I threw the two warlocks into the group Matt had rounded up. My dad picked them both up one by one and punched them. He yelled, “TAKE MY LITTLE GIRL?! MY LITTLE GIRL! I DON’T FUCKING THINK SO!”
Haley popped and a few minutes later came back. She told me, “Chase, Lexi is in your room. Nadine and Susie are still with her.” I asked, “Is she awake?” Haley nodded, “She is.” I linked her, “Sweetheart?” Lexi was crying, “He’s going to take our little girl.” I growled, “NO ONE will take our little girl or our little boy.” Lexi cried, “He killed my mother now he wants her.” I snarled, “He can’t have you or her, I’ll kill him.” Lexi pleaded, “I need you.”
Out loud I said, “Cameron.” He nodded answering my unspoken question, “I’ve got this. Go.” He had Reagan tucked into his side. I ran up the stairs. Haley must have snapped because I was clean and in different clothes. I ran in and held Lexi as she sobbed. I comforted her, “It’s ok, Sweetheart. I’ve got you. I’ll never let anything happen to you, Emma, or Emmett.” She cried for several minutes before she calmed down. I whispered assurances into her ear until she fell asleep.
I got up and found Kevin at the bottom of the stairs. I ordered, “Get Ken. Nadine is in the room, but you two are going to guard the room from the outside. No one you don’t know gets into that room. Understood?” Kevin nodded. I stalked out the door ready to get answers.
Unicorns and Tournaments
Lexi woke up with a start. Someone said, “It’s ok Lexi.” I focused on the voice. I realized it was Miley. I frowned and sat up. What was Miley doing at Chase’s house? I looked around to get my bearings. Nadine and Susie were with us, but we were definitely not at Chase’s.
I asked, “What’s going on?” I rubbed my stomach then looked down in shock. My bump was definitely noticeable and bigger. Nadine said, “After you read the note, you passed out. Chase sent out a group to see if they could track anyone who’d left it. They followed the scent to Cameron’s territory. There was a fight there, then we were being attacked too. Haley popped us all here.”
I asked, “Note? Oh god…” Bile rose in my throat as memories flooded my brain. Miley wisely said, “First door on the right.” I flashed to it and threw up everything in my stomach. I cried, “He wants Emma now. This cycle will never end!”
Miley argued, “The fuck it won’t. Your mom didn’t have the Hackura Princess, Duchess, Prince’s, Duke’s, King, and Queen’s backing. No one will TOUCH your little girl. Haley would move literal mountains to not let that happen. Your mate would too.”
Nadine agreed, “It’s true. Frank won’t let anyone near your little girl. Chase well, there’s a reason Alpha Eric is not only his ally but mentor. ALL of Alpha Eric’s allies are smart and powerful. Chase modeled his path of becoming an Alpha on Alpha Eric’s rise to power. There’s a reason outside of Chase being a good guy and childhood friends with her that Sophia chose him.”
I threw up again. Nadine winced, “Sorry. My point is that Chase is up there with feared Alpha’s in this country and he’s only twenty-three.” I said, “My dad was feared. He was really good at what he did. He was just too trusting, but he would win any fight easily.”
Miley reasoned, “It probably wasn’t someone he suspected. You already know that it wasn’t the man you heard them arguing with that night.” I shouted, “How the hell would they not suspect the man who was obsessed with my mother?”
Bjourn interjected, “I doubt he still looks like Hanson Newcome. Plastic surgery would’ve been the way to go. I’m going to get your brother and bring him to your mate.” I panicked, “NO!” Bjourn was surprised. I explained, “Heath just got his string, a good one. He’s...well he’s busy.” Bjourn smirked, “Is he?” I pleaded, “Please? Don’t bother him.”
Bjourn said, “As a brother. I’d kick someone’s ass for not getting me if this was going on with my little sister. Your brother has also been a thorn in my side as of late regarding my own little sister. I’ll give him some time, but I WILL see him tonight.”
I bargained, “Tomorrow?” Bjourn snorted, “Nope, payback’s a bitch.” I pointed out, “You punched him already though.” Bjourn said, “He’s done SO much that’s deserving of more than a mere punch. This should do nicely. Plus, I’m doing him a favor. I’m sure your mate called him anyway.” I crossed my arms, “He won’t have his personal phone on.” Bjourn smirked, “I know.” I sighed, “I won’t convince you not to go get him, will I?” Bjourn answered, “No.”
I was about to argue when I turned and threw up again. An older woman was there when I turned around. She smiled, “Here’s some ginger tea. It was my savior when I was pregnant with my girls.” I whispered, “Thank you.” I sipped it.
