Lexi played with the sleeve of my hoodie she was wearing again. She said, “Well, I just um….” Heath encouraged, “Come on Lex, you can tell me anything.” Lexi blurted, “I’m pregnant with twins.” I glanced up at Heath who had gone still.

Then he laughed, “You were scared to tell me that? That’s why you had Haley come heal you last night?” Lexi nodded, “Well, yes. She said it’s going to speed up my pregnancy.” Heath said, “Get over here!” He stood up and hugged her. He smiled, “I’m going to be Uncle Heath. Why were you nervous to tell me that? I didn’t know you stopped taking your birth control, but I can’t imagine that’s a detail you wanted to share with me.”

I frowned, “You didn’t though.” Heath asked, “What?” Lexi sighed, “That’s actually part of what we needed to talk about.” She pulled out her candy. I said, “You disguise your candy as birth control? That’s what Beta Dylan was so excited about on New Year’s! He was apparently very excited to steal your candy.”

Lexi sighed, “That’s actually when I figured out how everything has happened. This isn’t supposed to be candy.” I gaped, “That whole time I was smelling candy you thought it was your actual birth control?” Lexi nodded, “Yes, but they were mini-M&M’s the whole time. I took them with water, and until Beta Dylan ate one, I didn’t know. I’m sorry, Chase. I know that we didn’t talk about this, and it wasn’t planned.” I was confused but that didn’t change how exited I was for Emmett and Emma.

She said, “But I really am happy about them, and I want you guys to be happy too.” I took her hands, “Hey, I am really happy about them. I’m pissed someone took your choice away. This should’ve been a decision you made with me, but I’m so happy about them. I thought it was an oops, but it was someone's intentions….” I trailed off.

It hit me and I growled, “Oh my god.” Heath said, “Noah was going to take you and rape you. He meant to get you pregnant with HIS children.” I growled menacingly. Lexi conceded, “That’s what I think, but guys for right now… Can we just be happy about the new additions? You guys can figure things out later. Please. I wanted you to know how it all came to be, but I don’t want to be included in any discussions where…”

She trailed off and started crying. I went to her, “Sweetheart?” Lexi said, “I don’t want to hear anyone being upset about them being conceived. I want them to know they are so loved and wanted. Unplanned but wanted.” I kissed her.

I pulled back saying, “Hey, I want them and Heath is excited to become an uncle. They are loved and wanted. Your crazy ex trying to take you from me….” I growled, “Didn’t work out. For all the horrible shit he did he gave us two really great gifts. I’m still going to kill him, but I’ll thank him for Emma and Emmett before I do.” Lexi wiped her tears.

Heath hugged her again. He told her, “This is great news, Lexi. I’m glad you’re happy, and you’re officially out of the field.” I sighed in relief. Lexi agreed, “Ok.” Heath laughed, “I thought that would be a harder conversation.” Lexi shrugged, “So did I, but I want to protect them.” Heath agreed, “Of course you do. You want to be in your cocoon of happiness.” Her what of what? They clearly weren’t going to tell me since they moved on from that comment.

We all sat there laughing and talking for hours after lunch. The second we stepped on the porch we all heard a woman yell, “AH HA! You thought you could escape me, but here I am. Ready to get my answers. WHAT do you have to say for yourself, young lady?” I looked up to see Anne with her hands on her hips. Ted, Matt, Derrick, Sally, and Tony were right behind her trying not to laugh.

Lexi gulped, “Ummm…” Anne haughtily told her, “You’ll need to do better than that. I have been WAITING to meet this young man, and then I find out you’ve known about him almost as long as Ted has known about Matt!” Lexi looked at me in a panic.

Anne demanded, “Don’t look at him. Explain yourself!” Lexi started playing with the sleeve of my hoodie again. Anne said, “Lexi Scott start talking right now!” Lexi blurted, “I’m pregnant!” She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She looked at me, “I’m so sorry! I wanted to tell your parents next it just came out.”

Heath and I both laughed. Heath told me, “It happens when she gets nervous. She just blurts stuff out when not wearing her mask.” It was good she didn’t do that wearing her mask. Everyone else gasped in shock. Anne’s jaw hit the floor. Lexi nervously looked around waiting for someone to say something.

The Core of the Matter

Lexi smiled as Chase practically threw his clothes off his body. His mouth was on mine in the next second. I was thrilled he was happy about the twins. I held back my laugh wondering if Chase was going to be able to keep up with our kids given how fast they were.

