I asked, “Emma was your mother’s name?” Chase nodded. He hugged Nadine, “You're my stepmom, Nadine. I love you.” Nadine said, “I love her name. It’s perfect and Emmett is such a strong name.” Frank hugged me. He wiped his eyes. “Thank you both. That’s a beautiful way to honor Emma.” I smiled, “I’m glad.”
Chase said, “Alright, well this has been fun, but we have to get to the pack OB.” I laughed, “Didn’t the doctor have other appointments today?” Chase snorted, “I’m the Alpha and you are the Luna she made the time. Also, I want to know the timing, actually we need to know. I want you to be the official Luna before the babies come. Our mating ceremony can be whenever you want though.”
I smiled admitting, “I kind of want the twins to be there at our mating ceremony.” Chase kissed me, “Then they will be there. We can wait until after they are born.” I smiled. He picked me up and carried me to the pack hospital. I rolled my eyes at him. Several people hollered out congratulations to us.
A woman was waiting for us when we entered. She gave me a cup of water. She ordered, “Drink this and we will get you scanned.” I nodded and gulped it down. After fifteen minutes, I desperately needed to pee, but the doctor said we could get started. The sound of our babies’ heartbeats filled the room. Tears filled my eyes. Chase took my hand.
I looked over to see him wiping tears from his eyes. He kissed me then put his forehead on mine. He declared, “I love you, Lexi.” I smiled, “I love you too.” The OB did several measurements and took blood. I was FINALLY given permission to pee. Thank god I had inhuman speed. I flashed back into the room after I was done.
The OB smiled, “My name is Dr. Kasminske. You can call me Dr April. Or just April. Whichever you prefer. It looks like we will be seeing your little ones sometime in March or ironically early April maybe even the first. I’d bet on early March though right now. I want you to come in twice this next week. I could even change my mind to February if they keep growing over the next few days.”
My eyes widened. Did she say February?! Chase reminded me, “Haley said she’d snap you everything we need.” I took a deep breath, “Right. The magical Fairy Hackura Princess is like my little sister. This is doable.” Chase agreed, “It is.”
I began to plan, “I guess we can do my Luna Ceremony next weekend because the tournament is this weekend.” Chase smiled, “Done.” He carried me back to the house. I told him, “You are a silly man. I can walk.” Chase said, “I know.” I laughed.
I got on my phone and made a Pinterest board. I added Haley to it and began to pin away. I knew Haley was going to ask what Thing one and Thing two were, but that was going to be the theme of the nursery. My phone buzzed minutes later.
Haley:Who the fuck are thing one and thing two? They are adorable!
Me:It’s aDr. Suessthing.
Haley:Googling this phenomenon.
Me:LOL Can you come by tomorrow morning to snap everything done?
Haley:Of course. See you tomorrow!
Chase questioned, “Is that Haley?” I nodded, “Yes, she’s coming by tomorrow to snap everything done.” Chase smiled asking, “Do you feel better?” I sighed admitting, “Yes, I’m still nervous since it’s all happening so fast, but I’m anxious to meet them. Considering I already met them.” Chase laughed, “I can’t wait to meet them.”
I fell asleep shortly after that. Chase made me wake up for dinner, but I couldn't tell you what I ate. I woke up with a start someone was poking me. Haley smiled, “Sorry... You did ask me to come though. So, I blame you.” I yawned asking, “Where is Chase?” Haley shrugged, “I have no fucking clue. Somewhere in the house I’d bet. Eric’s here talking to him. The bond tells me Eric’s not too far away.”
I surmised, “So he’s probably in his office.” Haley agreed, “The odds are high.” I laughed. Haley snapped me into sweats and Chase’s hoodie. I linked Chase, “What’s a good room for the twin’s nursery?” Chase answered, “The room across the hall, Sweetheart. They are the Luna suites and the Luna is in the master room.” Why did they even have those? What Alpha and Luna didn’t share a room? Whatever.
