Once I’d finished eating Kevin said, “Lexi, you have an appointment with the pack OB to get to.” I frowned asking, “Where’s Chase? Isn’t he coming?” Kevin replied, “He should be meeting us there.” I nodded then walked over with Allie. Ted had a client call to get to. I instantly I felt bad. I’d left him to shoulder our business. I needed to get back into the swing with him.

Chase and Heath were waiting for us when we walked in. I ran to my brother and threw my arms around him. I whispered, “You came.” Heath hugged me tight, “I’ll always come for you, Lex. No one will hurt Emma, I swear it.” I cried, “You don’t know that.” Heath said, “You saw her in the future. So, I do know that.”

I paused because he was right. Emma was with us when I saw her. I finally relaxed. I said, “I forgot about that.” Heath pulled back and tapped my nose, “That’s what I’m here for.” I went to Chase and Heath pulled Allie into his arms. Heath said, “We will wait out here.” He was looking into Allie’s eyes.

Chase snorted and took my hand. He led me to the doctor’s office, but not before I saw Heath dragging Allie away. I questioned, “Where are they going?” Chase raised an eyebrow, “Do you actually want the answer to that question?” I admitted, “On second thought no.” Chase smiled, “Good choice.”

We walked into Dr April’s office. She smiled, “Let’s get some measurements.” She handed me a glass of water and I groaned. I quickly down the water. We waited for fifteen minutes again then she had me lay down on the table. She moved my shirt and squirted jelly on my tummy. She said hmmm several times as she took measurements.

Finally, she said, “Well, it’s possible the Beta’s ceremony will end with the birth of the future to the pack. I think we will see these little ones around Valentine’s Day.” I warned them, “Hey you two, that’s Matt and Ted’s day. You can come before or after.” I jerked when I felt a flutter.

Chase asked, “Sweetheart?” I looked at the doctor questioning, “Was that?” Dr April laughed, “You felt them kicking.” Chase’s eyes lit up. He put his hand on my stomach and spoke, “Hello you two. Can you kick for daddy?” I felt the flutters again.

Chase smiled and leaned down to kiss me. He said, “That was amazing.” I smiled agreeing, “It really was.” Once we’d finished our appointment Chase announced, “I’ve got to get back to work.” I kissed him and admitted, “I need to catch up on work too.” Chase frowned, “Just take it easy please.” I nodded.

I wasn’t sure where Allie and Heath went, so I went and found Ted in our office. I caught back up, and we brainstormed party ideas. Allie came and found us an hour later. Ted said, “Look at that sex hair! Allie got her that D!” Allie turned bright red.

I laughed telling her, “My stuff is upstairs. You can go use my hairbrush or shower if you want.” Allie nodded and zoomed upstairs. She came back fifteen minutes later. She offered to answer the phone while we worked, which was really helpful.

The rest of the week passed quickly. Kincade and Carry were even more adorable together than they were before. Allie and Heath were showing up a few times a day. I told Chase I didn’t want to be involved in take down plans right now. I wanted to know if he was going to charge off into danger, but I wanted no stress. It was probably some silly notion that I could surround the babies with love and happy thoughts given what we were going through, but I wanted that.

Plus, being involved would just make me itch to get into the field. I just didn’t need that right now. Carry was working on her big project and answering phones. If she ended up wanting to be an event planner, she’d be great at it. Maybe we’d be able to bring her on as a junior associate if she wanted. Or if she wanted to go to college we could keep her as an intern. With the direction the business was heading we could have two.

On Saturday Chase knocked on my office door. I looked up and smiled. He said, “It’s time for the tournament.” I smiled, “Good, I’m actually excited. Let’s get going!” I walked out into the main room. Matt, Ted, Frank, Sally, Nadine, and Susie were waiting with a guy from the party we threw for Haley’s event. I was trying to remember his name.

It came to me. I asked, “Oscar?” He smiled explaining, “I’m Jenna’s mate.” I didn’t see her here. I questioned, “She’s not coming with us?” Oscar explained, “I’m not staying. Mattie here wouldn’t be able to handle me all day. I’m coming back to entice my wolf with a game of catch the fairy.”

I laughed, “Mattie?” Matt growled. Oscar grinned broadly and I bit my lip. Matt was making it more fun for Oscar. Oscar smiled, “Yes, Mattie. You know, my mate’s older brother. I inadvertently played catch the fairy with my mate the other night. Let me just say WOOOWW!”

