I asked, “How did they know?” Heath speculated, “Maybe Denise acted on her own going with you. Hanson likes control. He could’ve attacked him as a punishment. We will know once Edgar is healed.” Ted ran into the room with Sally and Allie. Heath said, “I am having your family members brought here. Once we get answers from Edgar, Lexi I’m sorry but…” I interrupted, “I know. You have to go home and protect our people.”
Uncle Jordan asked, “Can we be here? Will they freak out?” Heath answered, “You can be here. Dustin and Ryan told me the magic on them was removed. They are keeping their memories concealed until they can talk to them to prepare them for the magic to be removed. That way they know what happened.” That made sense.
Haley stepped back. Sally flashed into the kitchen and came back with a sandwich. Haley smiled and ate it. Edgar woke up inhaling deeply. He looked around. He had questions, “Lexi? Heath? What’s going on?”
Heath deflected asking, “What do you remember, Edgar? Who stabbed you?” Edgar yelled, “DENISE! He was going after Denise next!” I scoffed, “Don’t you mean Betty? You knew who killed our parents all along!” Edgar frowned, “No, Hanson was an obvious suspect, but I didn’t know he could get into the Shroud. Denise SWORE she didn’t bring him in, and your grandpa kicked him out.”
Chase told him, “We have Denise in our custody. Hanson won’t get to her here.” Edgar sighed in relief. He asked, “Where’s Noel? Where is my son?” I answered, “Upstairs.” Edgar sighed in relief. Heath questioned, “Haley, where was he stabbed? In his home or outside?” Haley answered, “In the fucking living room.”
Heath crossed his arms, “You wouldn't have let Hanson in.” Haley begrudgingly said, “It was one hell of a fight, but I think your guy here was taken by surprise.” Edgar explained, “It was Gerald.” I jerked back, “The healer?”
Denise’s words floated back to me. Hanson sent her a healer to give me something as a child. It had to have been Gerald. Edgar explained, “Gerald isn’t a real person. Gerald is Hanson.” My eyes widened. I gasped, “What?”
Edgar said, “It’s some sort of cosmetic thing, I don’t know. He attacked me out of nowhere, and I fought back. He was looking for Allie. He knew she was supposed to be there.” Heath looked murderous. Allie shot me a grateful look.
Edgar continued, “I refused to tell him where she was, obviously. We fought and right before he stuck the knife into my chest that final time, he ripped his skin off and showed me his real face. It was Hanson. He said Betty had gone off script. She was supposed to call him if anything happened, but she ran off. He said she was going to pay. He wouldn’t’ really kill her. At least I don’t think he would. He said I was always in his way.”
I argued, “He’s a psychopath. He could’ve killed her as easily as he tried killed you.” Heath surmised, “You knew whose son Noel really was, didn’t you?” Edgar stood, “Noel is MY son. I’m his father. I don’t care that it’s not biological! He’s my son!”
I pressed, “You had to know who his mother was. He looks a lot like my mom’s dad.” Edgar nodded, “I looked into it. I couldn’t find any sign of Lizzy or even Hanson. I thought maybe she ran away with him and faked her death. I took it to your dad. I think it’s what got him killed.” I closed my eyes and realized what happened.
They started looking into the ring, and they got killed for it. Edgar said, “James cut me out so I wouldn’t have to lie to my string. I accepted that. I never…. if I’d have known Hanson could get into the Shroud, I would’ve told them. I’ve been looking for Lizzy all these years. I just ran into dead end after dead end. She was my friend.”
I questioned, “Why did you go along with Denise... I mean Betty when she told our family we didn’t want to meet them?” Edgar frowned, “I tried to reach your family several times. They would only speak to Denise. She said they didn’t want you guys because of the reminder of what they’d lost.”
He rubbed the back of his head admitting, “I wanted to kill them for that. You guys deserved to have them in your lives, but Denise said that maybe it was for the best. I’m…. I’m so sorry. I’ve... I’ve been so distant with you, Lexi.”
I started to wave him off. He pressed, “No, I have. I was trying to prove to Noah I did love him. I worked so hard to make sure Hanson could never get to Noel that I didn’t even think about Noah. I don’t even know how they met. I should’ve known the moment Noah went to Sally and not you at that damn string ceremony. I should’ve known where his obsession with you came from. Everything bad in Denise’s life always led back to Hanson. Always.”
Heath fumed, “That fucking bastard!” I frowned asking, “Heath?” Heath ranted, “He’s the one who switched your birth control. He was who I’d been watching! Noah was close with a couple Healers, but Gerald was who I was most suspicious of.”
