Heath pointedly looked at Jordan and told him he’d found his perch. Interesting. Jordan said he’d always watched over them, which I already knew. I was beginning to suspect it was more than I’d originally thought. I was getting the sense Jordan was their Shroud’s leader and watched them in his spare time.

He thought his family was proud. I saw them more like people who took their anger out on two innocent children who didn’t know them. We could quibble over the terms in person though. I would not sit there and let them hurt Lexi, no matter what they said.

Jordan didn’t miss that Lexi bit her lip when she heard where the family meeting was despite her neutral facial expression. His lips twitched slightly. The second Jordan stepped out of the barrier Lexi lost it asking how the hell Haley’s was neutral territory.

I was glad for this meeting; my heart wasn’t in the crossfire like the last one in their home. I looked down at my mate and realized Lexi’s was though. She may think she doesn’t have a tender heart, but she was wrong. I locked eyes with Heath, a silent agreement passed between us. We wouldn’t let them hurt her.

Bolt whined, “Mate didn’t ride us home.” I groaned, “She can run. She’s fast too.” Bolt grumbled the ENTIRE way home. I shifted back and closed our link. He was going to give me a headache. He pushed through our connection to whine. Lexi agreed to ride him next time which thankfully made him calm down.

The week seemed to pass by in a flash. Alpha Eric and I had daily calls. Matt let it slip to Beta Dylan there was a family meeting Lexi had invited a ton of people to. He scheduled a meeting with Alpha Eric, Alpha Lucas, and Luna Emmaline before ours. I snorted when Alpha Eric told me he had no intention of having a meeting for no reason. He was just going to let them stay and hang out.

I asked Lexi if she cared, but she didn’t. She was bringing the people she considered to be family. She didn’t care if my allies were there. I tried to say her family would feel ganged up on, but she wasn’t fazed. She said if they thought they could bring in their massive family and square up on her and Heath they were wrong.

My dad came in saying Alpha Kyle and his son Sebastian would be there. Lexi had asked him to come with Nadine. He was crying because she called him family. He must be feeling some type of way since he set up a playdate with Susie and Sebastian. I still couldn’t think about that.

I called Cameron and invited him and Reagan to the meeting. He was going to be there. Reagan was coming if she felt well. She’s been a little sick lately. Oscar popped us to the meeting and Haley immediately popped Lexi out. Susie squealed and ran off to Sebastian.

I heard Beta Dylan laugh, “They tried to exclude us from this meeting, Lucas. I’m so hurt. Beta Mattie keeps twisting the dagger in my back. Yet like an idiot, here I am. A glutton for punishment. I’ll even turn around, Beta Mattie making it easier for you to twist the knife.”

Alpha Eric and I growled ignoring Beta Dylan’s speech. He yelled, “WILL SHE STOP DOING THAT?” Beta Dylan practically sang, “Pick me, GAP! I HAVE YOUR ANSWERS! Simply call on Beta Dylan. Come on GAP.” Alpha Eric rolled his eyes.

Dylan looked at me and held out his hand and made a ‘come on’ motion. He said, “Come on Alpha Baby Daddy, throw the ball to Beta Dylan. I’ve got you.” Matt snorted. Dylan huffed, “Fine. The answer to no one’s surprise, or shock GAP is no. She will not stop doing that. I see you about to go charging off after her, and that just makes it fun for her.”

He jumped side to side, “My precious is so full of information. I could help you but alas no one listens to Beta Dylan. So go on Alpha wolves charge off to the dangers on the other side of the lake in GAP’s territory.”

He started laughing, “If my Luna pops to them they’d be the holy trinity that any sane human, maybe even the insane, wouldn’t dare cross.” Alpha Eric and I shifted. Beta Dylan squealed, “PLEAAAASSEEE Lucas. Let’s follow them! Come on! It will be funny. Pretty little Luna of mine, pop me to the action.” I stopped listening to him.

We saw Haley’s shoulder’s tense. I linked Alpha Eric, “What was that?” I linked Matt, “GET OVER HERE!” Matt responded, “I’m on your tail.” Dylan’s glee couldn't be ignored as he squealed, “YIPPEE! ONWARD INTO THE MASSIVE OVERREACTION!”