Chase stayed buried inside me most of the night, and a little into the morning. My eyes fluttered closed, and I drifted off into a blissful dreamless sleep. I woke up groaning. I felt really uncomfortable. I was feeling pains in my groin and my middle. The pangs of pain were really irritating and making it hard to do things. Chase was obviously concerned, but it was probably nothing. I’m sure this was normal.

Haley called and thankfully she was able to explain the situation. Her healing was speeding things up. Oh shit! She’s healed me twice. I wondered if I was so out of it in emotional pain that I didn’t notice the physical pains from the first time she healed me. I was thinking of going to our OB in the Shroud for answers, but the pack one made more sense. I knew the Troll would eventually catch on to what was happening, but he obviously has a way to tamper with things coming from Shroud healers. He’d switched my birth control. Maybe he didn’t have the same type of access since he wasn’t our Lieutenant anymore.

I couldn’t decide if he was working with the Hood leak. That was my hang up because the leak was trying to hurt me. Taking me THEN hurting me seemed more in line with the Troll’s goals. I shoved those thoughts from my mind because I needed to get in baby mode. We needed all the things for babies. I also needed an appointment with this pack OB. We needed to know what timeline we were looking at. I wanted to be prepared.

I was about to start things off with Chase when Susie burst into the room. That was a literal bucket of ice water. Chase and I needed to start locking the door. That’s what I just learned. I also learned Chase was so screwed. He couldn’t say no to Susie which meant Emma was going to own his ass. I was going to give Chase a quick blow job, but we were given a five minute deadline. I couldn’t have her walking in on that.

I ran into Chase’s closet and grabbed a hoodie he’d worn recently and a pair of leggings. I would have to move all my stuff here. Haley could snap us nurseries in my place and his, but it felt right for our main location to be here.

Chase got dressed and I sighed. It was a shame he ever put on clothes because he was so damn attractive. We joined everyone downstairs. Sophia and Opal were mentioned at breakfast. I sighed knowing I was going to have to bury the hatchet with Sophia. Even though the mention of her name made me want to bury one of my arrows in her chest.

I took a deep breath telling myself it was for Heath. Even if he ended up with someone else, he’d always care for Sophia in a way. UGH. Why did she have to be married to my string? Come on War Goddess! That was so fucked up!

Apparently, Opal had ended up with Bjourn. Damn, she was in for it then. At least I didn’t have to worry about her. Now, whoever was coming for Sophia was not going to be successful. Ted wanted to plot things against Sophia. We needed to keep him and Haley apart.

Chase and I were getting ready to leave while he teased his family about waiting for our news. Nadine was studying me while everyone else booed. She had a knowing look on her face when she caught my eye and zipped her lips. She was very observant. At this point I was impressed Matt hadn’t figured it out. He seemed pretty perceptive too.

I wondered if Kincade and Kevin were going to follow us to the Shroud today. Ted linked, “Kincade was ready to throw down for Carry when they declared each other mates.” Wolves and their mates. I was happy for them and knowing that she’d moved here. That probably meant things were cool with her family. I couldn’t wait to see them together.

The guys were going to get paperwork done. Something told me it was my fault they were behind, so I offered to help. Derrick joked that I couldn’t leave again. I did a double take. There was a tone of complete sincerity in his voice. His eyes met mine, and I knew he wasn’t kidding.

Heath and I were going to have to talk about missions once I’d given birth. I couldn’t do long ones again. I couldn’t leave my people, I guess it’s a pack, but I wasn’t going to leave Heath or give up the Black Arrow either. My children would probably do missions with their cousins one day. Everyone ended up helping with the paperwork. Ted caught onto their filing system the fastest, so we agreed he’d file what Sally and I got the work itself done. We were good. We were going to get them all caught up in no time.

We talked about several things. Female warrior tournaments, Haley, and then Sophia was mentioned. I wanted to spit nails. We share a border with her, and she could be my family one day. That grated on my nerves, but I could get over it. Or I could scratch her eyes out. DAMN pregnancy hormones don’t make this any easier. Calm be calm, Lexi.

Did she have to be a topic every day in all conversations? Could anyone give me a second? I winced. I could do this. I WOULD do this. Heath made sacrifices for me all the time. If this is what he wanted, if Sophia was what he wanted I could deal with it. Even if she was a mate/husband taker.

UGH! No…. No... they weren’t married anymore. The War Goddess wouldn't pair Heath with someone who wasn’t amazing. I truly believed that. I knew after meeting her she truly loved her children. Sophia had greatness in her. Deep, deep, down somewhere. She’d better find it for my brother’s sake.