Jordan punched the table. Charlotte whispered, “Dad….” He said, “I will find out who betrayed me and they will pay.” Jordan opened his letter and several pictures fell out. Scarlett picked them up. She smiled, “Aww you guys were cute.” Jordan was busy reading.
Scarlett frowned at a few pictures, then she dropped them. She looked at Jordan wide eyed. I looked at the scattered pictures. There was a blurry picture of Hanson carrying a tied up woman. Who looked a lot like Izzy.
Jordan hissed, “James figured out Lizzy was alive. Why didn’t he say anything that night? Why did he have to be a stubborn fool? He must have thought he was close to bringing her home.” James asked, “So, it’s true? Aunt Lizzy is really alive?”
I looked at the picture of Lizzy. There was something familiar about her. I turned to Heath knowing he thought the same thing. I’d never seen Lizzy though, I knew that. I shook myself. Jordan said, “I know I keep saying this but I’m so sorry you two.” I told him, “We can only move on from here.” Heath declared, “I will honor my father’s words. You and yours are welcome in our Shroud. You, me, and Jasper can figure out how to rule if you decide to merge with us. I would prefer it if it happened after we solved this Hanson and Betty Newcome shit, though.”
Jordan nodded in agreement, “Yes, we can have meetings and discuss. We’ve all always wanted to come home. We miss being together.” Jasper read his note. He said, “He just says he wished he got to be with me as I grew up, and he knew I’d be great. That he hoped Heath and I ruled together.”
Suddenly Jasper stood as if he was being pulled towards the door. Allie smirked. I laughed, “I knew you were up to something.” Allie said, “I might have told Tilly I needed her to meet me here urgently.” Jasper threw the door open.
Tilly’s eyes went wide. She gasped, “It’s you.” Jasper hugged her asking, “Where the HELL have you been?” Tilly smacked his arm gently, “Wondering where the hell you were.” Jordan said, “Well, that’s one of our kids with their string, Scarlett.” Scarlett clapped happily.
Jasper called over his shoulder, “See you later, cousins. It’s been interesting, like always.” Tilly yelled, “Wait! My sister said she needed me.” Allie chuckled, “I did. I needed you to meet Jasper. Urgently.” Tilly snorted, “In that case, later little sis.” Allie waved and they took off.
Heath said, “All the more reason to merge our Shroud’s. Allie and her sister are quite close.” Jordan nodded. Scarlett cautiously said, “Lexi, I’d love to come to your baby shower with the girl cousins.” I nodded agreeing, “Of course. Just you though. None of the other so called Aunts.”
Scarlett nodded, “That’s fine with me. We don’t see eye to eye on many things anyway.” I smiled, “I’m glad you want to come.” Adair spoke, “Can the guys come or just us girls?” I laughed, “If the guys want to come far be it for me to say no.” Wilder said, “Count me in.” Everyone echoed his words.
Dylan interjected, “Count Dylan in too!” Alpha Lucas sighed, “Dylan.” Dylan asked, “What? Emmaline’s going. I have to protect my Luna, Lucas. It’s my job as the Beta. One could say it’s the Gamma, but it’s still part of my job. I call dibs. Alex isn’t here to say otherwise. Plus, my pregnant mate is going. I’m practically doing you a favor here. So, the words you were looking for are thank you oh kind and amazing Dylan. I do love you so.” I laughed.
I was exhausted by the time we ended up leaving. I vaguely recalled Chase laying me on our bed, but I woke up alone. I sighed because this was becoming a bad habit. I wondered if I could link Chase while I started my morning off with a bang solo. I searched his nightstand and found toys.
I pulled out the ring vibrator, this thing was handy. I got myself started and linked Chase my moans. He growled, “Lexi…” I sighed, “Mmm thank god for mini bob because I keep waking up alone.” The door to our room burst open then slammed shut.
Chase dove onto the bed and kissed me hard. He said, “You’ve been very naughty lately.” I gasped, “Me? You keep waking up before the crack of dawn to leave me in bed alone. I thought I’d give you a taste of how your morning could start off.”
