While they worked out who was coming King Arthur showed up. He didn’t bother to hide his excitement. Robert looked very cautious. He was eyeing his maker with a little bit of worry. Beta Dylan was thrilled they got to join us in the vault. Matt linked me, “I am no longer upset. I’ll be getting pictures and a play by play from the Beta group chat. I’m still going next time.” I agreed, “Yes, you can come next time.”
Aiden popped me, my dad, Cameron, Lexi, James, Jasper, Allie, and Heath to the vault. Aiden thought the rest of our group didn’t get in on the group fast enough to come. My dad linked me, “Why didn’t they really come?” I answered, “We are sending TeleTed into Alpha Eric’s pack to find out where his parents are.” My dad rolled his eyes, then replied, “He’ll find out in minutes.” I agreed, “I know. That’s why I had them stay.” Haley popped in with their group then Emmaline with hers. Beta Dylan was snapping pictures left and right and typing furiously on his phone.
The fairy who was working didn’t seem to be in awe of seeing the Fairy King and Princess in her vault. I wondered what types of people she saw on a regular basis to be so blasé about it. Haley had conjured Lexi and Heath’s key to her.
I linked my dad, “It’s color coded to jewelry? Poor Bexley having to go through all the jewelry her mom owned. It HAD to be a shit ton.” My dad snorted, “It really did.” She said we were going to the viewing area.
I linked Alpha Eric, “How long have you been waiting to pinch him?” Alpha Eric replied, “I wish he’d have said punch me.” I laughed. I was pretty sure if King Arthur could sweat, he’d be dripping bullets. I linked Alpha Eric, “I’ve never seen a vampire his age be so expressive.” Alpha Eric answered, “He’s normally not. It’s Faelynn. That’s the only time he shows emotions. He does with Haley and Bexley though too, and Bexley’s pups.”
That was a lot that a vampire had to show emotion about. We listened to Lexi’s dad on their port. I raised an eyebrow at my family. Cameron linked my dad and I, “Jordan is going to lose his shit.” I had to agree.
Alpha Eric linked me, “I don’t think he knew that.” Alpha Lucas linked me, “Emmaline said his soul was very genuine about Lexi and Heath. She said there’s no way he knew.” I nodded to them both. Bolt huffed, “We knew that, but their evaluations are appreciated.”
I linked Alpha Lucas and Alpha Eric, “That statement about their family means James was onto something and was pretending to keep up appearances.” Alpha Eric said, “We need to look into this. Something big is going on. I feel it.” I pointed out, “We don’t have much to go on.” Alpha Eric shrugged saying, “So we try. We do what we can.”
I raised an eyebrow when James told them the other Shroud was on the opposite side of Sophia’s territory. So, getting them banished wasn’t even about getting them far away. It was about severing the communication channel. Alpha Eric was right, this was bad.
I linked them again, “We have a problem. They can’t take a pack member without us noticing but runaways and rogues they could. You were right earlier, Alpha Eric. We have no way of protecting them or figuring out how many rogues are missing.” Alpha Lucas sighed. Alpha Eric’s face was grim. He finally answered, “We put the word out, that’s all we can do.”
Beta Dylan whispered, “Lucas, I see the serious faces and I don’t like it. This is a MAGICAL place! Stop ruining it with whatever it is you are talking about.” Alpha Lucas replied, “I’d imagine you know what we are talking about.”
Beta Dylan whisper yelled, “Of COURSE I do. You’re going all doom and gloom. Leading the charge for let's figure out the problems of the world. The world can wait twenty measly minutes while we soak up this amazingness. We are in a super-secret fairy protected vault. LIVE IN THE MOMENT PEOPLE. Ixnay on the missing peopleay.”
My dad snorted, “Was that an attempt at pig Latin? It was not good.” Beta Dylan ignored him and continued texting. Matt linked me, “I know what happened with Alpha Eric’s parents. It’s somehow surprising and not. Also, Beta Dylan is living his best life right now.” I replied, “I know he is.”
King Arthur was shaking when he saw Faelynn appear. My dad linked, “The whole family is stunning. Rumors were Faelynn was more beautiful than her sister.” I asked, “Did you ever see the Queen?” My dad admitted, “Not in person, but I know what she looks like. We have her picture. No one had Faelynn’s. My guess is that was King Arthur’s doing.” I agreed, “Probably.”
King Arthur’s right hand ticked slightly as Faelynn said her biggest regret was not running back to him after she had Bexley. Robert was staring at his maker. At least he knew she regretted it. Bexley was so excited she popped King Arthur out of the room.
