Chase commented about me not getting away from him. My brain was debating with itself. Half of me thought that was adorable and sweet. The other half was like I could get away from you if I wanted to. UGH! Hormones were NOT helping me.

I knew the tournament at Haley’s would probably be the first place I saw Sophia. So, I had until next weekend to get it together about her. The universe was not being nice to me about this. I just wanted to hate her for a second. Just one. Then I’d be the bigger person.

After getting sick I closed my eyes because the uncomfortable feeling came back, I groaned and laid down on the cold tile. It was my new best friend. It felt so good on my skin. Why was I so hot? Haley did not mention turning into an inferno while she was pregnant. Why was this called morning sickness? Was it literally all morning? This was going to suck.

I should’ve asked Heath to come here, but it was too late now. He’d probably gotten up and he would have cooked something for us. He loved it when I came home. I didn’t have a reason to avoid the Shroud like I had before since the Troll was gone.

When we left, I had to laugh because Bolt was still pink. I’d have to ask Haley how long it would last, I needed to talk to her anyway. We all ran to the Shroud. We waited for the guys to grab clothes. I grabbed Chase’s hand. He needed to be prepared to run like the wind. I was not getting stuck in hurricane Anne.

I said bye and took off. I heard Anne say I couldn’t hide. I wanted to snort; I could hide. It would just be pointless to put off the inevitable. She could and would catch us if we weren’t going to Heath’s house. Anne would respect that. Now the second we left Heath’s house was another story. We’d have to run home REALLY fast.

Nerves started to set in. I wanted Heath to be happy, but he was going through his own shit right now. Plus, he and Chase JUST started getting along. I was going to have to tell him how this came to be. I was nervous Chase would upset too. I really just needed everyone to be happy because I wanted Emma and Emmett to know we all loved them.

Logically I knew Heath would be happy. He would be upset about the circumstances and me not deciding this. Heath’s eyes narrowed when I literally squeaked hi. So, good going self. He already knows something is up.

Everything smelled delicious. I looked at the lunch. Heath was a good cook, but this was a dish Sally usually cooked. It was in her bible which meant Allie had helped him. I pushed those thoughts aside. They were going in a box. We sat down to eat.

Heath wanted to know what was going on before we ate. Thank god. The food looked really good, and I was STARVING. I blurted out the twin news. Why did this always happen when I got nervous? My filter stopped working and I just word vomited information. Good thing I never got nervous on missions, or we’d all be fucked.

Seriously, I could withstand being tortured for information, but telling my brother I’m pregnant? Blurt that out. He and Chase were happy, but their anger was swift when they figured out what happened. Heath gritted out what the troll’s plan must have been for me.

His theory made the rage on Noah’s face when he saw my mark make more sense. He was angry about more than me being claimed by someone who wasn’t him. He was angry that I could get pregnant with Chase’s child. Which ironically ended up being children not child.

For the twins’ sake, I didn’t want to be involved with conversations regarding the Troll. I wanted to surround myself with love. I’d seen this with pregnant Hood members. I’d literally seen pregnant women remove themselves from conversations where people got upset. I’d never understood until now, I felt like I had to provide them with a cocoon of happiness.

We learned in school about this when I was younger. It’s one thing to hear when you’re pregnant you’ll reject all anger because our supernatural side refuses to let our babies be near anger, and entirely another to experience it. I couldn’t imagine a future without Emma and Emmett. Especially now that I’d seen them.

I knew Heath felt it too when I didn’t fight him on being out of the field. We both shared a smile knowing that we learned all about this and our people’s histories, but it never made sense until this moment. We both know how headstrong I was. My supernatural makeup was at work here, and I was going to create a bubble of happiness for my twins.

We ate our meal, talked, and laughed. All that was missing was the final piece, Heath’s string. I was going to have to talk to Haley and soon. I had to get my head on right and figure out what Heath truly wanted. If it was Sophia, then he needed to go get her.

