Jessica said, “I just don’t agree that Aiden should be forgiven, and Cassandra can’t even get a civil conversation.” Eric growled but Haley didn’t even turn around. I saw her brother’s eyes blazing. I linked Chase, “That’s not good.” Chase responded, “She doesn’t seem upset.” I said, “Eric growled and her brother’s eyes are gold because she’s mad. Bjourn and Marcus don’t give a single shit about Aiden.”
Chase admitted, “I’m surprised you do.” I explained, “Aiden is making changes. I think that’s what matters. I don’t agree with his actions in the past, and a part of me will probably resent him for them forever. He is making changes though, and it makes Haley really happy.” Chase nodded.
Eric practically ordered, “Dylan, for the love of god let this subject drop.” Dylan begged, “Can Dylan hear the thrown down later?” Alpha Lucas groaned, “Dylan….” Dylan huffed, “Fine. I’ll just say this one last thing. Team Lexi everybody!” I smirked.
Haley remained focused on the fight. To anyone who didn’t know her, she didn’t look angry. After the first round there was a break. I grabbed her hand, and quickly led us away from the group. I said, “Pop us somewhere.” Haley nodded and popped.
We were in a beautiful place with a waterfall. There were rainbows everywhere. I heard an animal snort. I turned to see what it was. My jaw dropped and I asked, “Is… is this a unicorn?” Haley smiled, “Yes, Aiden brought her here for me. There’s a few spritles in here too.” I was shocked, “Sure…”
Emmaline popped in with Miley, Sally, Lacy, and Ted. All of them gasped except Miley. I reached out and touched the unicorn who leaned its head down to me. Ted whisper yelled, “You have a pink and white unicorn? A BABY unicorn?”
Haley smiled explaining, “Unicorns are all different colors. When she was born Aiden said he knew she was meant for me. He helped me create this sanctuary habitat for her. There’s another unicorn here too and spritles for her to play with. Aiden and I caught them together.” I knew that had meant that world to her.
Everyone came over to pet the unicorn. We heard another snort and turned. A white, purple, and yellow unicorn stood behind us. Haley laughed, “He’s jealous because he wants you to pet him too.” My feet moved without thought. This was surreal.
Ted came up beside me and whispered, “We are petting a unicorn. Matt is seething with jealousy.” He turned to Haley, “Can we take pictures?” Haley agreed, “Of course, they love attention.” We all posed with them.
Emmaline excitedly asked, “Can we ride them?” The pink one began jumping around. Haley laughed, “As you can see Starlight is a fan of giving rides. Just pop on her Emmaline. She’ll go slow. No one fucking tell my lion until we get back. Which means no linking your mates about riding unicorns.” I agreed, “Ok, but can you go bring Susie here? She’d love this.” Haley nodded and came back with Susie.
Susie gasped, “UNICORNS!!!” The one by me ran over to her. Susie yelled, “I love you Lexi! Haley told me you said I had to join you. This is THE BEST!” I laughed and winked at her. Ted nudged me, “You just became the clear and favorite in law.” We both cracked up laughing.
Emmaline giggled and popped on Starlight’s back. I asked Haley, “What is the unicorn Susie is petting’s name?” Haley answered, “That’s Midnight.” I questioned, “Who named them?” Haley said, “My mom named Midnight. Aiden named Starlight. It’s the King or Queen’s job to name them. He can let his children name some if he wants.”
I winked at Susie then asked, “Can I ride him with Susie?” Haley nodded, “Of course.” I hopped on his back and Ted handed me Susie. I swear to God the unicorn winked us. He didn’t trot or run. He seemed to glide.
He basically gave us a tour of Haley’s sanctuary. It was beyond beautiful. Susie whispered, “This is the coolest thing ever!” We came back and had Ted take our picture. Susie was clamoring about telling Sebastian everything.
Ted and Sally took a turn riding midnight. Miley was rubbing Haley’s back. Starlight came back with Emmaline who popped off. Starlight came over to Haley. Haley smiled and popped on. Starlight took off like a shot.
Emmaline pouted, “She didn’t do that with me.” Miley explained, “You're pregnant. Apparently, anything from Faerie can tell that.” I said, “Of course they can.” When Starlight came back with Haley, Ted put Susie on her and ran beside them while Sally took pictures.
