At one point they smacked each other on the ass. I was going to come in my pants like a teenage boy who’d never been touched before. Matt linked me laughing again. I growled back at him. When they hit the last note, I was up out of my seat. I grabbed Lexi and threw her over my shoulder.
Cameron called, “Dude, play it cool.” I retorted, “Cool left the building weeks ago, little brother.” Cameron snickered, but I didn’t even care. All I could think of was getting her out of this outfit without a cry interrupting us. Eric linked me, “Use the room across the hall from my office. Haley set it up for you to take Lexi there. It’s got toys.” I replied, “Beta Dylan is right, she's a goddess..” Eric groaned, “Don’t tell him that.”
Lexi was lucky Haley snapped her in this outfit. She wouldn’t have made it out of the house like this. I would’ve hidden ALL the monitors. Well, I would’ve thrown them at my dad. I teased a little bit, but it had been too long for both of us. I couldn’t keep this up. When I entered her, I was in heaven. GOD! I forgot how good it felt to be buried inside her. I’d just gotten a taste again of something I’d grown addicted to. We destroyed the office.
When we finally made it back out everyone but Eric and Haley were gone. She was in a new outfit. linked him, “How many outfits did you shred?” Eric replied, “She made it out of my office in this outfit and one other one. This one because I knew no one else was here. The rest I ripped off her before we left the office. She did another song with Molly.” I winced, “We weren’t very social.” Eric raised an eyebrow, “That was the point. ALL the offices in the back were used by everyone here.” I snorted, “Now I don’t feel too bad.”
Honestly as this point Haley could turn me pink again and I would give a fuck less. Bolt pouted, “I want mate to ride us home. She said it would happen again, and it hasn’t.” I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t blame him though.
Lexi was onboard even Haley thought it sounded fun. I watched Eric’s eyes flicker black. Bolt said, “Thor thinks I’m a genius.” I said, “I think his mate is a genius. So, we are even.” We walked outside and shifted. Eric linked me, “Have a good night.” I said, “Thanks for getting us out of the house.” Eric said, “Anytime.”
Lexi had a detour in mind. Bolt howled in delight and ran to her fairy house. Bolt huffed, “SHE’S HORNY?! I’ve been in hell! Blue balled hell.” I knew that. I couldn't stop myself from remarking her. It was intense. She almost re-marked me too. She bit it hard enough to spur into more action.
By the time we made it back to the house my dad was asleep on the couch with a monitor in his hand. Queen Veronica was sitting at the table with coffee. After she left, I linked my dad, “You can go to bed, we are back.” My dad answered, “Ok.” Lexi and I feel went to bed.
My dad linked me, “It’s almost time for the twins to wake up and eat.” I groaned, “And thank you for not letting me get that extra sleep before they woke up.” My dad ignored the dig saying, “I want to feed them. You guys decided to do formula sometimes so I was thinking I could take the morning feeding with Nadine and you guys could sleep.” I agreed, “That’s fine. Thanks. dad.”
He quickly came in with Nadine and scooped up the twins. He was very cute with them. I’d planned to stay awake to let Lexi know where they were, but I fell asleep. Lexi's scream woke me up. I quickly explained what was going on, and calmed Lexi down.
My dad linked me, “We just put them down for their first nap. All good here.” I replied, “Thanks dad.” My dad sounded happy, “I’m just saying I’ll take care of them anytime, son.” I admitted, “It’s harder than even I thought being away from. I miss them and I knew where they were.” My dad said, “I know how it goes. The offer stands.”
I cut the conversation off to make love to my mate again. After we showered, we got the twins. It was crazy I’d missed them this much. I played them until their next nap. I wanted to spend time with them as a family. I kissed Lexi and went down to work.
Matt teased, “Glad you could join us.” I retorted, “Family first.” Matt said, “And I love that that’s the motto. You do remember the whole big pack coming together to grill out before we move into our new home is today.” I nodded, “I do remember that.”
I picked up my phone and called Heath. Heath answered, “Chase? Is everything ok?” I said, “Yes. On a sperate note, do you have Tate guarding me?” Heath answered, “He’s not alone but yes.” I growled, “Come on!” Heath said, “For Lexi’s peace of mind, I would do a lot of things. Arguing with me about this is pointless. They won’t leave until I tell them to.”
I growled, “You just remember this. There WILL come a time I’ll get to put people on you for her peace of mind.” Heath laughed, “They’d have to keep up.” I yelled, “FINE! Your Niece and Nephew will have to follow you around. So, no life threatening shit can happen to you until they are old enough to stalk your ass.” Heath laughed as I hung up the phone.
I called Eric next. He answered, “Chase.” He sounded pissed. I wondered what happened. I said, “Curiosity is eating at me. How did the conversation about your guard being here go? I can’t seem to get rid of mine, and they appear to be multiplying. Got any tips?” I heard snickering.