I wasn’t going to stand in his way, but I wasn’t going to let them hurt each other if they couldn’t make it work either. I honestly had to wonder what the War Goddess was thinking. Heath had his baggage about being chosen, and as much as I hated it, Sophia deserved to have the opportunity to make choices herself instead of everyone assuming her choice. Maybe she would have done what Heath was told, but she couldn’t be held accountable for something she didn’t actually do. I shoved those thoughts back into the box. The box that was REFUSING to stay shut. Where was the super glue when you needed it?

Chase seemed to be unconsciously touching my little bump which was getting bigger throughout the day. Haley wasn’t kidding. Come to think of it I shouldn’t have a bump at all yet. GOD! Were they really going to show up in two months? That settled it. Haley was coming over tomorrow and snapping everything done.

I had so much fun at lunch I’d completely forgotten why I wanted to book it out of here afterwards. I’d forgotten all about Anne. If I had been thinking I’d have taken the back damn door because she was waiting out front with Ted, Matt, Derrick, and Sally. Tony was just behind Matt throwing me a sympathetic look.

A million thoughts flew through my mind about my justifications for not telling anyone about Chase. They were on the tip of my tongue. I needed to distract her. She used her mom tone on me when she told me to explain. My damn nerves made me blurt out I was pregnant again.

Heath and Chase laughed. I was horrified. The Daniels should’ve been the next people I told. Damn my nerves! Seriously, I was going to have to get my BA mask when I had news. I was a vault as BA. I was ready to blame nerves and hormones.

Everyone’s jaw was on the ground. Ted, Matt, and Derrick were staring at Chase who was simply smirking. No one said anything for at least five minutes, just staring at each other in silence Anne broke the silence, “Pregnant? You’re pregnant?”

Chase laughed, “She is. With twins.” Tony commented, “Yup, that’s going to do it.” Anne squealed and ran forward to hug me. Tony laughed, “Leave it to Lexi to find a way around my Anne’s wrath.” Anne squealed, “Twins? OHHH I’m so excited! Of course that shouldn’t be surprising with your family.” I frowned.

Heath quickly said, “Let’s head back inside.” Everyone filed in. Matt and Derrick both hugged Chase as Ted and Sally engulfed me. Sally squealed, “How did this happen?” Tony said, “Sally, I’ll march over your parents’ house and pop your daddy a good one if you don’t know how this happened. You’re pregnant yourself.” Sally blushed.

She stammered, “I know how it happened, but Derrick and I were trying. Lexi was still on birth con….” She gasped, “Oh no.” She would figure it out, she was married to the man. I rushed, “Chase can fill everyone in later. Heath can explain it to Anne and Tony. Right now, we are just really happy about this.”

Ted hugged me, “Of course we are, girl! Matt, call Joanie. See if we can’t speed up insem day!” Matt laughed, “I’ll ask her, but don’t get your hopes up.” Ted barely listened to him, “Hopes are through the roof!”

Matt rolled his eyes, “It’s about what she wants too.” Ted agreed, “I know. I just think I can sway over here to team Ted.” I laughed, “He can.” Matt winked, “I know he can. He’s very persuasive.” Anne squealed, “REALLY?” Tony sighed, “Here we go. It’s not for sure yet Anne. Let’s focus on the two little ones you’ll have to spoil soon. Along with Sally’s little one too.”

Anne clapped, “YES! When will we be seeing them? Sally’s mom told me the pack doctor said he thought her pregnancy would be four months. Is yours the same?” I said, “We will find out. Haley healed me twice though, so mine won’t be as long as it normally would’ve been.” Chase stiffened and let out a low growl.

Matt chided, “Now, now Chase you already killed Gamma McCann. He’s very dead.” Chase muttered, “His Alpha and I need to have a chat.” Matt said, “Yes, you do. We’ve been putting him off. So, I’ll get that scheduled.”

Heath said, “Anne, you mentioned twins ran in our family. Is there a reason Lexi and I didn’t know they wanted to meet us?” Anne frowned, “Meet you?” She looked at Tony who looked confused as well. Anne stepped forward, “Heath, sweetie they died. The same night your parents did. Someone killed off the Scott’s and the Peterson’s. That was your mother’s maiden last name. Tony, Edgar, Denise, and I all decided having you and Lexi at more funerals was uncalled for. You didn’t know them anyway, and your parents didn’t trust them.”