I asked Haley, “Are you ok?” Haley said, “I’m so fucking sick of bitches trying to decide who I should or shouldn’t forgive. Aiden is my blood. I know he wasn’t always the best, but he helped me as a child. It wasn’t all shitty. We had good times together. Aiden never pretended to be something he’s not. He never almost got my Hackura brothers killed. He never let Eric walk into a damn trap.” I rubbed her back.
Haley sneered, “Claudzilla, that bitch, would’ve raped him. She could’ve killed my brothers-in-law and my lion. Miley’s father-in-law too. Why can’t anyone admit that’s fucked up?! The pain of Eric being with someone else could’ve harmed the triplets. I understand it didn’t fucking happen, but it could’ve. I think my Hackura brother’s don’t understand that piece because they are marked and they feel no pain. No one has explained to them the fact that the pain comes from my mark.”
I asked, “Wait, what?” Haley said, “Because Eric is a wolf and he marked me that means I would be in pain if he cheated or if I did. It’s their moon goddesses protection for their race.” It didn’t sound like protection but ok. I asked, “Did Eric tell you that?” She evaded, “Eric told me cheating isn’t possible because of the pain.” It wasn’t impossible it was just impossible to be a secret affair. I replied, “Try again. How did you find that out, specifically.” She shrugged, “I read it in a book.” Ok, they had a library here and her brothers just needed that explained. This was doable.
She rubbed her face, “I can’t move past her betrayal and lies. I just don’t want to be fucking close with her. Why is that so damn bad? Miley and I watch tv shows where mother and daughter in laws don’t get along. Why can’t everyone just fucking drop it?! I’m nice to her. I have civil conversations with her ALL the damn time. She’s the one who can’t manage it.”
I explained, “Because Cassandra can’t let it go, and she’s got their ears.” Haley said, “I’m not mean to her. I yelled at her once. She’s the one with the damn problem. I can forgive my fucking brother if I want to. He’s MY damn brother. Even if he hadn’t changed, WHICH HE HAS, it's my damn choice.”
I hugged her agreeing, “It is. They don’t get a say. She sucks. Is she here?” Haley shrugged, “She’s pouting somewhere. It’s apparently my fault that she’s never been so embarrassed in her whole life. I showed up and ruined her life.” I asked, “What?”
Haley explained, “Everyone knows Eric threw her out of the main house. Which I told him he didn’t have to fucking do. Is that his fault? Nope, it’s mine.” I hissed, “I’m going to clock her.” Haley sighed, “Tessa’s fight is up next. Let’s go. This was a fun break. Thanks, Lex.” I smiled, “I can’t WAIT to tell Dylan we played with unicorns.”
Haley laughed really hard and popped me, Ted, Susie, and Miley back. Emmaline popped a second later with Sally and Lacy. Susie jumped up and down and ran off yelled, “BASH! YOU WON’T BELIVE THIS!” I laughed knowing she was absolutely right, he wouldn’t.
I sat by Chase. Eric immediately grabbed Haley. I turned and teasingly, and somewhat smugly, sang, “Guess what, Dylan?” Dylan squealed, “I love everything about that intro. What? You can tell Beta Dylan anything.” I laughed then said, “I rode a unicorn.”
Dylan’s jaw dropped while Eric laughed. Dylan shouted, “A unicorn? AN HONEST TO GO UNICORN! LUCAS, I AM BEING PUNISHED!” Emmaline cooed, “I rode one too! We all did.” Lucas shouted, “WHAT? You’re pregnant!”
Haley said, “It was perfectly safe. Lexi and Lacy are pregnant too. Susie was perfectly safe as well.” Lucas growled, “Their mates can take that up with them.” Emmaline snorted, “I was fine.” Chase asked me, “You rode a unicorn?” I replied, “Yes, a white, purple, and yellow unicorn.” Chase laughed. Ted showed Matt and Chase pictures.
Dylan pouted, “I thought I was the person of the people, but I’m not Lucas. The people don’t like me. THE HORROR!” Haley laughed then offered, “I’ll take you to see Starlight and Midnight on the next break, my friend Dylan.”
Dylan jumped out of his chair, “YIPPEE!!!! Call me Beta Dylan, rider of unicorns! SUCK IT GAP AND ALPHA BABY DADDY!” Chase rolled his eyes. Eric said, “I’ve ridden Midnight, Dylan. They are my wife’s unicorns.”
Dylan asked, “What was that? I can’t hear you over the sound of MY CHILDHOOD DREAMS COMING TRUE! A UNICORN, LUCAS! If I’m dreaming, your tyrant self better not wake me up. I have suffered enough!” Alpha Lucas finally laughed.