Jordan looked away again, “I should’ve thought of that. It was so unlike him to hold a grudge for years, against me of all people. I failed him at every turn.” I walked forward and took his hand to his surprise and mine. I stared into the eyes that looked so much like my father’s.

For a long time neither of us spoke or moved. Finally, I said, “You didn’t fail him. There were forces you didn’t know were in play. You said you came by more than just that night. That means you didn’t give up on him. You kept showing up, like you did for me tonight. That counts for a hell of a lot.” He looked away.

I tugged his hand, “Look at me.” In surprise he did. I said, “My dad wouldn’t want you to keep torturing yourself for the past. You’ve held onto this for over two decades now, and you need to let it go.” The wind blew my hair, and in that moment, I knew exactly what I needed to do. It was as if my dad himself was the wind giving me guidance.

I dialed Heath’s number. He picked up instantly, “Lexi?” I said, “Meet me and Jordan at our place. He needs to say some things to dad, and I think it’s far past time he said them.” Heath replied, “If I hadn’t heard every word of that I’d wonder if you were losing it.” I looked at my phone in surprise.

Heath came out from inside the house with Matt and Ted by his side. He hung up the phone. Chase shifted and linked me, “I know you can run, but my incessant, annoying wolf is now obsessed with you riding on his back.” I laughed.

Out loud I said, “One second, Bolt.” I ran inside, quickly changing into some leggings and Chase’s hoodie. I flashed back outside. I told Jordan, “Follow us. You can only get into the area with Heath or myself.” Jordan commented, “So I figured.”

Heath asked, “You’ve tried to get to their graves?” Jordan said simply, “He’s my brother.” Heath nodded and we all took off. Chase kept up with them pretty well for not being Hood himself. We reached the spot in minutes. Chase could run straight through because I was on his back. Heath grabbed Jordan’s arm and dragged him inside the barrier.

Heath threw clothes at Chase’s feet. He quickly shifted and threw shorts on. I waved at Jordan letting him know to follow me. He followed and near the stream under a tree I pointed to our parents’ graves. I touched his arm gently telling him, “Take all the time you need. We will be on the bench over there.” Jordan squeezed my hand whispering, “Thank you.”

He walked over to my father’s grave and sank to his knees. His agonizing cry of, “James.” Had me tearing up. Chase, Heath, and I all went and sat on the bench. I had no doubt Chase could hear Jordan’s goodbyes. I grabbed his hand.

Heath studied Jordan and sighed admitting, “You’re right.” I asked, “About what?” Heath said, “It matters that he came today. It means he’s still been watching out for you. He came, got you a present, which means he’s trying. Dad wouldn’t have wanted him to suffer all these years. I’m not jumping on the forgiveness train just yet, but it does matter he’s showing up now.” I nodded.

Heath muttered, “It doesn’t make all the damn times he didn’t show up ok, but dad would’ve started over with him.” I agreed, “He would’ve.” Heath said, “I think Chase is going to be right. I think dad and mom were spelled so they wouldn’t forgive them.”

I shook my head, “I think they did forgive them. I just don’t think they believed them, or they were starting to fight the magic holding them from the family. Maybe that’s what got them killed. I don’t know, and I don’t know if we will ever know.

Heath sighed agreeing, “You’re right.” I nudged him, “You could’ve brought Allie with us. Is she back at the house?” Heath smiled, “No, her family is having dinner tonight together. I’ll make it back in time for dessert.”

I teased, “Aww look at you, being all domesticated and adorable.” Heath smiled, “I think it suits me.” I agreed, “It does.” We sat there for a few hours. When Jordan joined us, his eyes were bloodshot and a little swollen from crying.

He said, “Thank you both. I’ve longed to sit by his grave. I’ve missed talking to him. Even after he banished us, I could still go see him. We fought but sometimes we just talked.” I asked, “What did you talk about?” He shrugged, “About my kids, and about you guys. Now, he’s just gone. Back then I hadn’t lost him, not truly. Now it’s as if part of me died with him. That’s the way with twins though. Your aunt feels the same way I do over the loss of her own twin.”

