Lexi practically pushed me through the Shroud barrier when we got there, and then dragged Chase along behind her. He was using their connection to ask her what the hell her deal was, I could tell. I wished I could use it with him to ask what her deal was. I might have to join their pack so I could link him. It would be handy.
Suddenly, I felt an all too familiar tug. Seriously? Can I not get a break? I just wanted to go home and think of a reason I needed to get Allie to come cook dinner with me again. Allie. I’d almost kissed her. Her soft lips were begging for me to do it. I couldn’t though. I couldn’t do that to Sophia or Allie.
She was a light, and I’m darkness. She was too perfect for someone like me. Lexi said, “You should look behind you, brother.” I shot her a look. She whispered, “You’ll be happy, I promise. Call it a sister’s intuition.”
I heard a gasp that I knew. Hope swelled in my chest. I turned to see Allie with her family just paused just behind her. I let my feet take me over to her, letting myself be pulled. She met me halfway and jumped into my arms.
She whispered, “I knew it! The War Goddess said I just had to be patient a little bit longer.” I pulled back, “What?” She explained, “I met her. She said you’d explain it, but that your second chance string and you had never been together.” I assured her, “We weren't, I didn’t even kiss her.”
I leaned down and kissed Allie. Everything felt like it clicked into place. Lexi was right. Sophia and I both deserved this. Allie pulled back, “I’ve loved you for so long.” I smiled admitting, “I’ve had feelings for you for quite some time. I avoided you at times because I felt guilty.” I turned and smiled at Lexi. She was beaming at Allie and me. I finally had a string I knew would always choose me.
The Core of the Matter (Continued)
Lexi waited for Heath to come back. I asked Chase, “What’s happening?” Chase sighed sadly, “They decided it’s best to reject each other.” I cringed, “It’s going to hurt them, isn’t it?” Chase said, “Hopefully not as much as normal since they both reached this decision together.”
I kept pacing. Chase told me when it was done. After several minutes I asked, “Why isn’t he back yet? You said Tyson was around, I’ll cross that border if Tyson even THINKS about hitting him right now.” Chase shrugged, “I’m guessing they are holding each other. They both admitted it didn’t hurt like it should. Heath is taking her to Tyson.” I nodded and kept pacing.
I didn’t know what type of shape Heath was in, but I just knew Allie was his next chance. She’d ALWAYS had a crush on him. I actually thought he’d had a crush on her too. Now I knew he did. He was just staying away from her because he had Sophia. Whatever he had with Sophia, that Sophia didn’t know about. GOD this was complicated.
Chase tapped my shoulder and I turned to see Heath had finally appeared. I leaped to hug him, evaluating him. He really was ok. I confirmed it several times. It wouldn’t be fair to have him go to the Shroud to see Allie until he really was ok. Once I saw it in his eyes, he was fine. I was so excited.
I knew they’d be so happy together. I had to get them in gear to get them heading the right way. Chase linked me, “What on god’s green earth is going on with you?” I explained, “I’m like ninety-nine-point nine percent sure Heath’s third chance is Allie. It’s really more like a second chance though, but Allie’s always liked him. He likes her, but he kept his distance from her out of respect for Sophia. I’m guessing on that part. I’m sure it confused him and made him feel bad.”
Chase was stunned, “Maybe he should’ve stayed at our house. This is a fast turnaround.” I argued, “Is it though? He basically mourned their non-existent relationship for three years. They are both better off with a clean slate with other people. I would’ve gotten over all of this quickly if he wanted her, but again you would’ve fought someone if they’d fought me. He should’ve done that for Sophia.”
Chase sighed, “Fine. You have a point.” I saw Heath stiffen. He shot me a glare. I linked Chase, “Did someone ask Allie where she was going?” Chase replied, “Yes they did.” I shouted, “I KNEW IT!” Chase told me, “She’s about to get to turn the corner.”
Heath was not happy with me, but he’d get over it in a few seconds. I saw Allie come around the corner and gasp at our group. Her eyes were on Heath. I looked around noticing plenty of our people were watching this all go down.
Heath’s eyes lit up when he heard her gasp. I smirked at him. I knew he liked her. He finally turned and started moving towards her. They met in the middle. I linked Chase, “Is her family happy?” Chase linked, “Ecstatic. Apparently, her mother and sister are relieved. They knew how much she liked Heath.”
I smiled because my brother was so happy. I knew one day Sophia would be this happy too. Heath turned to me saying, “We…” I interrupted waving him away, “Get outta here, big brother. Spend time with your string like we all know you want to.” A few people laughed and he took off with Allie.
Her family was all hugging, even her brothers looked happy. Anne was beaming and nudging Tony. Allie’s dad came up to me. He said, “I am one of the few who knew about his second string. I knew how Allie felt about him even though she never said it to me. I offered Heath an ear six months ago. He must have needed someone to talk to because he told me. Did he reject her, or did she reject him?”
I started to answer when he cut me off, “I’m not saying I’m not happy, I am. I’m so happy for both him and my Allie girl. I’ve seen them giving each other glances, but that’s my little girl.” Chase stepped in, “I overheard the conversation. They both agreed they didn’t feel for each other as they should. He told Alpha Sophia to reject him so she would feel less pain. It hurt them both for fifteen minutes, then they were ok again.”
I added, “I know he likes Allie, and he trusts her.” Allie’s dad nodded, “I know they like each other. Are we saying he was never anything with Alpha Sophia? They didn’t…” I assured him, “They didn’t. No one strung anyone along. They were adults who reached the conclusion they couldn’t work past all the obstacles they had in their way. It was very mature on both their parts. To Alpha Sophia’s credit, we remain on good terms with her pack, and she knows the Shroud is in her territory. She’s a good person who is finding her way, and we have no problem with her. We will always look out for her and Thunder’s Ridge because she is a friend to our leader and our Shroud.”
Allie’s dad nodded and sighed in relief. Everyone was getting out champagne and celebrating the fact that their leader had his string. Chase linked me, “That speech will mean a lot to Sophia.” I wasn’t going to tell her, but he could. I would never let anything happen to her, and no one here would either.
Eventually, Chase and I excused ourselves. I ran with a still pink wolf back to our territory. I forgot to ask Haley about that. When we got back, I led him upstairs. I showed him the twin’s room. He laughed, “This is perfect.”
We both heard a snarl of anger and ran downstairs. Susie was crying holding a note. Frank was enraged. I asked, “Frank?” He told my mate, “Chase, they are getting too damn close.” I asked again, “What the hell happened?” Frank took the note from Susie, “Someone gave this to her!”
Susie cried, “It was on a tree and it had Lexi’s name on it. I was just bringing it to her. No one gave it to me. I didn’t even read it!” My hands shook as I reached for the note.
You’ve been very naughty, just like your mother. Noah still wants you though. I’m not sure why. I’ll just have to start over with your daughter. I’ll just take her in the beginning like I should’ve done with you. Your daughter will be perfect for me because I’ll make her perfect. I’ll let Noah do what he wants with you. You’re ruined. Oh well, onto the next,
My knees buckled as my mind literally rejected something coming into my cocoon of happiness for my children. I clutched my stomach and screamed. Chase grabbed me and I heard him snarl. He was issuing rapid fire commands, but I couldn't hear them.
Not Emma. The evil wicked man who killed my parents couldn’t have my Emma. Not my little girl. Neither of my children would be taken from me. This was not the type of environment they needed to be in. They needed love and no threats. My mind couldn’t handle it, and I passed out cold.
House Divided