Alpha Lucas told Emmaline to pop inside. She didn’t want to, but eventually he convinced her. I saw a man appear. Lexi hugged him, and I snarled in anger. Could she stop hugging men who weren’t gay and not related to her?

Haley popped back to them. For once I saw the shock on her face. I linked Alpha Eric, “Does she know him?” Alpha Eric growled, “She does. I know him too.” Matt linked me, “Uhhhh that’s the guy that married Alpha Eric and Haley. I’m confused because I can’t sense his wolf anymore. Can wolves become something else?”

I growled, “If that’s the mother fucking Angel that fucked my mate then, yes.” Matt groaned, “Uh oh.” Haley’s Hackura guard appeared. I even understood him this time. Matt, Beta Dylan, my dad, Derrick, were looking for clothes when Eric and I charged over to our mates.

I bared my fangs at the man. I couldn’t even hear what Haley said. Beta Dylan offered, “Angel man, you might want to start talking. Alpha Baby Daddy over there is ready to rip your head off. Beta Mattie, why is Alpha Baby Daddy ready to kill an Angel? I mean, I’ll help or cover it up I just want to know why.”

Cameron ran into the clearing with Reagan behind him. Cameron glanced sharply at Raphael then at me. He questioned, “Angel? Not….” I growled, “Yes, that one.” Beta Dylan said, “Sweet blessed Moon Goddess. Tell me the Luna of Yellow Hills has carnal, intimate knowledge of this Angel! This is the Angel we are waiting for word on to help King Aiden, right?” No one answered him.

He happily said, “Never mind, of course he has tumbled in the sheets with Luna Lexi. This is right up a fairies alley.” I growled, shaking the trees. I yelled, “SHUT UP, BETA DYLAN!” Beta Dylan pretended to zip his lips.

I growled at Raphael who looked unperturbed. That pissed me off even more. I heard a crunch and looked over to see an Omega leaving. They’d brought Beta Dylan popcorn. Lexi put her hand on my back, “He’s here to help, Chase.” I growled, “I’m sure he’d like to help himself to things he can’t fucking have.”

Raphael said, “Lexi and I were but a moment in time, Alpha Chase. That moment has passed.” Beta Dylan outright laughed. I glowered. Matt said, “You’re not helping Angel Raphael.” Lexi asked him, “Raph, can you help us get what we need?”

Beta Dylan cooed, “Yeah Raph, can you help us ALL out here?” Haley was pursuing her lips. Raphael said, “Just tell me what you need, Lex.” Beta Dylan snorted, “Angel man, fly away.” Raphael didn’t move. Dylan raised an eyebrow, “But seriously, fly away! Can we see your wings? Luna Lexi, did you see his wings?” Lexi answered, “Yes.” I growled.

Alpha Eric angrily questioned, “Why were you at our wedding?” Lexi pushed past me, “Wait, you were at their wedding? You…. no.” Heath flashed into the clearing. She looked at him, “Did you know that?” Heath cautiously answered, “Haley got married in a whirlwind of activity. I was on a mission and couldn’t go. I didn’t know Raphael was there.”

Lexi whirled around, hurt swimming in her eyes. She pointed at the Angel, “You said you would’ve told me if Haley was hurt. You KNEW she was taken, and you said nothing!” Raphael put his hands up, “I was sent elsewhere after their wedding. I was simply a warning.”

Lexi argued, “You could’ve told me to check on her.” Raphael said, “We all have our paths.” I grumbled, “Or you just wanted to keep her to yourself.” Raphael smirked, “Wouldn't you?” Beta Dylan said, “Them are fightin’ words, Angel man.” He was right.

I shifted. Lexi screamed, “NO!” I growled and went at the Angel. His wings came out and he flew over me. Any other time it would’ve been cool to see an Angel’s wings. They were white and silver, and the ends were tipped with black.

Beta Dylan said, “LUCAS! I HAVE SEEN HONEST TO GOD ANGEL WINGS! I LOVE OUR LIVES!” Haley popped in the middle of us. Alpha Eric ran and placed himself next to her, but he was facing Raphael.

Haley said, “Let’s all remember people who act like assholes in this territory get treated like them. Ok?” Blade interjected, “Is not saying.” Haley groaned, “What the fuck ever! Raphael, can you help us get these things?” She showed him a list.