I touched his arm and assured him, “Now that you’ve been here you can come anytime you like. You were invited in by us.” Jordan nodded, “Might I suggest if Noah or Hanson get close to you that you get here or your fairy house.” I smiled acknowledging, “That’s not a bad plan.”

It was already my plan, but he was trying to help. He said, “This is not at all what I expected when I stopped by to give you your gift.” I shrugged, “Well, I’m just full of surprises for our family tonight. James and Jasper were surprised that I asked them to stay for my Luna ceremony, and you’re surprised I offered to bring you to our parents’ graves.”

Jordan was visibly shocked. He asked, “Jasper and James were here? Those little shits! They told me they were doing a fact finding mission and would be off grid.” I felt bad I outed them, but I didn’t know that they’d lied. I tried to back track, “It was a sort of fact finding mission.”

Heath laughed adding, “I’ve been talking with both of them. We actually hung out a few times while Lexi was in the Hackura realm.” Jordan said, “The way I understand it, you boys went there yourself.” I asked, “They what now?”

Heath smirking answering, “We did make Opal pay. I didn’t know exactly where you were just that you were safe. Honestly, I was beside myself. Bjourn brought me and I thought it was fair that Jordan and James got a piece of that action. They were why we had her so Bjourn bought them too. He’s all about being fair when families involved.”

I snorted, “If Opal had hurt Haley, you’d have never seen that bitch.” Heath agreed, “Oh not a chance. The experience bonded the three of us though, James, Jasper, and me. I saw they truly cared about us both. They kept checking up on me and they still do. Don’t think for five seconds there Jordan that I don’t know you did too. I found your perch.”

I asked, “Perch?” Jordan smirked, “You’re not the only archer in the family. The best one, but not the only one.” I questioned, “Where’s his perch?” Heath said, “In a tree about twenty feet back from my house.”

Jordan said, “I’ve been watching over you guys as much as I could from a distance your whole lives. I know it’s not enough, but…” I interrupted, “It's some lumbar that we can use to rebuild the bridge. Like dad would’ve wanted. Not to mention they clearly named Heath after you. His middle name is Jordan.” Jordan said, “I get the sense you’re just talking about with me and not the other adults.”

I looked at Heath. I said, “That’s earned. So far, I haven’t seen or heard a damn thing that any adult on our mom or dad’s side did anything for us besides you. You brought me to them, and I wouldn’t have met them if you hadn’t. Giving me Gatorade is a far cry from being my grandmother.”

Jordan acknowledged, “They are very proud people.” I scoffed, “And that’s likely going to cost them all two grandkids, and the families that follow. I’m sure they’ll be fine, I heard they have several more.” Jordan pressed, “You have other aunts and uncles.” I amended my first statement, “Ok, it will cost them a niece and a nephew. It shouldn't affect them either as it never has before.”

Jordan frowned. Heath said, “We are having our family meeting on neutral ground.” I would prefer somewhere I felt comfortable. I managed not grimace asking, “Where’s that?” Chase snorted, “Alpha Eric Conners war room.” I bit my lip and forced myself not to say anything when Heath shot me a wink. Haley was neutral territory? This would go well. Jordan nodded to us and took off.

Once he was outside the barrier I let go. I laughed so hard I had tears running down my cheeks. I waved a hand in front of my face questioning, “Haley is neutral territory?” Heath said, “Hey, don’t look at me. They were dumb enough to agree. I think it will be hilarious.”

Chase commented, “They agreed because that’s where the meeting about Sophia went down.” I questioned, “Did they not hear about the beat down that happened?” Heath shrugged, “Who cares?” I responded, “Not us, evidently.” Heath agreed, “Not us.”

Chase shifted and we all ran back to the house. He shifted back and muttered, “Obnoxious wolf!” I laughed asked, “What?” Chase said, “He’s whining you didn’t ride him back.” I laughed, “Next time, Bolt.” Chase uttered, “Thank god. That made him purr and shut up.” Heath took off to meet Allie’s family for dessert. I asked, “When is the meeting? I forgot to ask.” Chase said, “Wednesday.” I said, “Alright.”

I grew increasingly nervous for Wednesday throughout the week. I asked Ted and Sally to come. I knew Derrick and Matt were coming anyway. I called Susanna and invited her and Robert too. It was at night so she agreed.