Emmaline stood, “I’ll take Ted, Lacy, and Sally to her. She’s probably in her sanctuary here. She showed it to me a few weeks ago. She said Aiden told her he was getting a surprise for it. I’m actually curious what it was.” They all popped away.
Prince Bjourn informed me, “Blade and Javi are with them, Alpha Chase.” I didn’t know or care how that was true, I was just glad it was. I sighed in relief and sat down. Matt linked me, “They are playing with Unicorns, Chase. I have never been more jealous in my entire life.” I was stunned. I questioned, “Unicorns?” Matt repeated, “Unicorns.” Haley popped back and grabbed Susie. MAN! Now my sister was going to play with unicorns too. I should’ve called her over so I could join them.
I had to give to the Fairy King, that was a good present. Alpha Eric turned and ordered, “Jessica, my office now.” Luna Jessica and Alpha Harold stood and walked out the back doors. Dylan pouted, “MAN! GAP! You are such a fun sucker! He sucks all the fun out of everything Lucas! It’s not fair.”
Alpha Lucas warned, “Dylan, you keep pushing him and you’ll get a black eye.” I added, “You are lucky my mate finds you calling me Alpha Baby Daddy funny, Beta Dylan” Beta Dylan cooed, “Aww don’t be a spoilsport, Alpha Baby Daddy.” I growled, “She’s my mate. She’s everything to me.”
Beta Dylan snapped his fingers saying, “Ahhh yes. I heard you got divorced. I got this for you. I had it made special and everything.” He pulled out a bag of Fang’s popcorn and a bottle of whiskey. Both labels saidDivorced AF. Tastes like freedom.I stared at Beta Dylan in shock. He preened, “It’s great, I know. The guy who prints my popcorn bags resisted at first, but I convinced him. How did I do the whiskey you ask?”
I grumbled, “I didn’t ask.” He ignored me saying, “Well pull my leg, I guess I’ll tell you. I printed the label myself. I got very crafty. It was impressive, people clapped.” He paused then sighed, “I just go unappreciated everywhere I go, Lucas. Not even a twitch from this group for a clap.”
I handed both the gifts to Matt. I linked him, “Don’t let Lexi see them.” Matt nodded. Beta Dylan asked, “So Luna Shana, where do you stand on this whole Team Haley/Lexi or Team Cassandra?” Alpha Darrin growled warning him, “Enough, Dylan.” Beta Dylan said, “I’m just asking a simple question.”
Luna Shana answered, “I understand both sides. I love Cassandra like a mother, but I can see how her actions have hurt Haley’s feelings. I wish everyone would stop pushing Haley though. I feel like they are pushing her farther and farther away. I just want us to get past this, and back to our old dynamic.”
Matt linked me, “That’s a bold statement from a Cassandra mouthpiece.” I disagreed, “Not really. It’s very wishy washy.” Matt pointed out, “But it’s not Cassandra’s opinion. It’s almost her own.” Beta Dylan said, “Good woman, Luna Shana. Stay out of the fray. I dare say you’d get burned, and here I am without any aloe vera. I WILL be more prepared next time.”
Alpha Darrin growled shouting, “Lucas!” Alpha Lucas huffed, “Dylan, it’s not the time.” Dylan sighed, “Everyone is so testy. It must be hard to see things how they are after being blind to them for so long. It’s like going outside without sunglasses. Poor Alphie Poos.” The remaining Conners brothers with us were growling.
Alpha Eric walked back with Luna Jessica and Alpha Harold. Alpha Harold looked annoyed, but quickly masked it. Luna Jessica looked like she’d swallowed something sour. She sat down rigidly, moments before the fairy’s popped back with my pack’s mates.
I grabbed Lexi, it was harder than I thought to have her far away. Lexi teased Beta Dylan. I linked Matt, “RODE? She RODE a unicorn?” Matt replied, “Yes, that is what she said.” My dad linked, “Susie is on cloud nine.” My sister linked me, “I rode a unicorn WITH LEXI! Then by myself. TeleTed is so fast! He was running beside us.” I replied, “I’m jealous and glad you had fun.”
Matt, Derrick, and I looked at the pictures. My dad crowded in, linking, “I’ve never seen a unicorn even in a picture.” None of us had. They were beautiful. I linked Matt, “If the fact that Alpha Eric rode a unicorn is in a memo you didn’t shove under my nose, I will be so pissed at you.”
Matt snorted, “Beta Caleb and I will be having ourselves a chat. I didn’t get a memo about any Alpha’s riding unicorns. My sister is going to get a talking to as well. I linked her just now asking if she rode them and she said she has ridden both. Jackson rode the one Lexi did.” I grumbled, “Secret keeping, unicorn riding, hogging the amazing things jerks!” Matt agreed, “I know!”
