I questioned, “Is that why you haven’t dated since Dani?” Heath stiffened, “I haven’t been with anyone since I laid eyes on Sophia.” I pressed, “Nothing? Not even a kiss?” I saw a flash of guilt on his face. I asked, “What was that?”

Heath said, “I didn’t kiss anyone. Almost, but I didn’t.” I was intrigued, “Who?” I had a pretty good idea. Heath said, “No one I would ever bring into this fucked up situation. She’s too good to be tangled in my darkness.”

I commented, “Interesting. So, you moved a mountain for Sophia, but then she didn’t sign the papers when she met you.” Heath said, “It was stupid of me to be surprised. I’d seen the paths. Logically, I know she was protecting her people. I didn’t know that because she’s the worst communicator of all time, but…”

I interrupted, “You both have put your people and those you care for above each other.” Heath sighed admitting, “Yeah, we have.” I advised, “You need to talk to her. I don’t see how you guys work this out. For either of your sakes. Obviously, I one thousand percent care about your happiness more; but she should find her own damn string and stay the fuck away from everyone else’s and be happy. She deserves that and so do you. I honestly think you guys got screwed over here. Even without the baggage you both have; it would’ve been hard to be together. If you’re being honest, you have to admit that.” It hurt to think badly of the War Goddess, but she had really done poorly for Heath so far. He’d never truly had a chance with Sophia.

Heath shook his head, “She’s going through too much right now. I can’t add to it.” I wasn’t having that. I pushed him, “Just go talk to her. I’m not saying reject each other. I’m saying talk to your string. You need to tell her how you feel, and she needs to tell you how she feels.”

His phone rang at that moment. Heath answered, “Sophia, are you ok? Yes, actually I was going to say the same thing. I’ll be there.” Sophia’s ears must have been burning. He closed his phone. I asked, “She wants to talk to you?” Heath nodded, “She does. Thank you, Lexi. I don’t know that I could’ve admitted how angry I was with her.”

I pointed out, “She might be mad at you too.” Heath winced, “She should be. We both deserve better.” I nudged him, “Hey now, she cannot do better than you. You are the most amazing person, and because of the circumstances she might miss out on someone amazing. Hopefully she’ll get that chance again and so will you.” I’d still be nice to her moving forward though.

I asked, “Where are you meeting her?” Heath replied, “At her border with Chase.” I said, “Then Chase and I will go with you and stay behind when you cross over. If you even so much as THINK about going to the Shroud before you come and see me I’ll hunt you down.” Heath smiled agreeing, “Alright.”

I linked Chase, “I need you with me.” Chase was there in seconds. He looked between Heath and me asking, “Is everything alright?” Heath agreed, “Yeah, I think it will be.” We all walked towards the border we shared with Sophia.

Chase linked me, “What is going on?” I sighed, “I think it’s very likely Heath and Sophia are going to reject each other. There’s too much hurt between them, but I told him to talk to her. If Sophia asks him to, he will wait until she’s ready to reject him. I will beat her ass if she does that though, just so you know. For both their sakes. She needs someone who would burn the world for her like you would for me.”

Chase winced, “A rejection…. I…” I cut him off, “It really is best for both of them. Haley told me she kicked her ass, and Heath didn’t do anything to defend her. He told me what the War Goddess showed him. I honestly think her doing that took away any chance of them ever working out. That’s not Sophia’s fault, and she shouldn’t have to pay penance for a choice she never got to make.”

Chase argued, “He held her afterwards and comforted her.” I crossed my arms, “What would Eric have done if it was Haley getting her ass kicked? What would you have done if it was me?” Chase growled. Heath looked over startled. Chase made a ‘don’t worry about it’ gesture and linked me back, “Point taken.”

We paused at the border. I squeezed Heath’s hand letting him know, “We will be right here waiting for you, big brother. You deserve a crazy, head over heels kind of love.” I’d finally remembered who Jasmine and Joe looked like. They both had their mother’s brown eyes and Jasmine had her smile. I squeezed his hand, “It will be ok.” Heath walked away.

