I gestured to her, “Name one thing Cassandra Conners has done out of respect for Haley? I’ll wait. Oh, but you can’t name anything. She can’t even admit she was fucking wrong! She should stay out of my eyesight if she doesn’t want to get punched in the face and thrown up on.”
My stomach lurched and I ran from the room, Nadine hot on my heels. I threw up the tea. Tears streamed down my face. I groaned “Ugh.” Nadine said, “Lucky we don’t deal with this for twelve weeks like humans do. I hear for some women it lasts their entire pregnancy.”
I said, “People think we are strong, but at this exact moment I disagree. Human women are the strongest of us all. I am dying.” Nadine laughed assuring me, “You’re not dying. This too shall pass.” I grumbled, “When? I’d like an end date.” Nadine snorted, “With as fast as you’re gliding through this? Not long.” I said, “Thank the goddess.”
We walked back into the room and Miley winked at me then raised her hands and bowed to me saying, “Oh great one, how I love you.” I asked, “Huh?” Miley said, “I’ve mostly kept my mouth shut because Haley wants to keep the peace here. You opened up the can of worms. Now they are out, and I am free to take the worms out of the can and bait the hook. I love you, Lexi Scott.” Ok then.
I laughed asking, “How’s your family Miley?” Miley’s mother wasn’t her dad’s mate. All of her brothers were the children of her Dad and his fated mate. It seems the Hackura royalty only had a shot at girls with women who weren’t their mates. Miley was still full Hackura though. Miley smiled, “Bjourn has my two older brothers on a mission right now. He’s starting to take the reins more.” I questioned, “Oh? Is his coronation anytime soon?”
Miley shrugged, “Nah, I think it will be when the triplets are ten or something. Maybe even older.” I smiled, “I’d like to come.” Miley said, “You had to come before, and after that whole scene I’d demand you be there.” I laughed, “Any bets on if Bjourn and Astrid will marry before he’s King?” Miley winked, “Haley bet on yes.” I smirked, “Does Bjourn know that?” Miley laughed, “He does.” I said, “Then I’ll go fifty on yes.” Miley laughed, “See? I knew you’d get it. The brothers all bet no, besides Marcus.” I snorted.
Nadine asked, “Why would it matter if Bjourn knew Haley’s bet?” I smiled answering, “He loves her to pieces. He will marry Astrid before he’s King because all those men are wrapped around their little sister’s finger. Not unlike two other men I know.” I winked at Susie.
Susie giggled, “They are the best.” I agreed, “Big brothers are the best.” Miley grinned, “I’ve got all my brothers wrapped around my finger too.” Susie asked, “How many brothers do you have?” Miley answered, “Eleven. I’m not the youngest in my family though. My dad just keeps having more kids. Not a single sister in the bunch either.” I laughed.
Susie continued her questions, “So, you’re a Duchess?” Miley nodded, “Of the Hackura, yes. Here I’m a Duchess Beta Female.” Susie squealed, “That’s a cool title! Will you come with Haley to hang out with us more?”
Miley smiled, “I’d love too. The only reason I haven’t sooner is because I have my own little girl I’m watching, and I went on back to back missions. My mate didn’t want to let me out of his sight for some time. I should be off lockdown now though. I’m usually where my cousin is stirring up trouble right alongside her.” Susie clapped, “YAY!”
Haley popped in. She greeted, “Hey, Miles.” Miley wiggled her eyebrows asking, “So, did you get to go fucking Troll hunting?” Haley stomped her foot, “NO! That rat fucking bastard Troll is too cowardly to show his face. I DID kill warlocks who caused Eric a brief moment of pain with their damn spells. Then everyone wanted me NOT to kill those who surrendered. Can you believe that?”
I snorted, “No.” Miley also said, “No.” Haley clapped her hands then yelled, “Thank you! You guys get me.” She smiled at Susie, “I hear you protected Reagan with a spatula on New Year’s Eve.” I frowned questioning, “Excuse me?” Nadine smiled, “She did.” Haley said, “I expect to see both you and your mother at our next Bad Ass Girl Gang day. It’s in the Hackura realm.”
Nadine’s jaw dropped. Susie squealed, “Can we go mommy? Please! Not even daddy could argue we wouldn’t be safe.” Nadine agreed, “No, I don’t think he could. When is it?” I was actually curious about that answer too.
Haley answered, “It’s the first weekend in February. I was going to do it the day before Valentine’s Day, but TeleTed’s wedding is the next day.” I chimed in, “Do the thirteenth and invite TeleTed. It can be his final send off.” Miley said, “Like a bachelor party.”
Haley whipped out her phone then squealed, “WE ARE DOING THIS! Bad Ass Girl Gang day/TeleTed sendoff out of singlehood!” I laughed, “Did you google Bachelor party?” Haley answered, “Bachelor and Bachelorette party! This is perfect! All the guys can hang out while WE hang out.” She squealed again.
