Haley cheered, “YES, TESSA!” I turned. Tessa had won her second round quicker than her first. Eric smiled at Haley. I saw Tessa run over to a guy who’d been pacing during both fights. I asked, “Is that her mate?” Emmaline answered, “Yes, that’s Paul.”
Lacy straddled Dylan and started making out with him. Haley laughed. I linked Chase, “What just happened?” Chase explained, “Tessa had a crush on Dylan, and even thought he was her mate.” I said, “I knew that.” Chase nudged me with his shoulder and wiggled his eyebrows telling me, “Alpha’s are possessive, and Lacy has Alpha blood.” I knew they were possessive.
Alpha Lucas groaned, “For the love of the Moon Goddess! Lacy! MY EYES!” Frank was rolling on the floor laughing. Lacy pulled back from Dylan and growled, “MINE!” Dylan smiled and looked over at Lucas, “I was an innocent bystander. I was just minding my own business. My special fun sized fairy ninja goddess could you…?” Haley grabbed Lacy’s hand and popped them away and popped back alone.
Lucas pleaded, “Haley, take away my memories of that.” Haley laughed but didn’t say anything in Fealish. Dylan and Lacy made it back in time for the next break. Haley took Dylan to ride unicorns. Dylan came back walking on air.
He sat down regaling us with the tale, “I caught a spritle with a Fairy Princess who is also a goddess, GAP . Then I rode two unicorns. Count them one and two. You rode one unicorn. I rode two.” Eric smirked, “Starlight can’t carry me yet, Dylan. She’s too young. I’m just bigger than you.”
Dylan waved his hand dismissively, “I’ll ignore that jab. You can’t touch me today, GAP. I rode a unicorn. I know what a spritle is, and it’s adorable. We need one, Lucas. Emmaline, ask your dad for fifty of them.” I laughed.
Chase asked, “Fifty?” Dylan replied, “Yes, did you not hear me Alpha Baby Daddy? They are adorable. The more I have, the more fairies are likely to pop up and keep my show going. I’m the resident fairy expert you know?” Matt answered, “We do know that, Beta Dylan.”
Jessica’s tension was mounting the longer Haley ignored her comments about Aiden. It seemed to bother her how unbothered Haley was. We’d taken to cheering for everyone who won, but Haley was really excited about Tessa and a wolf less girl. Even if she didn’t win, she got to the final six. Everyone stood and clapped for her when she lost.
I asked Chase, “Why doesn't she have a wolf?” Chase said, “Sometimes with a human mate partial werewolves don’t have a wolf. They still have werewolf blood, so they heal quickly, and they are pretty fast. Sometimes once they are mated their wolf can come through.”
I questioned, “What’s her story?” Eric answered, “Her father is half werewolf half human. His mate is human. She’s a strong fighter though with or without a wolf.” He nodded to Haley who spoke in Fealish allowing the space to be heard.
He stood announcing, “Melinda Reger, you are officially a pack warrior.” Haley stood smiling and clapped along with everyone else. Melinda’s eyes filled with tears. Emmaline gasped. Haley turned to her and spoke her space unheard chant again. Emmaline pointed at Chase, “Your... umm that guy you sent the other night to talk to Lucas.” Chase asked, “My Omega? Percy?” Emmaline nodded, “He’s her mate.”
Eric commented, “We seem to be trading pack members, Alpha Chase.” I questioned, “So he’ll join this pack?” Chase replied, “His mate is a warrior in this pack. So, yes he will.” Oscar popped in with another guy. He said, “Alpha, we need a code word.”
Matt yelled, “MY EYES!” Oscar greeted him, “Hey Mattie, how’s it hanging?” Haley snapped clothes on Oscar, who laughed saying, “I’m just trying to fit in. You all run around naked all the time. I was joining you as the saying goes. I was also engaged in naked activities.” Matt ordered, “Stop it! Stop talking, immediately.”
The man I assumed was Percy growled and hopped the railing. He ran to Melinda and howled, “MINE!” She started crying even harder. She wrapped her arms around him then whispered something to him. They ran out of the gym together.
There was a stunned couple holding onto each other wiping tears out of their eyes. I asked no one in particular, “Are those her parents?” Molly answered, “They are. Melinda always thought she wouldn't get a mate. She was scared to hope for one. A lot of her dreams just came true. She attends the practices Haley and I hold for the pack. She hits a soft spot with Haley.” I said, “She would.” Hell, she hit one with me.
Dylan cooed, “Aww doesn’t that just get you in the feelings. Come on GAP give us a tear. One measly little tear glistening on that cheek of yours.” Eric rolled his eyes. Chase said, “He’s a good fighter himself. He just prefers not to be a warrior.” Ted chimed in, “A man after my own heart. That’s why he and I got our mates. Matt here is the fighter, I’m the lover.”