Chase growled and slid into me. By the time I made it down to my home office it was just nine in the morning. Ted winked at me, “Look at you with that pregnant lady glow.” I snorted, “I think it’s just sweat. I’m a thousand degrees all the time.”
We heard the front door burst open. Growls echoed in the hall. I heard Elijah and Brady screaming, “LEXI SCOTT, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!” I opened the door to give them a piece of my mind, but Kincade was blocking it. He said, “I don’t think so, Lexi. Close the door.”
I sighed admitting, “Those are my mother’s brothers.” Kincade replied, “And? I don’t care. Get back inside until we determine they aren’t a threat. The report I got said you didn’t like them, and that they were assholes. Based on their entrance, I have to agree. Close the door.” I sighed, “Such attitude after I helped you and your mate play such a fun game. Alright, Kincade.”
Before I shut the door, I saw what had stopped my mother’s brothers from advancing further through the door. Uther. That wasn’t going to end well for them. Ted and I tried to work, but Ted kept trying to listen at the door.
Finally, I gave up and handed him a glass. He smiled, “You just get me, Lexi Scott.” After several minutes he put the glass down and started laughing so hard he was crying. I asked, “What?” Ted said, “You just have to love her.” I questioned, “Who?” Ted gave me a look, “Who else do you have to love, Lex?” I snorted, “Haley.”
I remembered she had done something yesterday. She’d chanted some charm in Fealish. I really needed to learn it. Kincade knocked, “Lexi, you and TeleTed can come out now.” I opened the door. Both my Uncles were on the floor. They’d been joined by Dietrick and Donald as well as Uncle Jordan who was trying not to laugh.
Chase looked pissed and amused at the same time. Heath had arrived too. He winked at me. Elijah demanded, “Call your friend, Lexi.” I yawned, “Which friend? I have so many….” I picked up my phone and dialed.
Sally answered, “Lex?” I said, “I was told to call a friend so here I am calling a friend. I’m such a good person.” Sally laughed and entered the room. I hung up, “So did you barge into our home to see me call my friend? There you go, please leave now.”
Jasper and James slunk into the room, not bothering at all to hide their amusement. Brady said, “The Fairy Hackura Princess friend. Make her undo this.” I said, “I don’t know why you think she would listen to me. You did meet her yesterday, right?” Uther snorted.
I grinned, “You got punched for disrespecting his Princess, didn’t you?” Brady reiterated, “I want her to undo this!” I questioned, “Do I have to guess what she did? I don’t see anything physically wrong with you.” James amusedly supplied, “Oh they have something wrong with them alright.”
I was exasperated. I threw my hands in the air, “Well, what is it? Do you have a tattoo of some kind? Haley has done that before. She turned someone’s skin green and grew horns on their head so be glad it’s not that. Your hair isn’t pink. So, I’m at a loss. What did she do?”
Brady turned red. I looked at Elijah who looked away and avoided my gaze. I rolled my eyes and met Donald’s eye, then Dietrick’s. They even turned away. I threw my hands in the air and groaned. I questioned, “How do you want me to ask her to undo it if I don’t know what IT is?”
Brady muttered, “She knows what it is.” I rubbed my temples, “Have you met a fairy? If you want the slightest chance of me getting her to undo this I need to know what the charm was. It wouldn’t be any fun for her if I didn’t.” Heath couldn’t stop his laughter.
Jasper pleaded, “Can I tell her? Someone please let me tell her.” James said, “I’m not asking for permission. Lexi, sweet cousin of mine, they can’t get hard. For any reason. Flaccidity is happening. They have decided it has to be the Princesses doing after they all tried to pop a pill as a last resort. It didn’t work.” I gagged because I didn’t want to think about any of the men I shared DNA with having sex.
Every man in the room was snickering. Sally was trying not to laugh. Nadine was looking at the ceiling. I finally found words, “I beg your pardon?” Heath explained, “None of the male adults present at the meeting yesterday besides Uncle Jordan and the cousins can perform sexually. Nothing…. works.” I put my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh.
When Ted and I locked eyes, I couldn’t help it, I busted up laughing. I linked Chase, “Are you still upset you got turned pink for a hot second?” Chase shivered, “Nope. Not even remotely. I’ll take a pink wolf over being able to perform and have sex any day.”