Chase asked me, “Are you ready to go?” I said, “I want to say bye to Haley.” Everyone left to celebrate. We walked down to the mats where Haley and Eric still were. Frank clapped his hands together and rubbed them when the door flung open. I looked and my fist tightened. Cassandra Conners came barreling into the gym.

She looked at Haley and growled, “You insulted Jessica where people could hear you? Are you OUT of your mind?” Haley replied in a bored tone, “I did not. One, I didn’t fucking insult her. Two, NO ONE could hear our group if I had.”

Jessica actually agreed with Haley, “She didn’t insult me. She just ignored my comment, Cassandra.” Eric ordered, “Leave, mom.” Cassandra said, “You let her treat Jessica like that in public, and the pack will crumble!”

Eric growled, “NO ONE insulted Jessica. Jessica pushed the damn subject, and Haley let it slide to keep up appearances. I am DAMN proud of her, and you should be too.” He turned, “Jessica, try to goad my mate into a fight again in public and we will have a fucking problem.”

Cassandra opened her mouth to speak again. I flashed in front of her and punched her square in the nose. I knew it was broken. Chase instantly pulled me behind him in a protective stance. Cassandra growled when her head snapped back, not expecting to see Chase.

Chase growled at her so loud the mats moved. Cassandra stepped back and Nathan Conners stepped in front of her. He said, “I don’t want to fight you, son.” Chase responded, “You’d lose.” Damn, that was hot. Cassandra yelled, “She hit me!”

Eric said, “You insulted my mate, AGAIN! In front of TWO other packs. Just get out. I can’t deal with you. This is a happy moment, a momentous moment for this pack.” Cassandra huffed, “I want an answer to Jessica’s question.”

Haley muttered, “Of fucking course you do.” Cassandra demanded, “Answer why Aiden can be forgiven and I can’t?” Haley shrugged answering, “You want to be forgiven? Fine you’re fucking forgiven. Are we ok? NO! Did those words magically make me forget what you fucking did? No! You want to know why? I’ve already told you, but I can again.”

Cassandra argued, “I would never let anyone hurt you!” Haley disagreed, “You fucking hurt me all the damn time. Aiden in my BROTHER! You seem to think our entire relationship was horrible, but it wasn’t! We had good moments and times together.”

She continued, “Aiden and I have had many conversations lately that I don’t share with you. He feels great sorrow and regret for not helping me more. For not seeking out what was happening to me. I can feel it because his sorrow calls to me. He’s changing and change is hard. You should know that since you fucking refuse to do it. Who I am close with is my call. Not yours or Jessica’s.”

She added, “Aiden didn’t pretend to welcome me with open arms. I always knew he and Arion wished I was a full-blooded fairy. It wasn’t a damn secret. Aiden didn’t ask for all my secrets then turn around and keep one from me. Aiden doesn’t REFUSE to admit he wronged me. Aiden doesn't make hurtful, snide comments to me, or ABOUT me, and he never has.”

Haley took a deep breath, “I will always fight by your side, Cassandra. I would never let you be hurt if I could stop it. You are my mate’s mother, and my children’s grandmother. I don’t stop you from spending time with them, and I never will unless you try to hurt them. You’re just not the mother figure or a friend that you are to the other girls. I have my mom and that’s good enough for me. My mom loves me no matter what I do.”

Veronica’s voice floated to me, “Right you are, Haley.” I greeted her smiling, “Veronica.” She smiled and kissed my cheek, “Lexi Scott, look at that little bump. You look beautiful.” I replied, “Thank you.” She said, “Congratulations on your little ones.” I smiled, “We are very happy.”

Veronica smiled at Chase, “So, you are the man destined for our Lexi. He’s very handsome.” I agreed, “He is. Chase, this is Queen Veronica of the Hackura. Veronica, this is Alpha Chase my mate.” I smiled at him.

Chase stuck his hand out, “Queen Veronica.” Veronica laughed and pulled him into a hug. She pulled back and said, “You call me Veronica. Lexi is family which makes you family.” She winked at me then gave Haley a hug.

