We watched the final fight. Matt linked me, “Tessa is going to win.” I retorted, “I could've told you from the first round of fights.” Matt replied, “They’ve got some really talented she wolf fighters.” I said, “Of course they do. They allow them to train as pups.”
Matt responded, “You know our pack, theirs, and Alpha Lucas are the only ones who do that.” I reminded him, “Alpha Kyle does too, he just doesn’t publicize it.” I tensed when I saw Sophia wave at Lexi. Matt linked me, “It’s just a nice gesture. Don’t panic.” Lexi sighed and slightly waved back. Sophia nodded to me and quickly walked out of the gym.
We joined Haley and Eric on the floor. Matt linked me, “Dylan’s show just kicked off again.” I turned to see Cassandra Conners storming towards us. She was headed directly for Haley, and she looked very angry. Nathan Conners had scratches on his arms. He must have had her, and she got out of his grip.
Cassandra yelled at Haley over being rude to Jessica. I frowned. Seriously? Who told her that? They were very wrong. Matt linked me, “By whose standards? From where I was sitting Jessica was the rude one. Telling Haley not to forgive her own brother, that’s harsh. They are blood. I’d clock anyone who suggested I just should stay mad at my siblings. It’s no one’s damn business.”
Jessica agreeing with Haley earned Jessica a scathing glare from Cassandra. Jessica shrank back into Alpha Harold in surprise, who glared at his mother. To all of our astonishment, even Alpha Lucas, Cassandra pointed a finger at Alpha Eric and told him Haley would ruin their pack if he allowed that.
My jaw dropped. Matt linked me, “ALLOWED THAT? ALLOWED? She’s the damn head Luna. If she wants to, she could put the other three in their place all damn day long.” I replied, “I’m aware.” Matt scoffed, “I’m proud of her for putting up with these psychos. I’m Team Haley loses her shit and throws them into walls or some kind of fairy shit.”
When Beta Dylan growled softly at Cassandra, it distracted me enough that Lexi left my side to punch Cassandra in the face. My dad linked, “HOLY SHIT! SHE DID IT!” I quickly put her behind me. When Cassandra’s head snapped up, she was baring her teeth and growling. I let my growl shake the room.
She finally looked scared. Good. I wasn’t her damn son, and she wasn’t going to growl or bare her teeth at my mate. Former Alpha Nathan had Cassandra behind him. Alpha Eric said nothing which spoke volumes. He would take my side if I put her in her place. I could fight her, and he’d do nothing. Part of me was stunned. The other part was enraged she’d bare her fangs at my mate. Bolt snorted, “Half fangs. Kena was fighting her. She’s on our side.” Her own damn wolf knew she was a bitch. Good.
Matt linked me, “DECK HER! ALPHA ERIC BASICALLY GAVE YOU PERMISSION!” Alpha Nathan looked tired. I knew he had to be because there were two Alpha’s in the room who could beat me in a fight, and he wasn’t one of them. Alpha Eric and Alpha Lucas could, but that was it.
Cassandra sounded like a petulant pup at this point. Alpha Eric put his mom in her place in front of us. I was stunned. Matt linked me, “Best tournament ever.” Haley finally engaged, and it was a smackdown with her words.
I linked Matt, “Haley’s right. Fairies evade, but they don’t tend to hide how they feel about someone.” Matt replied, “They can’t lie.” I linked Alpha Eric, “She does you proud.” Alpha Eric responded, “Thank you. I know she does.”
I about fell over when the Hackura Queen showed up. Matt linked me, “You’re being introduced to the Hackura Queen. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!” I mechanically lifted my hand somewhat in shock to greet the Queen. Should I bow? I probably should’ve bowed. My shock must have shown on my face when Queen Veronica hugged me.
Alpha Eric linked me, “She’s a hugger.” I was too surprised to answer him. Matt said, “Since your ears appear to be ringing. The Hackura Queen just took Cassandra Conners outside for a chat.” Haley and Lexi talked about the details of her Luna ceremony while the rest of us listened to the beginning of the conversation outside.
Veronica snapped, “I hear you've been snippy to my little girl. That ends. Now.” Cassandra sounded offended, “I have not been snippy.” Veronica’s voice whipped harshly, “Listen wolf, I will not tolerate another Queen Alania wannabe. You don’t have to love Haley. You’re a damn idiot if you don’t, but you don’t have to.” Oh damn.
