Chase, Eric, Lucas, Derrick, and Matt sprinted into the building. Dylan laughed, “My special fun sized ninja fairy goddess you popped them all away from their mates, didn’t you?” Haley answered, “No.” Chase asked, “How did she just lie?” Haley answered, “I didn’t, I evaded. I didn’t pop all of them away from their mates Jim wasn’t there.”
Emmaline laughed saying, “I love you, Haley.” Dylan gasped, “Love her? I adore and worship her! I win!” Eric reached us first. He scooped Haley up into his lap and kissed her hard. Their pack went crazy. Haley giggled. He pulled back saying, “We have to start the tournament off, my Angel.” She nodded and they both stood.
Chase came and sat down in the seat next to me and threw his arms around me. He nodded acknowledging, “Beta Dylan.” Dylan grinned greeting him, “Hello, Alpha Baby Daddy.” Ted snorted. Matt gaped and Chase whipped his head to Dylan in surprise. I tried not to, but the laugh bubbled out of my throat.
Eric loudly welcomed everyone, “I would like to welcome our allies to our first lead female warrior tournament. This is a huge step for us as a supernatural group, but we have more work to do concerning our she wolves.” Everyone nodded in agreement.
Eric turned to the competitors, “You all know the rules. The most important one is no kill shots. Until we reach the final four fights, there’s no shifting. The final four competitors have to win their fight as a human and wolf. Any shifting, partial or full, prior to those matches is disqualified immediately. The final four will be the female lead warriors to the Alpha’s of the pack. The winner will be the Lead Female Warrior.” They all nodded.
He continued, “If a she wolf wins as a human and not a wolf; they will get a break and will fight again after the next fight. Any pack members who do not have a wolf are allowed to participate as they are with the lead male warrior position. If you win the tournament according to our bylaws, you do have to fight the ranked wolves of the pack.”
Only because I was watching her, I saw Haley’s hand twitch slightly. She didn't know that. I linked Chase asking, “Why?” Chase sighed, “Because we are wolves. A lead warrior needs to be able to hold their own in a fight with ranked wolves. If someone is wolf less to be lead male warriors, they have to fight the Gamma, Beta, and Alpha.” I frowned and so did Haley.
I questioned, “Why doesn’t the winner have to do that anyway?” Chase started to reply then stopped several times. Finally, he said, “I don’t know.” I sighed. I wished I could link Ted. Eric said, “Let’s begin!”
Eric’s Gamma, Marshall, stepped forward to announce the first fight of the day. Haley popped back with Eric to the group. It was apparent that none of the non-wolf mates were happy in our group. I didn’t understand their rule. It didn’t seem fair that a wolf less member had to fight when the wolves themselves didn’t. If they had to, everyone should.
Dylan broke the silence, “So, this is fun.” Chase snorted. Emmaline said, “Is this space unheard Haley?” Haley didn’t speak, but she nodded. I frowned then turned to Miley. I whispered, “Why isn’t she talking?” Miley answered, “She’s linking Eric. She’s making sure no one knows she’s really upset. She puts up her fronts in public.” I nodded.
I had noticed she twitched, but that’s because I know her. Bjourn and Marcus joined us. They looked at Haley and hugged her. Dylan said, “Let’s throw the ball to Alpha Baby Daddy! Say something in this awkward silence our bylaws that haven’t been updated in forever have brought to us.”
Eric whipped his head towards Dylan. Dylan said, “Don’t be jealous I have nicknamed another Alpha, God Alpha Prick. It’s unbecoming.” Haley laughed. Eric said, “Welcome to the club you didn’t want to join, Alpha Chase.” Chase smirked. Dylan bemoaned, “He tries too hard to hurt my feelings, Alpha Baby Daddy. He’s hurt right now because I’ve nicknamed another Alpha. He will grow from this experience. Our relationship will flourish eventually when this wound heals.” I laughed.
Alpha Lucas rolled his eyes. Eric said, “His nickname isn’t even original. It will also not be relevant after their mating ceremony.” Dylan tisked his tongue, “Such jealousy. It’s not a good look, GAP. Alpha Baby Daddy’s name will now and forever always be Alpha Baby Daddy. I can’t even take credit. Your brother-in-law asked about the name he googled for their situation.” I laughed. Haley took out her phone.
I whispered to Miley, “She’s googling baby daddy, isn’t she?” Miley answered, “One hundred percent that’s what she’s doing.” Haley looked up from her phone. She announced, “Aiden’s right, Eric. Google says that’s what Chase would be called. He’s Lexi’s baby daddy. She’s his baby momma.” Everyone chuckled.
Dylan taunted, “Yeah GAP, Google says. Argue with Google, not me.” Eric growled at him. Haley cheered, “GO TESSA!” Emmaline stood and clapped, “COME ON TESSA!” Lacy wrapped herself around Dylan.
