Frank asked if all those people should come. He thought my family would feel ganged up on. I promptly told him he was coming with Nadine too. Susie could go to Red Run territory and see Sebastian. Or he could come to with his family to the meeting.
As far as I was concerned, they were bringing their family and I was too. Frank teared up at that and left the room saying he’d be there. I told Chase to invite Reagan and Cameron. I wanted Anne and Tony to come, but we didn’t know if they would go into shock or something. The spell hadn’t been fully reversed. They still believed my grandparents to be dead, and I didn’t want to hurt them.
An hour before the meeting Oscar popped our group to Haley and Eric’s. She held her hand out to me, nodded to Oscar, and I took her hand. We popped to the other side of the lake. We heard both our mate’s growl.
Haley laughed, “You think they’d start to expect that. How are you holding up?” I admitted, “Clinging to the fact that you’re neutral territory so I have something to laugh about.” Haley snorted, “Honestly, it’s absurd. Not even Eric is neutral because I’m not fucking neutral. He feels what I feel. If I get mad enough it upsets him. It’s seriously ill advised on their part.” I laughed, “Agreed.”
Haley turned and stared at a certain area. I asked, “What?” Haley said, “I sense something. I’m going to pop around, I’ll be right back.” She popped away. Seconds later I heard a voice I knew, “Lexi?” I smiled when I saw Raphael. I walked over and hugged him then I heard Chase snarl.
I sighed, “You should talk fast before my string gets over here.” Raphael smiled, “I am very happy for you, and wow you look pregnant.” I shook my head, “I am. That’s a dangerous thing to say to a woman though, Raph.” Raphael smiled, “I’m an Angel, Lexi. I knew you were pregnant.”
I heard a pop then a gasp. Raphael smirked at me and then turned greeting, “Hello again, Princess Haley Conners.” Haley just stared at him in shock. She looked between me and him several times. I questioned, “What’s going on?”
Haley said, “You were a werewolf.” Raphael laughed, “I merely made myself appear that way at the time. I was there to serve as a warning. A warning that was not headed, but a warning was given nonetheless. You are someone my goddess feels quite strongly about, Princess. She sent me to try to help you. She was quite put out that none of the other goddesses asked for her help.”
I pointed between them, “Wait, you two know each other?” Haley repeated the question back to me, “You two know each other?” I cautiously made introductions, “This is Raphael, Hales.” Haley yelled, “NO FUCKING WAY!” Raphael responded, “Yes way.”
I somewhat demanded, “Will someone tell me how two know each other?” Haley said, “In all the cosmic jokes in the UNIVERSE an actual FUCKING angel married Eric and I.” Raphael winked at me again as Chase and Eric thundered into the clearing.
Blade laughed stepping forward, “Is hilarious. Wolf lose it. Wolves…” He started laughing even harder. Eric ordered, “Someone explain what the fuck is going on here. How is he back here? He disappeared after the wedding!” Chase replied, “Agreed. Why did you hug him, Lexi?” I winced answering, “Ummm well, this is Raphael.”
Chase snarled and put me behind him in seconds. Haley sighed, “Well this went from a bad stomach feeling to diarrhea really fast.” I couldn’t stop my laugh. Blade said, “Is not saying.” Haley groaned. This was going to be interesting.
A Message of My Own
Chase startled throughout Lexi’s role play as Officer Sexy. I’d never been arrested before, but I’d seen a pat down. This would get an officer in trouble, but I was here for it. I was surprised I liked it when she spanked me.
Bolt linked, “Mate is very sexy like this. I’ve always been paired with a more docile wolf. This is new and hot.” I snorted, “You want to talk about the other mate’s you’ve had in past lives? Right now?” Bolt tried to take control and rip the cuffs of our hands, but we couldn’t. I ended up just smacking the wall.
I was so intent on what Lexi was doing I wasn’t paying attention when someone knocked on the door. I could smell it was Matt and Derrick. I linked them both, “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” Matt replied, “We came back from the break to work.” I snarled, “If you open that door, I’ll make you move to the border of Cameron’s territory so you have to run to work every damn day.” Both snorted but they walked away.