Veronica spat, “You DO have to be kind to her, or you will deal with me. That is my little girl in there, and she has been through enough shit in her life. I am more than happy to dole out the justice you deserve if you can’t….” Their voices faded.
Matt linked me, “DAMN IT! Can I go follow them?” I snorted, “You don’t have to. Did you not notice who made his comment then went missing from the group?” Matt looked around, “I’ll let him call me Beta Mattie for the rest of time if he tells me how the rest of that conversation went.” I snorted. Beta Dylan had snuck away. There was no way he wasn’t listening to that conversation.
I linked Oscar, “We need a ride home if you’re not naked.” Oscar replied laughing, “I’ll put on some clothes. You guys are serious cockblockers. You have heard of this invention called a vehicle.” I teased, “Yes, but you’re so much faster.” Oscar snorted. He popped in and popped us back home.
Lexi was dead on her feet. She fell asleep the second her head hit the pillow. I was pretty tired myself. I pulled her in my arms and fell fast asleep. I woke up early and took a shower. I met Matt and Derrick in my office. We poured over documents trying to figure out who Hanson Newcome was now. Or Betty Newcome. Either would be acceptable at this point.
After a couple of hours Sally and Ted ran into the office. I frowned, “What’s up?” Sally smiled, “We were told it’s your break time.” Derrick questioned, “By who?” Sally answered, “That’s a secret.” Matt snorted, “Ted, come on tell us your secret.”
Ted smirked, “You do that thing I love with your tongue on your break, and I’ll tell you.” Matt growled and grabbed Ted. He threw him over his shoulder and ran out of the room. Not before I saw Ted smack Matt on the ass. Derrick picked Sally up and left too. I spoke to an empty room, “Sure guys. No, no, I Insist you take a break.”
I kept looking over documents when Lexi told me I was under arrest. I growled. It had been too damn long. I’m sure she had some kind of role to play here, but I couldn't stop myself. Her arousal was thicker than the air in the room.
When she laid out my crimes, I could not get harder at the thought of Lexi making herself come. I ripped the skirt of her outfit off. Bolt took over and slid into her hot, wet waiting center. Lexi moaned, “Chase….” I growled and gripped her hips, biting her neck hard. She came on my first thrust. I groaned, “Fuck, Sweetheart. You’re so damn tight.” Her nails dug into my biceps as I pounded into her.
I came quickly with Lexi right after me. I felt her snapping the cuff into place. She taunted, “You’ve been very bad, Alpha Chase. I’ll have to search you for weapons.” I snorted and quickly groaned as her hand trailed up my leg. I loved her so damn much.
Officer Sexy
Lexi moaned as Chase entered her. I had a whole thing planned, but my body needed this. I told myself I’d play this out later. We both climaxed violently which cleared my mind. I grinned mischievously. I grabbed the cuffs from the bottom half of my outfit and quickly cuffed his hands behind his back. He shot me a smirk over his shoulder.
I lightly ran my fingertips from his calf to the middle of his thigh. He hissed when I reached his groin. I cupped his balls and licked his mark. He growled and shuddered while I ran my fingers down the inside of his other leg. Then I turned him around, so he was facing me. I dropped to my knees and kissed up his leg. I bit his thigh and he jerked.
His voice was rough as he said, “Officer Sexy, this is an interesting pat down.” I looked up at him innocently. I said, “I take my job very seriously.” My tongue darted out over the tip of his dick. He growled, “FUCK!”
I trailed my fingers across his balls and backwards, gently massaging the skin right behind it. His legs started shaking. I ran my tongue from the base of his dick to the very tip. I popped the tip in my mouth briefly while I kept massaging with my finger.
I looked up and wagged my finger saying, “It seems you're packing a weapon you didn’t inform me about, Alpha Chase.” Chase growled, “My mistake.” I bit the inside of his thigh. At the same time, I spanked him with my free hand. He jerked in surprise, growling. I didn’t give him a chance to say anything.
I took him deep into my mouth then linked him, “I’ll have to add that to the charges, Alpha.” Chase smacked his hands against the wall. He was trying to free himself. I linked him, “Uh, uh, Alpha. You do the crime, you gotta do the time.” He replied, “I want to touch you.” I teased, “I wanted you to touch me all week. Behave.” He growled but didn’t answer.