Ted joined us exclaiming, “I’m so excited! Joanie agreed to change our timetable. Turns out now she really wants a pup soon too and was scared to ask us to change our timeline. She’s starting the process the last week of January and the insem will be the first week of February.”
Haley smiled offering, “Just call me afterwards, TeleTed. I’ll pop my happy self to you.” He held out his arms for a hug but didn’t move. Haley bit her lip but nodded eventually. Ted hugged her quickly, “Thank you! Thank you! I’m so ready to start our little family.” Haley smiled.
I showed Haley a pin. I told her, “I want this, but with cribs.” Ted laughed, “How perfect.” Haley nodded and conjured the cribs then snapped the décor the way I wanted. I let a breath of relief go, “Thank you, Haley. I want one at my house too.” She agreed, “Sure.”
I linked Chase, “Haley, Ted and I are popping out BRIEFLY to my house to snap a nursery there too.” Chase replied, “Link me when you are back.” I nodded to Haley. She popped up to my house. Haley asked, “What do you want here? The same thing?” I shook my head. “No, here I want this.” I showed her another image. Haley nodded and snapped.
I sighed in relief, “Thank you. You have NO idea how much this puts me at ease.” Haley smiled, “When are you little ones coming?” I sighed, “We aren’t sure anywhere between maybe February to early April.” Haley tapped her chin then admitted, “It’s probably February. Aiden reminded me I conjured you that tea and you drank it. It also has healing properties combined with my healing. So, plan for February.”
Ted squealed, “Haley, we have to plan a baby shower STAT!” Haley laughed, “We can do it right before your insemination day,” Ted agreed, “That’s brilliant. I love her, Lex.” I laughed, “So do I.” Haley popped us all back.
I linked Chase, “We are back.” He sounded relieved, “Good.” Weird man. I told Haley, “Pop us to my home office please.” She did. I said, “Space unheard please.” Haley did her chant. I said, “This is temporary because I need to talk to Heath in here today. I want a rundown on the meeting that took place at your house with Sophia. I also need to borrow Katie. We have a serious dark witch issue in the Shroud.”
Haley sighed, “Ok, I’ll tell you and then talk to Katie. She’ll probably send her brothers. She’s all about her new little man and Maximus right now. She’s declared it mandatory family bonding time. It’s really fucking cute.” I couldn’t help but smile because that was adorable.
She told me everything that happened at the meeting. I frowned clarifying, “You turned Sophia green and gave her horns, and all Heath did was ask you if it was necessary?” Haley answered, “Technically I had her turned green and gave her horns. Aiden did it and it was necessary. The only person allowed to wrap their damn legs around my mate is me. Eric would’ve LOST his damn shit if anyone did that to me. Sophia would’ve lost her fucking shit if I’d done it to Heath.”
I admitted, “You’re right. Both of them would’ve.” I thought about her story more. I asked, “So, then Heath cried when you kicked her ass?” Haley nodded. I frowned again. Ted interjected, “Can I just say….? Go Haley. You kicked an Alpha werewolf’s ass!”
Haley sighed, “The magic I used to take the pain from Emmaline for Chase and Lexi drove my fairy side almost mad with the pain Lexi felt. My magic was lashing out at her. I also fucking warned her not to make Lexi cry. Plus, I read her files. She’s been reneging on small little promises with her allies. It pisses me off, but I didn’t mean to go that hard at her. She says it’s fine because Aiden sent people to explain to her in excruciating detail the repercussions if the magic snapped in me.”
I frowned, “Reneging on what promises?” Haley sighed, “She was supposed to send twenty-five warriors to help Eric with some plan he had when I was kidnapped. She only sent five. I’m sure she had a reason, but she didn’t tell anyone. Eric has this huge file of shit going on with her, and she’s never asked for help. They’ve offered it several times, but she refuses it.”
Haley sighed and continued, “All her allies asked her about the rogue problem while Chase was gone. She outright lied to them from the information Eric has. She knew where they were coming from. She did the bad ass thing and turned them on Alpha Hammond. He was trying to use his pack against her, and she flipped the damn script.”