Dylan cooed, “Ahhh my possessive little pregnant mate. You know this gets me all excited.” Alpha Lucas complained, “She’s my little sister.” Dylan said, “True but she’s not my little sister, Lucas. That would be gross and incestuous.” Alpha Lucas rolled his eyes.
I turned my attention to the fight. Tessa was going to win, easily. I asked, “Haley, have you been training her?” Haley answered, “We’ve had a few sessions. Molly and I invite any she wolves who want to train with us twice a month. Tessa always comes.”
Molly spoke from behind us, “She’s really good.” I turned to realize Eric’s brothers were behind us. I smiled at Molly. I nodded to Jessica who turned red. Haley made introductions, “Lexi, Sally, Ted, this is Shana and Jessica Conners. You’ve already met Molly.” I gritted out, “I met Jessica the other night.”
Chase linked me, “Uh do you not like Luna Jessica?” I retorted, “You mean the mouthpiece for Cassandra Conners? Not really.” Chase bit his lip. Frank was trying not to laugh, and Nadine was smirking too.
Haley said, “Oh, I didn’t know that.” Well, here I come with my shit stirring stick. I replied, “Yes, oh. We had a lovely chat about Aiden.” Haley was stunned asking, “You talked about Aiden?” A pop sounded. The man in question asked, “Did I hear my name?” Eric groaned. I smiled and winked at him before saying, “You did.”
Aiden hugged Haley and sat beside her. He spoke rapidly in Fealish that she answered. Chase linked me, “Do you know Fealish?” I replied, “No and I regret that more and more every day. She never spoke in Fealish around me other than to do charms.” Chase nodded, “I’ll ask Eric.”
Aiden stood, “Enjoy your tournament brother-in-law. Welcome to the right century where women can be in positions of leadership.” Dylan yelled, “OHHH BURN!” Aiden continued, “After all you call us fairy’s elitist, it’s ironic we’ve had female leaders of our army, and in positions of power for centuries. My mother was the Queen after all.” Before anyone could reply he popped away. I sat back realizing he called his mother his and his alone. Acknowledging that Haley did not consider Alania her mother anymore. Aiden got more interesting the more I was around him. I might have to track him down for a chat. He seemed to be holding onto secrets that I wanted answers to.
Dylan dramatically said, “Mic drop! King Aiden just mic dropped the GAP. Super special fun sized fairy ninja goddess, get him back here! We can have the fighting tournament down there, and the verbal throw down of King Aiden and GAP up here.”
Haley laughed, “He’s got things to handle, Dylan.” Dylan grasped, “How DARE he have a kingdom to rule! It’s so inconsiderate of him. I am appalled by his work ethic.” Haley laughed harder. Dylan cleared his throat, “Now, what we were talking about?” He snapped his fingers as if he remembered, “Oh yes, there was this awkward tension between one of the Luna’s of the Black Mountain pack and the future Luna of Yellow Hills. That has NOTHING to do with their mates, but instead is about King Fire Hands. Color me completely intrigued. Tell me more, Lexi Scott.”
Chase, Eric and one of the Conners brothers growled. Jessica said, “We disagree about….” She trailed off. I turned and raised my eyebrows. Miley admitted, “I’m so beyond intrigued about how you plan to finish that sentence, Jessica.” Miley’s mate appeared and squeezed her thigh.
Haley sat forward frowning. Jessica opened her mouth and closed it several times. We all turned when we heard a crunch. Dylan was eating popcorn again. His eyes were wide as he waited for Jessica to answer. Jessica must have been linking her mate. I stared her down waiting because I knew how to end the damn sentence.
Gamma Marshall called the fight, “Tessa is the winner!” I commented, “Saved by the bell.” Haley asked, “What bell? That was Gamma Marshall.” No one answered her. She huffed, “Fuck it! YAY TESSA!!!!” I laughed and clapped along with her.
The next fight began, and I couldn’t help but notice Eric was tense. For some reason Jessica decided to answer me, “Lexi and I disagreed on what actions deserve forgiveness.” Miley gasped, “Oh dear god. You didn’t just keep talking.”
Dylan tapped her repeatedly on the shoulder exclaiming, “Shhh! It got even more interesting! Don’t interrupt the awesomeness that just started.” Everyone was quiet. Haley locked eyes with me then she focused back on the fight. No one spoke.
Eventually Dylan said, “Ok, since no one else will ask consider me your stick of dynamite, Luna Jessica. What actions deserve forgiveness and which ones don’t? And from whom? I mean I could guess, but you know what they say about assuming.” Haley muttered, “Some stupid fucking shit probably.” I snorted.