her comment lamenting, “The docile little girl who was afraid of every damn shadow she saw. THAT is her? With the ground parting and wings?!” Eric roared while Haley sighed. Titus spoke, “Be very careful how you speak of my daughter, you vile wolf.” Ok so Sophia might get to take Eddie down, but Titus was going to take him home to kill. Everyone shivered at his tone.

Eddie stupidly tried to explain his position, “You haven’t seen what I’ve seen. Seriously? Did you give her a lobotomy? Did you have a witch wipe her memories to create your perfect daughter? Or did her brother do it?”

Haley was offended and for once it showed in her tone, “I have all my goddamn memories, you fucking asshole. I remember every sick and depraved thing that was done to me. They are horrible, but they are MY memories and they made me who the fuck I am today. I would go through it all again to get to where I am now. I have something you will NEVER have.”

She shook her head, “The saddest thing is you could’ve had it. You could’ve had a loving sister and brother. You could’ve had a nice, happy life. I fought against everything that tried to mold me into the girl you thought I was. You are simply weak minded and allowed others to shape you into what they wanted. I seriously doubt you’ve had an original fucking thought in your entire life.”

Eddie childishly yelled, “My father didn’t want me! He wanted to deny me my birthright!” Haley replied, “If you’re looking for sympathy it’s between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.” My jaw dropped while Heath’s booming laugh echoed around us. All of Haley’s brothers were laughing. The wolves howled out their laughs looking at each other in shock. A few people even snickered on the other side. She literally just used a saying correctly and I was positive she didn’t mean to. I couldn’t not laugh.

Haley told Eddie, “You’re a weak fucking asshole who didn’t fight for a better life. I fought back, I always did. I hid what I could do. I trained my DAMN self on my powers and I escaped. My brother found me and took me home. Now, I stand here with a loving family, friends, and a mate who loves me more than I ever thought was possible. I have kids. Something I never dreamed I’d have either.”

She scoffed, “So people told you your father didn’t like you. Boo fucking Hoo. I suffered far worse than you could ever imagine.” Eddie said, “I know what you suffered, and I’d disagree that you fought back. You did happen to take it on your back sometimes though, Princess.” Snarls filled the air and fury filled my veins.

Titus stepped forward, “Your sister can take you down, but you are mine.” Eddie stepped back, “Excuse me?” Titus said, “You are old enough you knew of her suffering before she escaped it.” Eddie replied, “Of course I did. We got monthly videos on the progress of her training.”

In my anger, I let my arrows fly. I shot the three people next to Eddie, killing them instantly. Eddie stared at me astonished. I warned, “Don’t you talk about my little sister that way. Training? Are you FUCKING serious?! TRAINING?! Alpha Sophia, I need you to start kicking his fucking ass!”

Eddie taunted, “Alpha Chase Daniels’ daughter will go through the same thing. She will just be watched closer than the Fairy Princess was. She won’t find a way to escape.” Haley yelled, “FAIRY HACKURA PRINCESS GOD DAMN IT WHY DOESN’T ANYONE REMEMBER THAT?!”

Eddie was thrown into a tree by the wind. Haley told him, “I will never allow a child to go through what I did if I could prevent it. You can bet your ass Emma Daniels will have a beautiful childhood because I fucking said so.” Agreed.