Matt yelled, “For the love of god will you stop it!” Oscar grinned, “You should play catch with your wolves Lexi and Ted. Even you, lovely Ms. Sally. I mean DAYYUMMM! It was so hot. The posit…” Matt growled interrupting, “Baby sister. That’s my baby sister you’re talking about.” Oscar smirked, “She’s more tiger than wolf.” I laughed aloud, unable to contain it.

Chase ordered, “Oscar pop us to Alpha Eric’s territory please before my Beta’s head explodes.” Ted was playing with Matt’s hair, and Matt was focusing his attention on Ted. Something told me that was so he didn’t explode on Oscar. Oscar would just pop away if Matt tried.

Oscar said, “Well if everyone would grab hands, please. I’ll fairy express you to the tournament.” We all took hands and Oscar walked over to Matt. He grabbed his hand and popped us to Haley’s. Frank groaned and sat down. Nadine chuckled, “I told you, it’s trippy.” Oscar announced, “Well, I’m off. Have a nice day Mattie and company!” Matt growled.

Ted said, “You’re just making it fun for him babe.” I offered, “He’s a nice guy.” Matt grumbled, “A nice guy I’m probably going to punch.” Ted reasoned, “That would upset Jenna.” Matt growled again. Chase laughed, “Come on.”

Susie squealed, “SEBASTIAN!” She took off running. I bit my lip. Cameron and Reagan had just arrived. Cameron, Frank, and Chase all looked annoyed. Chase started to take a step forward when Susie launched herself at Sebastian, who caught her, laughed, and twirled her around.

I grabbed Chase’s hand, “Don’t.” He growled, “She’s six.” I gave me a scathing look saying, “And nothing they just did was inappropriate. It’s a hug. It’s natural for them to want to spend time together.” Chase grumbled, “No one can tell Emma who her mate is until she’s eighteen.” I scoffed, “Oh no you don’t! If she decides not to know that’s fine, but if she wants to know that’s her choice.” Chase frowned.

Haley popped over to us with Miley. She greeted our group, “Good Morning guys.” She looked at us then asked, “What’s wrong? You JUST fucking got here! What could’ve possibly upset you?” I explained, “The men are all up in arms about their little sister hugging her mate.” Haley frowned.

Miley questioned, “Why?” Haley looked over saying, “They are holding hands. What’s wrong with that? EJ is with Elise. Actually, all the triplets are with Elise.” Chase grumbled, “It’s weird. Throughout our existence you’ve had until eighteen to know about your mate.”

Haley crossed her arms pointing out, “You’ve also never had female lead warriors and made female Alpha’s think they can’t rule their packs. Not to mention the belief that a ranked wolf cannot be gay and retain their title. Until you allowed it to happen as your pack’s Alpha. You all need a fucking reality check.” I snorted. Chase sighed. Nadine agreed, “I mean she’s right.”

Eric walked over to our group. He smiled, “Angel, you popped away from me.” Haley giggled, “I did that was very naughty of me. I should be punished.” He wrapped his arms around her. He nipped her ear, “Yes, it was naughty.”

Alpha Jackson came up behind him to tease her, “Ahh little sister-in-law, are you already getting on your soapbox about she wolves?” Eric blew out a breath asking, “Why Jackson? Why?” Jackson sighed, “I don’t even know.”

Haley questioned, “Soap box? I don’t have a soap box. I don’t even have soap, I use body wash. How could I even stand on a soap box? I’m fucking tiny, and I’d still crush it. My foot wouldn’t even fit on it.” All of us were laughing. I explained, “It’s a saying.” Miley bit her lip.

Haley groaned, “Of fucking course it is. Because it makes no sense. Naturally, it’s some saying in this realm. NO ONE can stand on a soap box. It’s too damn small! Not even prixles could! I’m going to hunt this ‘they’ down….” She muttered, “Then ‘They’ are going to fucking get it.” Miley laughed, “Come on. Tessa’s first fight is coming up.”

Haley squealed and grabbed me, Miley, Ted, and Sally. She popped us to Emmaline, Lacy, and Dylan. Dylan said to Haley, “Ahhh you came back. Stop running away with the characters of my show. I’ll forgive you this once because I see you brought more entertainment back with you. Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t stay mad at you my special fun sized ninja fairy goddess. You could run me over with a truck, and I’d ask you to do it again.”

I greeted him, “Good morning, Dylan.” Dylan greeted, “Lexi Scott, the party planner is here. Tell me your mate is here so I can tell him his new nickname? We ALL know his news.” I laughed, “He’s here.” Dylan rubbed his hands together. Lacy laughed, “Dylan….” He told her, “It’s so good, I promise. It’s sad to retire Alpha Skywalker so soon, but I don’t make the rules. I just follow them.” She rolled her eyes.