Then turned to Cassandra and put some steel into her tone, “Cassandra Conners, I think it’s high time we had ourselves a chat. Let’s go.” Cassandra blushed stammering, “Now isn’t a good time.” Veronica said, “I didn’t ask. Move it.” I bit my lip smiling as they walked out. Nathan sighed.

Everyone was quiet until I said, “So, I have a Luna ceremony thing next weekend. You can come, right, Hales?” Haley squealed, “YES!” I laughed. Nadine said, “We do need to get on the dress. You’ll have to rush your changes.” I smiled, “I know a Fairy Hackura Princess who can make changes for me.”

Nadine said, “Well, there you have it. That’s just so handy.” Haley said, “Let me know when you want to work on the dress. I’ll have it done in minutes.” I asked, “Does tomorrow work?” Everyone nodded.

Oscar popped in fully clothed this time. Matt sighed in relief. Dylan shouted, “Do I get my medal for being quiet that ENTIRE time? Now that my five minutes of quiet are up I have things to say before I skedaddle. LEXI SCOTT! Nice punch! You are now my idol!” He got on his knees and bowed to me.

He got up and said, “My super fun sized fairy ninja goddess, you make such epic points. I love you; I do.” Haley laughed and Oscar popped us all back home. I was exhausted so Chase and I went up to bed. He was gone when I woke up the next morning. My body was demanding I go find him.

I was about to when Nadine walked in with a dress. She hung it up and I got my first look. It was all white. It was pretty, but not me at all. It was satin with a scooped neckline, flared out at the waist so that was perfect for my little bump. It was short in the front and long in the back. I texted Haley. She popped in seconds later with the triplets. She snapped them into little jumping toys.

Then she snapped me into the dress. Nadine said, “You and Emma Daniels were close in size.” I frowned asking, “You didn’t wear it last?” Nadine laughed, “I met Frank relatively close to when Chase was going to be made the Alpha. They all wanted me to have a Luna ceremony, but at the time it didn’t feel right.” I frowned. That didn’t feel right to me.

I wondered if I could do some sort of ceremony for her. Haley asked me, “You hate it, don’t you?” I sighed, “I don’t hate it, it’s just very white.” Haley thought about it tapping her chin. Then she asked, “What if we put some black accents on it?” I agreed, “Do your thing.”

Haley snapped and the dress suddenly had black lace overlay on the top and sleeves. I looked in the mirror and she’d added black lace to the inside of the dress so you could see it. I smiled, “It’s perfect.” I turned complimenting her, “Haley, you are a genius, and the world doesn’t deserve you.” Haley laughed, “That was easy.”

Nadine clapped, “It looks amazing!” Haley snapped again and the dress fit me perfectly. Haley sat with us for a while as we planned everything. I wanted her here since she’d had one and had been to some others.

We watched the triplets crawl around after they were done bouncing. When Nadine left Haley turned to me, “What’s up?” I sighed, “Chase has been busy. I see him but we haven’t had sex in what feels like forever and my hormones are dying.” Haley smirked, “Say no more. I can fix this.”

She snapped and I looked down. I asked, “Am I a cop?” Haley answered, “Kind of. You’re the sex police. You’re going to go arrest your Alpha for going too long without sex.” I laughed then said, “I oddly feel sexy in this.”

Haley reiterated, “You’re the sexy sex police officer.” I chuckled, “I cannot believe we are having this conversation.” Haley smirked, “Costumes get Eric all riled up. Be sure to call him Alpha when you arrest him. I’ll go clear the room.” She popped, came back a few minutes later, grabbed me, and popped me outside Chase’s office. She winked and popped away.

I opened the door and spotted him. He was looking at something on his desk. I cleared my throat as I closed the door behind me. I seductively said, “Alpha Chase, you’re under arrest.” Chase looked up and growled. He had me pinned against the wall in seconds. His voice was gruff, “Lexi…”

I sternly reprimanded him, “That’s Officer Sexy to you.” He growled and ground into me. I whimpered. He bit my ear, “What are you arresting me for, Officer Sexy?” I smirked and blew on his mark. His eyes turned black.