I asked, “Why?” Heath explained, “He’s the one who sedated you and got you away from mom. He was going to take you out alone, but I insisted on going with you. Noah tried to get me away from you too, but I wouldn’t budge. Edgar saw I wouldn't let it go so he sent Tony with us too. He was going to fucking take you right then and there. That BASTARD! He must have attacked Anne!”
Matt growled. I asked, “But why?” Anne’s voice came from the door, “Because I saw him.” We all turned and saw Anne was rubbing her hands. She said, “It all came back to me just now. I was peeking out my curtains. I saw Noah talking to someone. I leaned forward and saw it was Hanson. He pulled some mask over his face. It magicked itself into Gerald. In my surprise I fell, and they must have heard it. I was running to the phone when Gerald, but really Hanson, burst into the house.”
She admitted, “Noah was yelling at him to stop but we fought. I’d almost reached Tony’s secret weapon hide when everything went dark.” I wiped tears from my eyes. Ted looked at Haley and said, “Thank you again. I KNEW I didn’t like that fucking bastard for a reason! He came to make sure you died. He kept telling me you were gone. That…. that…. asshole!” Tony hugged Ted. He said, “You saved her life, Ted. She’s here with us because of you.”
Edgar said, “He’s got his hooks in so deep in him. Noah won’t live, will he?” Heath answered, “No, but you knew that.” Edgar seemed resigned, “What about Denise? And Noel?” I told him, “Noel has done nothing wrong.”
Heath agreed, “Noel will be fine.” Edgar pressed, “What about Denise?” Chase growled. Heath said, “She is out of our hands Edgar.” Edgar panicked, “What does that mean?” I explained, “She sold her soul for a demon knife.”
Chase said, “It’s called the Soul Eater.” I shrugged, “Same difference. She did it so the knife would kill Chase. Once the knife is destroyed, she will die. Did you not notice she’s been off the rails a little?” Edgar reasoned, “I mean she’s been a little off, but nothing terrible.”
Haley told him, “It would’ve eventually led to something terrible. She separated herself from her soul.” Edgar asked her, “You can’t help her?” Haley answered, “No, and I don’t fucking want to either.” Edgar argued, “She could’ve been normal if not for Hanson. Their little brother….”
I interrupted, “We know Susanna’s dad is their younger brother.” Edgar said, “He’s dead, but he was normal. He was able to distance himself from Hanson. He actually hated him.” I retorted, “Is he? Just like Lizzy is dead?”
Edgar sat and put his head in his hands, “I…well I guess he could be alive. He loved Susanna though. She was his world.” He was probably an ass. Edgar sighed, “She’s my string and he’s my son. I don’t know how to feel. I tried to get him to treat Sally right, but I had no idea it was that bad.” I believed him on that.
Edgar apologized, “Sally I truly am happy you are being treated well now. I am.” Sally said, “I know. You were always kind to me.” Edgar cringed, “He’s still my son.” I argued, “He’s a lunatic who allowed his mother to sell her soul to kill my string. He’s tried to kill my son and told me I’d watch him die. Honestly, I can’t repeat that phrase enough. He’s a monster!”
Edgar seemed to agree with me and let the subject drop. He whispered, “I want to see Noel.” I said, “He’s sleeping.” Edgar asked, “Does he know?” I nodded, “Yes, he does.” Edgar cringed, “Who told him?” I answered, “Denise. She told me and Noel was there. I called him. I thought he deserved to hear it from her.” Edgar nodded, “I would’ve said it more gently, but he did need to hear it from her. That was the right call.” I knew that.
Edgar looked over and saw Uncle Jordan. He admitted, “I guess I owe you an apology.” Jordan angrily responded, “Your string was the one who said Lizzy was dead and that I killed her. At MINIMUM you knew that she lied about that.”
Edgar said, “I thought…. I don’t know what I thought. She’s…. her and Hanson were just so close.” Uncle Jordan questioned, “Did you know Lexi and Heath were supposed to come to me. Papers were delivered to our Shroud.”
Edgar frowned, “That’s what they were? No, I delivered the papers in the drop James instructed me to. I had no idea that you had custody. I thought it was strange you didn’t want them. I tried to reach you guys. I even waited outside once, but never saw anyone. I just... I gave up. Lexi and Heath were taken care of.” Uncle Jordan said nothing, and I was certain it was because he had nothing nice to say.