Dylan cleared his throat, “Umm his new name is Beta Mattie.” Oscar smiled, “I like this one. Who are you?” Dylan smiled answering, “Beta Dylan, the partial fairies’ biggest fan.” Oscar laughed, “I have heard of you Beta Dylan. Cousin Aiden says you are delightful.”
Dylan eyes widened and squealed, “COUSIN AIDEN?! SHUT UP! Someone, pinch me! Alpha Baby Daddy’s pack has a fairy related to King Aiden?!” Chase answered, “We do.” Alpha Lucas said, “So do we, Dylan.”
Dylan ignored him and jumped next to Oscar saying, “Nice to meet you, Oscar. I want you to tell me all the things.” I asked, “Have you not met TeleTed?” Dylan whirled asking, “Excuse me? Who?” Ted laughed answering, “Me. I’m TeleTed.”
Dylan clarified, “Like tell a friend, telephone, telegram, TeleTed?” Ted laughed, “That’s me!” Dylan punched Matt in the shoulder, “With all the dumb stuff you tell me in memo’s you didn’t tell me your mates nickname was TELETED! TELETED, Beta Mattie! I’m hurt. Our relationship is in shambles. I included you in my New Year’s Eve group text. LUCAS! THE BETRAYAL!” Ted busted up laughing.
Matt sighed then apologized, “I’m sorry, Beta Dylan.” Dylan was fake crying, “I thought we were friends. No, it’s fine. I’ll get over it. I have my buddies GAP and Alpha Baby Daddy to get me through this tough time.” Eric shook his head.
Dylan took out his phone. I noticed the phones of several people all over the gym dinged. Eric laughed. Matt shouted, “YOU TOLD EVERYONE TO CALL ME BETA MATTIE IN YOUR GROUP CHAT?!” Dylan retorted, “It stings, doesn’t it?” Ted lost it laughing.
Matt typed into his phone. Probably trying to convince everyone not to call him Mattie. Oscar said, “Well, I’m off. Alpha Chase, we need to work on that code word.” He popped away. Dylan questioned, “Why did you scream about him being naked when he popped in, Beta Mattie?” Matt growled, “I’ve seen my sisters’ mate naked too many times. I know what he just came from doing.”
Alpha Lucas snorted, “I feel your pain.” Eric said, “I’m not even remotely sorry that I do not.” Haley laughed, “Your little sister would’ve been screwed. I’m here now so she’d be ok, but before that; I would’ve felt bad for this imaginary girl that’s your sister.” Alpha Eric tickled her until she squealed.
Tessa won her next fight, and the one after. She was in the finals. Haley was so excited. The girl she was going up against was older and more experienced. Their fight as humans lasted an hour. Tessa had won. They each got time with their mates to heal before they fought as wolves.
I noticed a couple on the edge of their seats. I pointed them out asking, “Haley, are those Tessa’s parents?” Haley answered, “Yes and Paul’s parents are beside them.” I couldn’t imagine sitting where they were. It was hard to think of Emma or Emmett in this tournament. I’d also be so proud, but nervous.
Both females returned to fight. They shifted into their wolves and attacked. It took about the same amount of time. Both were bleeding, but Tessa won. Her mate ran to her with close as she shifted. The mate of the other woman ran to her with clothes too. Paul kissed Tessa and twirled her around. She looked exhausted, but really happy.
Eric stood and nodded to Haley who popped them down to the fighting area. He shook hands with Tessa’s opponent. Haley did as well. Haley hugged Tessa and Eric shook her hand. He raised their hands in the air, “Thank you to all who participated today. Several offers of warrior positions will go out in the next few days. I was very impressed by all of you. The top four are the lead warriors for my brother’s packs, and they will announce those and celebrate tomorrow.” Several people seemed to preen under his praise. I was certain all wolves would under their Alpha’s praise.
Eric practically howled, “Black Mountain Pack, your first female lead warrior is Tessa O’Fallon!” Everyone leaped to their feet clapping. Howls rang out. Happy tears slipped out of Tessa’s eyes. Paul grabbed her and spun her around. I glanced over and Tessa and Paul’s parents had tears running down their faces as they howled and cheered. It was a really beautiful moment.
Everyone started filing out of the gym. I saw Alpha Sophia with a brown haired woman. Sophia smiled timidly at me. I sighed and gave her a little wave. I wasn’t ready to talk to her, but she was Chase’s ally. She was on our damn border and she’d always be important to Heath. One day we could talk just not today.