Aiden grabbed our group and Haley did the same with hers. We entered a room with a golden box and blue box. King Arthur stared at his box with wonder. I linked Alpha Eric, “Do you know what’s in the box?” Alpha Eric replied, “I know what Bexley hopes is in the box, and what Haley thinks is in the box. Aiden did not agree with them.”
I glanced at Aiden. He was staring at the golden box in shock. I linked Alpha Eric back, “It looks like he agrees now.” Alpha Eric nodded, “Yes, he clearly does. I don’t get how it’s possible.” I let that go for a second to look over Lexi’s shoulder. There were six accounts, each with five millions dollars.
I linked Cameron and my dad, “Their parents were preparing to die. Hiding all this here and giving Jordan custody of them. They hoped they wouldn’t, but they were preparing for it. What the hell were they onto?” My dad answered, “Nothing good.”
Beta Dylan whispered, “La, la, la, money and letter. That’s all cool and great. What about the GLOWING box? Is NO ONE else DYING to know about the glowing gold box?” Bexley told King Arthur he had to use his blood to open it.
Beta Dylan bowed to her, “Bless the new Duchess of the Fae for satisfying my curiosity.” He began to type on his phone again. Haley wanted to warn King Arthur but was shot down. Haley muttered, “Who doesn’t want to be surprised by the birth of their fucking child?”
I startled along with every other wolf. My dad and Cameron linked me, “Did she just say the birth of his child?” I answered, “She did.” I was surprised at the lack of hesitation on King Arthur’s part to cut himself. Vampires were notoriously stingy about giving up their blood. It was sacred to them.
Dylan was hitting Alpha Lucas and jumping up and down. He whispered, “Baby? That’s a baby? An honest to god baby? This is a fairy version of a stork delivery! Do you think we can get in on that action? No dealing with our Luna turning to water anymore or slapping anyone. You know what? I take it back. That was hilarious. Emmaline has to get pregnant again. The turning to water fairy period hormones are worth it. Lacy though, I could get into this golden box stork delivery a la fairy.”
My dad was laughing to himself. Cameron said, “He’s not wrong. Fairies could charge an arm and leg for this service. Humans have their stork stories; we could have fairy’s deliver us our pups.” I looked between Aiden and Haley. Aiden was still in shock. Haley looked like her usual self. We had to teach this woman poker.
The box turned into a bubble. King Arthur and now Bexley’s blood formed intricate hearts around it as Beta Dylan lost all composure. He said, “If a baby pops out of that thing Lucas, I will squeal like a teenager at a Taylor Swift concert. I will do it.” Alpha Eric whispered, “If you could not…” Dylan snorted, “GAP, even you have to admit this will be on your top ten list of craziest shit you have ever seen happen. A baby…. a baby FROM A BOX! That according to the port video was removed from his Fairy Duchess lover and kept in a golden, glowing box until his blood and Bexley’s set the baby free.” Ok, when you put it that way, it DID sound legit crazy.
Dylan slapped his knee and continued, “You can’t make this stuff up. GOD our lives are so fun. We were downright dull until they came in our lives. I’m appalled at how bland my life was. I can’t even believe I thought I was so fun. I was so VERY mistaken.”
We were all intrigued as the bubble grew bigger and bigger. My dad said, “Holy shit. I think a baby is actually going to come out of a box that turned into a bubble.” King Aiden had lost all the color in his face. He looked a little upset, but I wasn’t sure why.
The bubble burst and a little girl was in King Arthur’s arms. Dylan whisper screamed and open palmed hit Alpha Lucas in the arm repeatedly. He jumped up and down, “A BABY! IT WAS AN HONEST TO GOD BABY! Fairies are the new storks. You heard it here first people. GOD! Fairy’s just go full shock and aww.”
The baby latched onto King Arthur. He was more than happy to let the baby drink from him. He wanted someone to confirm this was his child. He must have been in shock because he asked that as the baby was literally drinking his blood from his shoulder. Bexley confirmed it.
Haley touched a port where the box had been. Faelynn came back on. My dad linked me, “SURPRISE?! This is not a surprise. That’s a baby. A baby that got birthed from a glowing bubble is like….” He paused the continued, “I don’t know but surprise is the wrong word.”
Dylan chimed in, “She said surprise, Lucas. Like I’ve been dead for decades SURPRISE BITCH here’s our child. That’s a baby... not even like here's our child that a grown up... no, no, fairies are like SUPRISSSEEEE I kept a baby on ice for you in a box. I love fairy’s, Lucas. I love them.”