I called Isaiah. He answered, “Lexi?” I said, “Heath might be spending the night with me.” Isaiah laughed, “He’s going into protective older brother and uncle mode already?” I sighed, “Something like that. I’ll let you know.” Isaiah said, “It’s covered from this end should he want to stay with you.” I replied, “Thanks.” I hung up.

I asked Chase, “Can you hear them?” Chase answered, “Yes and I linked Sophia that I could. She said Tyson isn’t too far away either.” I nodded. That was good. Sophia was going to need someone there for her. I closed my eyes and leaned against Chase. Waiting for the outcome of their talk.

Heath’s Heart

Heath POV

Heath walked away from his sister surprised. I’d never realized how angry I still was about this situation. I thought I’d gotten over it. I truly had. My little sister just pointed that wasn’t true. Sophia deserved someone who would fight beside her, and I didn’t know if I could do that.

Would I resent her forever for the paths the War Goddess showed me? Sophia only accepting me because I was a leader. As silly as it was, I was glad the I’d seen that path. If only to spare pushing up the timetable of those fuckers’ timetable to forcibly mark her. I was able to ruin their plans instead. She didn’t deserve that, no one did.

I saw Sophia waiting for me. I felt guilty that another face popped into my mind when I did see her. Every time I was near Sophia, I pictured Allie these days. I couldn’t figure out why. I pushed those thoughts aside.

Sophia smiled, “Thanks for agreeing to meet.” I said, “Chase and Lexi are waiting at the edge of their territory for me. I just want you to know that we need to go further into your territory if you don’t want Chase to hear this.” Sophia smiled slightly, “Chase linked me already. Tyson is not too far away either. It’s fine.”

I nodded, “I need to apologize.” She said the same thing at the same time. We both smiled. She said, “You go first.” I shook my head, “You can.” She nodded, “Well, I just wanted to say sorry. I told Tyson everything and he pointed out I didn’t explain why I couldn’t sign the papers first. That the way I chose to phrase it would’ve hurt your feelings.”

I shrugged, “It’s a little thing at this point. I’m sorry I didn’t defend you, I should’ve.” Hurt shone in her eyes as she asked, “Why didn’t you?” I sighed, “Anger. I was angry and resentful. I was angry Chase fought so hard to get out of your marriage when I knew you wouldn’t do it for me.”

Sophia argued, “I didn’t get the chance to.” I said, “I asked my goddess if you would get an annulment a few days after I saw you. She showed me the paths. When you didn’t know I held a position, your cause was more important to you. You stayed married to Chase but annulled it when you promised.”

She interrupted, “That’s not fair! I didn’t get the chance to…” I held up my hands, “I know. You’re right. I didn’t give you the chance and I should’ve. I will say the other path, and I want to preface this with I thank my goddess it didn’t happen to you; You got an annulment because you knew I held a position of power. I returned from a mission and the vision ended with you having Wallace’s mark. I knew your allies attacked, but I didn’t know why.”

I rubbed my neck, “Now, obviously I know it’s because you were forcibly marked. At the time, I thought you loved and wanted Wallace. I was angry and jealous of him. When I found out he was going to mark you against your will I couldn't let that happen. I wanted it to be your choice to have him. When I found out you didn’t kill him, I thought you must love him a great deal.”

Sophia touched my arm. “I’m sorry, Heath.” I said, “It wasn’t your fault. I was having a one way conversations, acting like it was a two way street and assuming I knew why you did things when I had no damn clue. I’m glad it didn’t happen to you. You don’t deserve that.” Sophia whispered, “Maybe I did.”

I grabbed her gently by the arms and forced her to look at me. I let her see my pain, “Never ever say that. Everyone deserves a choice. No one should have that done to them by force. Not through betrayal. No matter the choices you made Sophia, you didn’t ever deserve to have your choice about your mate stripped away.”

Sophia started to cry. She said, “I had a long talk with my mentor, Nancy Kyle, and Alpha Eric. I broke lots of little commitments and promises to my allies. I’m lucky I still have them.” I said, “I know you did and you are lucky. I just think they will be lucky too when you become the Alpha I know you can be.”

She’d promised more men to Alpha Eric than she’d given when Haley was kidnapped. I continued, “But you also showed up for them. When Cameron was attacked you were there, and no one asked you to be. That counts for something.”