Eric said, “I’m giving Haley some time. I did get shot. She’s a little touchy about it right now. Plus, I can get away from them.” I snorted, “Until she chips you.” Eric growled, “She’s not going to do that. I’m not walking into a dangerous situation. Your mate could get you chipped too. Watch it, Chase.” I frowned. He was right. Lexi would do that.
I asked, “Are you in a car?” He answered, “Yes.” I asked, “Why? Doesn’t your mate pop you everywhere?” I heard a groan mixed with a sigh. Eri answered, “She didn’t want to pop to me to this meeting I’m having at the club we were are last night.” I asked, “Why?” He sighed, “That would depend on you ask.” I pointed out, “I’m asking you.” He replied, “Because despite my reputation and best efforts, people still think they can fuck with me. That really has to stop.” What? He said, “I have to go.” We hung up. That was weird.
Matt gleefully said, “I have no idea what’s going on with that, but Lexi would chip you.” I huffed, “Let’s not dwell on that. My Hackura guard has an expiration date, his doesn’t. I’m the clear winner.” Matt snorted, “Sure.” We handled disputes and pack paperwork. My dad linked me, “Lexi’s Uncle and Aunt are here, and they are hogging the twins.” I rolled my eyes, “They haven’t met them yet.” My dad said, “Yeah well whatever. I will get them tomorrow no hoggers allowed. Except me.” I agreed, “Ok, dad.”
I handled a few more things before Matt and Derrick left to set everything up for our pack event. Lexi invited the cousins. Heaven help James if he shows up to flirt with Kayla again. After the twins were down Lexi had the video monitor, and I had the regular one. She was doing a lot better about being present and not watching the monitor constantly.
I walked over to the grill with Matt. He said, “Here’s your spatula.” Derrick asked, “So, does Beta Dylan have that statue of Haley yet? I’d buy one. The woman is a genius.” I chuckled, “No arguments from me.” Matt threw out, “I won’t argue either. I was DREADING this picnic deal with you two being all growly and aggressive.” He was being dramatic.
We heard Lexi and Ted teasing each other about how hot we were on the grill. Derrick said, “Ok men, let me in on the action. I just started getting laid again. Let’s not slow that momentum down.” I laughed offering him a different set of tongs, “Hey, I won’t stand in your way. I’m in the same boat.”
I laughed at my Beta, “You know Ted only has eyes for you. He’s over the moon about you.” Matt said, “It’s reciprocated.” I admitted, “I am really pleased to see you so happy man.” Derrick agreed, “Me too. You’ve got a spring in your step you didn’t used to have.”
Matt changed the subject, “So Chase, have you seen the venue for your wedding? It’s pretty cool.” I asked, “Um my what?” Matt laughed, “Really? You’ve been so distracted you didn’t notice the extra building? At least Lexi’s excuse is that she told them to surprise her. The fairy part of Haley is taking that very seriously. It’s cool though.” I questioned, “Where is it?” Matt answered, “By the new pack house.” I said, “I’ll check it out later.”
Cameron walked up with a warning, “Hey guys, no one mention the word cleaning to me.” I looked at Derrick who shrugged. Matt smirked linking, “Beta Rick told me Reagan is cleaning like a mad woman. Cameron finally hired a cleaning crew for the new place.” I replied, “I read about that. I believe it’s called nesting.” Matt chuckled, “Yes, well Cameron is being driven crazy by the cleaning.”
I teased my brother, “No dust bunnies for you?” Cameron snorted, “Mr. Clean would be envious of how damn spotless my house is right now. I swear to you guys, you could eat off the floor of the garage or basement. A catalog could take pictures there. She used a handheld vacuum on me after I ate a sandwich. She was practically cleaning the area before I was done. No, not practically, she WAS cleaning before I was done.”
I chuckled, “Think of the poor humans whose wife’s have human pregnancies.” Cameron snorted, “I’d feel bad for the warlocks, but they’ve been a pain in my ass.” I changed subjects, “Have we found out what their deal is with Reagan?” Cameron growled, “Other than the one who wanted her for himself? It made other warlock’s want her for something, no. It’s fucking awful.” I agreed, “No joke.”
We’d gotten the food all grilled in record time. It felt good greeting the combined pack with Lexi. We’d move into the new house next week, and I’d have my brother back. We could track Hanson down and be done with this shit so I could get married in peace.
I was on alert the entire time we were being shown a cottage that had been finished due to Lexi’s countenance. Once we walked outside, I grabbed her hand and guided her to a place out of earshot. She knew where Noah wanted her to run.
I racked my brain. It couldn’t be anywhere in the Shroud. Noah wouldn’t have wanted her to run to Heath. He would’ve protected her. I asked, “Where?” I explained, “Noah’s family took us to this place about an hour from here. Noah, Heath, and I would sneak back sometimes when we were little. It was secluded and had a lake. Noah and I would sneak away there sometimes for alone time.” I growled.