The longer Lexi went on Bolt was practically wagging his tail in my head. Damn wolf. I was cuffed to a chair, and the scent of her arousal was driving Bolt and I mad. She found the drawer of goodies I’d ordered for us. If I wasn’t past all logical thought, I would tell her that Bolt took over and ordered the red paddle. He was very excited about it.
Bolt linked me, “Don’t lie. You are excited about that paddle too.” I had to give that to him; I couldn’t wait to use it on her. My mouth dried when she grabbed the whip and whipped it beside her hitting the desk. I wanted her to whip me. That was odd. I’d never wanted to be in a submissive position before. With Lexi though I wanted her to have complete control.
She whipped my legs and told me to count. The fuck?! I was an Alpha. Bolt said, “Let’s do it. It’s just role playing and it’s fucking hot.” I couldn’t get out of the cuffs, so I counted. I was painfully hard by the time she stopped whipping me.
Smelling how much being in charge was turning Lexi on was killing me slowly. She was so wet it was running down her thighs. I HAD to get out of these cuffs. I gave Bolt full control and snarled fighting my restraints. Nothing happened.
What the hell? Mine were reinforced for strength, so I knew why I couldn’t break them. Why couldn't I break some cheap costume outfit handcuffs? I stared at the cuffs. I lifted up my eyes to the ceiling and prayed. Moon Goddess, I’m so very sorry for everything I’ve ever done that you didn’t like. Please goddess let my mate spank me.
At this point, I had to wonder if I’d lost my mind. Lexi just kept proving it had been too long since we’d had penetrating sex. Lexi drew me back in saying she would show me how she got through by herself. My heart stopped when she said she was going to show me. Excuse me?
God, this was hot. I pulled at my restraints again. I gave up and I asked her where the hell these cuffs came from. I needed to order them in bulk. I was stunned when she said this whole thing was Haley Conners idea. Seriously? She fairy magicked the cuffs? Of course she did.
I linked Alpha Eric, “How the FUCK do I get out of these cuffs your wife charmed?” Alpha Eric replied laughing, “You can’t.” I growled, “I WANT OUT.” He told me, “I can’t help you. You need a fairy.” OSCAR! He amended, “Aiden. You need Aiden or Haley. Since Haley did it, she won’t undo it. No fairy would even if they could. It’s not fun.” GOD DAMN IT!
All those thoughts fell out of my head as Lexi made herself come. I was growling insanely loud. I knew that if anyone could hear us, I’d be murdering someone for linking me during this moment. Lexi told me my water bill would be high. If I could watch her do this in the shower, she could spend all my money. I did not care.
I barely heard anything until she said something about Bob. BOB?! She ignored me and my snarling. I ripped open my connection with Matt and Derrick, “ASK YOUR MATES WHO THE FUCK BOB IS RIGHT FUCKING NOW!” Both groaned.
Derrick said, “Sally said, and I quote ‘don’t know don’t care.’ Derrick’s out because Derrick is getting busy.” I growled, “Derrick needs to stop talking in the third person is what Derrick needs to do.” Matt was laughing when he replied, “It’s her vibrator. Chill.” I was decidedly not chill.
She was getting spanked for that later, so hard. She made herself come screaming my name. All she had to do was let me go, and I’d fuck her into next week. She was going to be walking bow legged tomorrow. If she could walk at all.
I was not used to taking orders. I counted as she spanked me and observed her. She was flush and her breaths were coming in gasps. Her arousal was practically suffocating me at this point. She was enjoying this. What surprised the hell out of me was I did too. Alpha’s aren’t supposed to like this shit, but I guess with your mate it was hot as hell.
I begged her to end my agony, but she went back to the desk. I was going to die from an aneurysm before we had sex. She finally came over and slid down onto me. I yelled her name as she bit my mark. I snarled when she got off of me saying I never learned. MOTHER FUCKER! She still wanted me to call her Officer Sexy?