We watched the tournament continue. I took note of Tessa’s mate. He was bursting with pride, but I could see the worry in his eyes. I’m sure it was hard to see his mate go through this tournament. Matt linked me, “If looks could kill Haley would drop dead.” I turned to see Luna Jessica glaring at her.
I surmised, “It seems to annoy her that Haley wasn’t bothered by her comments.” Matt said, “I’m sure the scolding she got from Alpha Eric didn’t help. Also, she’s so wrapped up in staring at her, she’s not noticing the pack sending her judgmental looks. While Haley is getting looks of pride. This is bad.”
I replied, “She needed the talking to. Luna Jessica shouldn’t have answered Beta Dylan. She should’ve presented a united front like Haley did. Haley has been a Luna for a shorter length of time, and she’s younger than Luna Jessica. She’s also not a wolf who grew up knowing how packs work. She’s being the bigger person here, and the better Luna.”
Beta Dylan came back from his turn to ride the unicorn. He was insanely obnoxious the rest of the tournament about it. I linked Matt, “Beta Dylan may want more fairies popping up, but his Alpha certainly doesn't.” Matt snorted, “Alpha’s rarely want more people around that want their Luna’s.” He wasn’t wrong.
There was a wolf less she wolf still in the fight in the final six. It was really impressive. She barely lost her fight to get to the final four. Matt linked me, “She just turned nineteen, and is now a pack warrior. That’s gotta mean a lot to her.” Luna Emmaline gasped and pointed at me. She told me that the guy I’d sent to them was Melinda’s mate.
Matt linked me, “Percy. You sent Percy.” Percy was a good fighter; he just didn’t like to do it. I linked Oscar, “I need you to get Percy and pop him to us. His mate is here.” Oscar sighed, “Alright, Alpha man.” Oscar popped moments later stark naked. Again. I knew it was going to be trouble when Beta Dylan heard Oscar call my Beta Mattie.
Matt yelled in our link, “HE IS POPPING AROUND NAKED BECAUSE WE ARE WHEN WE SHIFT?! We don’t just POP up naked and stay naked. We grab clothes. WHY IS HE ALWAYS NAKED WITH MY SISTER?” I replied, “You don’t really want the answer to that, do you?”
Percy started sniffing the air. He whipped his head in Melinda’s direction. He growled and hopped the railing, jumping down onto the mats. He grabbed her and yelled mine so loudly he shook the gym windows.
Melinda whispered, “I can’t believe I have a mate. I’m yours.” Percy growled, “My mate. Mine.” He took her by the hand and ran out of the gym. Matt commented, “We lost a good Omega today, and one who can fight if necessary.”
I reminded him, “We gained a tracker and I’m guessing a strong fighter.” Matt chuckled, “Did we ever. I couldn’t smell a damn thing the other night, but Carry was like a bloodhound. She can fight too. Her brothers taught her some moves.” I said, “There you have it.”
Beta Dylan tried to get Alpha Eric to cry. Matt snorted, “Right. The only way to get Alpha Stonewall over there to cry is through his Angel. Nothing else gets to the man.” I argued, “His pups do along with his brothers.” Matt said, “Oh fine. His Angel, pups, and his brothers.” Beta Dylan’s head almost fell off his neck when Lexi told him Ted’s nickname.
I linked Matt, “You didn’t tell him?” Matt retorted, “So he could call my mate every damn day and say ‘TeleTed, tell me things?’ They’d talk for HOURS!” I snorted. Matt linked, “Oh god no. He can’t call me Beta Mattie.” I replied, “I think that ship has sailed Matt.”
Beta Dylan took out his phone and sent a text. I noticed all the Beta’s in the room’s phones went off seconds later, including Matt’s. Alpha Eric caught my eyes, and he was laughing. I linked Matt, “Did he do what I think he did?” He growled, “He did.”
I reasoned, “Only a few will actually call you that.” Matt growled, “Only Beta Dylan would not get a beat down for it.” I linked Oscar, “You do know you could’ve said I’m busy, give me a minute.” Oscar winked, “It would’ve been hours in that case, Alpha Chase. My wolf is insatiable, and I love it.” He popped out.
I linked Cameron, “I’d better never see Sebastian Kyle half erect when they are older.” Cameron gagged in our link. Alpha Eric wasn’t sad he couldn't share in our pain. I snorted. I linked Derrick and Matt, “Despite what she thinks, Haley is wrong. If the Conners boys had a sister, that girl would never see a boy. All four Conners brothers AND former Alpha Nathan? Cassie Conners is already going to have a time of it.”
Derrick snorted, “That’s true. They would not handle a sister well. What Alpha does though?” I pointed out, “Alpha Lucas does.” Matt argued, “His sister ran away, and he didn’t see her for two years. It puts things into perspective. Plus, she’s mated with his best friend. She came back home, and now she’ll never leave.” I conceded, “Good point.”