I introduced myself, “I’m Lexi Scott. Who are you?” The woman smiled, “I’m Mrs. Blanch. Cassandra would’ve come to meet you, but Miley told her that wasn’t a good idea.” I snorted, “It’s not. I’d punch her then throw up on her most likely.”
Miley laughed, “On second thought, let’s bring her up here.” I smiled. Mrs. Blanch sighed, “You’re close with Haley, right?” I answered, “I am.” Mrs. Blanch said, “I... you’ll tell here I’m always here for her? I know Cassandra has been my friend for years, but it doesn’t mean I don’t see things. I do. My heart goes out to Haley. She’s such a sweet little thing. Vicious when mad, but she’s one of my girls now. I hate to see her suffering.”
I offered, “I believe she knows, but I’ll tell her.” Mrs. Blanch blushed, “She talks about me?” I laughed, “She does and she likes you.” Mrs. Blanch smiled, “Well, how could anyone not like her? She’s such fun. I have a grandpup because of her and another on the way.” I smiled, “Haley likes to make other people happy.” Mrs. Blanch nodded, “She certainly does that.” With that she left. I sipped on the tea.
When I felt like I could stand Miley and Nadine helped me up. I said, “You guys didn’t need to stay in here for that.” Nadine smiled, “I made a promise to my stepson that I wouldn’t leave your side. I keep my promises.” She lowered her voice, “Plus, you’re the reason Cassandra hasn’t come to tell me about her damn garden and her green thumb.”
Miley snorted, “BA spilled the beans on the garden.” Nadine frowned asking, “What beans? I missed the gossip? This is what I get for being too busy to talk to Isabella.” I laughed. Miley said, “BA told Cassandra her garden was only alive because Haley was keeping it alive with her fairy powers.”
Nadine stopped walking then threw her head back and laughed. She practically ordered, “Tell me all of that is true. Please. It will make my whole day.” Miley confirmed, “It’s true.” Nadine snorted, “Isabella made the Princess a cake, didn't she?” I answered, “She did.” Nadine laughed, “Oh my god. I needed that. That’s too good. I can’t believe Frank didn’t tell me that.”
Susie asked, “Why wouldn’t anyone be honored if a Princess kept their garden alive?” Miley said, “That’s an excellent question. You are a very smart girl.” I told her, “Because Cassandra’s not a nice person, Susie.” Susie asked, “You don’t like her?” I answered honestly, “Nope, she’s horrid. Anyone who can be mean to Haley is no good in my book.”
A she wolf walked in, “So you don’t like King Aiden then?” I snarked, “And you are?” The girl smiled answering, “Jessica Conners.” I retorted, “Well Jessica, Aiden never pretended to be a nice person. Haley knew he was embarrassed she wasn’t a full blooded fairy as soon as she was old enough to understand things. He never raised a hand to her, and he has realized the error of his ways. He’s doing his damned best by her now.”
She went to say something, and I held up my handing continuing, “I do NOT like or condone what he did to her growing up. Being passive is not the way I do things, and I don’t understand why he was; however, anyone who denies he’s owning his shit now is a damn liar. He’s become the brother Haley wanted him to be all along, and I give him credit for realizing he needed to change. It’s not an easy thing to do.”
Jessica said, “Even though it’s because Haley has powers, he wants her to help him with them?” I glared at her, “You might want to shut up about things you don’t understand. Your ignorance is showing. I see your mouth moving Jessica, but I hear Cassandra’s words.” She frowned.
I glowered, “Let me guess, she’s linking you what to say right now? Don’t bother answering, I know she is. Listen here and listen well, you may not understand what a momentous moment it was for Aiden to not only request the Fae ceremony be in Haley’s wedding, but to perform it was for them. It shows his acceptance of her.”
Jessica opened her mouth, and I held up my hand to silence her. I said, “Before you say he wasn’t going to perform it; I’m aware. He agreed when Haley asked him though, and he didn’t have to. He could’ve offered another fairy or flat out refused. But he didn’t. THEN he DANCED with her at their reception. I realize in this realm that’s not a big deal; however, if you would like to get off your ass and learn about fairies, you’d know it’s a really big fucking deal to fairies. Aiden didn’t know Haley had powers when he did those things.”
Jessica was quiet. I continued, “Since you don’t appear to be getting off your ass to learn about fairies, I’ll enlighten you. As the next King, Aiden basically told the Fae by dancing with Haley that he recognized her as the Princess and as his sister. They could no longer call her names without punishment. She could’ve gone to Aiden and said this fairy called me an abomination. Aiden would’ve publicly punished them. They could only address her by her name or title from that moment on.”
I pressed on, “They had a choice between her name or title until she killed Arion. It was Aiden who let it be known in Faerie their Princess killed someone who’d committed treason against him. He did that so they would respect her, even though it hurt him.”