I glanced at Miley trying not to laugh. The women were not prepared for what was coming. Haley announced, “We have to go back to your pack, Lex.” I nodded. I took Nadine’s hand as she grabbed Susie’s. I took Haley’s hand next and she popped us back home. Reality came crashing down. The note was on the floor, tears pricked my eyes.
Haley assured me, “It will never happen.” I whispered, “I’m sure my dad thought the same thing.” Haley said, “Your dad didn’t have a fairy on his side let alone the Hackura. You have several of both. Fucking powerful ones too. I will not let the motherfucking Troll have you. NO ONE will get your children.” I nodded dejectedly. I whispered, “Can you pop us upstairs?” Haley nodded.
She popped us upstairs and I curled into bed holding my pillow. Haley said, “We will get it figured out.” I just nodded. My worry for Emma was clouding my judgment. It was getting hard to breathe again. She was innocent, and this monster wanted her. I didn’t even care that Noah wanted me. I would hand myself over if it meant they’d leave Emma alone.
Haley’s phone rang. She answered, “Sir Arthur.” I asked, “You don’t call him King?” Haley told me, “He was just Sir Arthur when I met him.” She responded to him, “Really? At least that’s good fucking news. The fucking Troll will keep moving on stuff in the fake apartment now that someone was successful, right? I’m using your words because getting out alive is not successful.” He would.
I said, “I need to talk to Robert.” Haley agreed, “Ok, Sir Arthur can Lex….” She paused then said, “Gosh I forgot your guys damn hearing is next level too.” She handed the phone to me. Robert asked, “Lexi?” I said, “I have something for you to do that Susanna will love.”
Robert was quiet then said, “That was not what I was expecting, but I’m all ears.” I explained, “Chase took me snorkeling and I remembered Susanna and I always wanted to do that. All the other kids' parents took them on vacation, and they would talk about it. Susanna’s family went once, but she was in a play at school and couldn’t go. They refused to move it to a different date and went without her. She’d love it. I don’t know how you guys would do that together but….”
Robert cut me off, “I’ll rent out an aquarium and take her. Thank you for the idea she has not mentioned it.” I admitted, “I didn’t remember how excited I used to be about doing it until Chase took me.” Robert reiterated, “I appreciate the thought. Especially when I understand you’ve had a bit of night yourself.”
I heard Susanna ask, “Is that Lexi?” Robert answered, “Yes, my Susanna.” Susanna came on the phone shouting, “YOU’RE PREGNANT?!” I answered, “Yes, and the man who killed my mother wants my daughter.” Susanna hissed, “Umm HELL NO! Robert! NO!” Robert said, “It will not happen. I will not allow it. There are too many who would not stand for it. You know our apartment scheme is moving along. We are certain the next person coming in will take something. We are closing in.”
Susanna huffed, “We better be. Lex, it’s ok.” I brokenly whispered, “Nothing is ok.” Susanna sighed, “I can come over.” I said, “I’m just going to bed. Stay with your string. Thank you for talking to me. I was going to call you with the news tomorrow.” Susanna told me, “It’s REALLY good news. I know it’s hard for us when the cocoon of love is rattled, you can get back in though.” I wasn’t so sure. We hung up.
I gave Haley her phone back. Haley offered, “I can grant you the peace of the earth.” I nodded, “Please do.” She chanted in Fealish, and I instantly felt calmer. Haley popped away and the tears came back. Calmly crying was weird.
Thoughts swirled in my head. What if this man also wanted to kill Emmett as he killed my father? My babies: I had to protect them, but I didn’t know how. Chase held me as I cried myself to sleep. He assured me he’d protect our family. That’s how I was finally able to fall asleep. My last conscious thought was I’d wished Heath was here.
I woke up startled. My body felt stiff as if I’d slept for a really long time. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Someone was holding back my hair, but I knew it wasn’t Chase. I stood and brushed my teeth. I turned then shouted in surprise, “ALLIE?” She told me, “I felt you get off the bed. No one needs vomit in their hair.”
I asked, “What...? How...? When….?” Allie laughed, “Prince Bjourn came to get Heath. He’s still here, but he didn’t want to leave me behind. I asked where you were and came up to get some sleep. I told Nadine to go to bed because I had you.”
I said, “Thank you for coming. I told them not to bother Heath.” Allie laughed, “It’s not a bother, you're his sister. If this was going on with my siblings, I’d want to be there too. I’d want Heath by my side as well. I mean, figuratively. Heath knows I’m here if he needs me.” I hugged her, “I’m really happy for you both.” Allie smiled, “I’m so happy. I’ve loved him for a while now.” I nudged her saying, “I think he loves you too. I suspected he liked you a few times honestly.” Allie smiled and blushed.
Someone knocked on the door then Sally came in with soup. She smiled, “Hi Allie, congratulations.” Allie replied kindly, “You too. Both of you actually. Your wedding was beautiful, Sally.” Sally smiled, “They say mating ceremony.” Allie said, “Thankfully, you didn’t mate at the ceremony.” We all laughed. Sally gave me the soup. Ted joined us, “Breakfast in bed and no one told me!” We all laughed.