They all got there almost at the same time. Javi was haphazardly separating our groups. I was pretty sure he’d let me attack if I moved to. Blade was literally standing in the background weapon drawn with his eyes begging me to make a move. He was going to move with me if I did. I knew that without a shadow of a doubt. I growled, “Sophia, what the FUCK are you doing here?” She didn’t answer.
Heath put a hand on my shoulder. I shouted, “Are you TRYING to fuck up my life even more? Lexi is FINALLY back in this realm, and here you are trying to mess that up for me! Isn’t it enough that your own pack issues are the reason she found out we were married and left in the first place?! LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE!”
Sophia explained, “I didn’t know she was back. Alfred called an Omega here he knows because Beta Matt wasn’t taking his calls. The Omega said Lexi wasn’t here and we are allies. I wanted to see Heath. Sally is Hood and so is he it’s logical he would here.”
I roared at her, “DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOUR DAMN SELF?! Here’s a bulletin for you: YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN MY TERRITORY UNTIL MY MATE IS NO LONGER PISSED AT ME! I don’t care what Heath does with you, but he deserves better than the version of you that is around right now. The girl I grew up, she’s great. He’s great, but this you; Hell no.”
I turned to him, “We got off on a rocky start, but you’re a good brother. At this point even if I STILL didn’t like you, you’d deserve better.” Matt jumped in, “Ok, lets breathe.” He addressed Sophia, “Please just go back to your territory Sophia. Alfred, I cannot believe you thought this was a good idea. Ignoring your calls was a hint please take it.” Derrick scoffed, “Not to mention you weren’t invited. Don’t mess up my mate’s day with your bullshit.”
Sophia stepped towards me and reached out a hand to touch my arm. Alpha Eric grabbed it, “Don’t touch him.” We all looked at him in surprise. Eric explained, “I can’t currently tell you why you can’t do that, but later I will. Just trust me, no touching.” Ok?
I ordered, “Go home or I’ll dissolve our alliance.” Everyone turned to me in shock. At that moment, Lexi linked me. I sighed in relief. Her voice was the sweetest thing I’d ever heard. I needed to know if she was leaving after the ceremony because if she was Sophia and my alliance was over. She wouldn’t put one single toe into my area EVER again.
Bolt howled with joy. “Mate said forever, maybe she’s not mad.” I agreed, “I think she’s more hurt than mad now.” Bolt asked cautiously, “.... Are we mad?” I thought about it for a minute. All I could feel was regret and relief. I answered, “No, we aren’t mad.” Bolt sighed, “Thank goodness.”
Alpha Eric was smiling at me. I looked at Sophia again, and I frowned when I saw her foot. I asked, “Why is your foot in a walking boot?” Sophia explained, “All the bones in my foot were crushed. It’s taking my wolf time to heal it.”
More like her wolf was pouting about their mate and didn’t want to help her heal as fast. I frowned. Alpha Eric said, “I’m sure Haley would heal that since she didn’t mean to do that. She actually wanted to come here with me, but I didn’t know how you felt about it. She wants to apologize for half of the ass kicking and the stomping. She’s also not totally settled since Chase and Lexi haven’t spoken; she is more under control now because Lexi is resolved to fix things.” Everything in me relaxed.
Sophia chuckled, “As I said then, I knew the risks. I’m not upset with her.” Alpha Eric sounded annoyed, “Yes, because apparently my fairy brother in law knew you wouldn’t tell us all the details so he had fairies tell you.” Sophia interjected, “They are my friends.” Alpha Eric rolled his eyes, “I could’ve been more helpful with all that information.” He was right.
Beta Alfred asked, “What are we doing here Sophia?” Sophia looking longingly at Heath. She sighed, “We are going home. I wasn’t trying to cause problems for you, Chase. Congratulations, Derrick. I hope you and your mate are very happy together.” Derrick replied, “We are happy. Thank you.” Sophia threw another stare at Heath and walked away.
Heath asked me, “Are you ok, Chase?” I groaned, “I think that’s my line.” Matt cooed, “Aww look Derrick, they care about each other now. The beginning of a lifelong bromance. Doesn’t it feel like just last week they hated each other.” Derrick replied, “I think it was two weeks ago.”
Matt said, “Time flies when your Alpha is in a fairy protected house no one can get into. The paperwork Chase. THE PAPERWORK! Ted had time to check on you because I was SO, SO, SO busy.” I laughed, “How about I make it up to you? What if the week of Joanie’s insemination I fly all of you to the Virgin Islands. She can stay in our other house there or with you guys. She’ll have nothing but relaxation and sun.” Matt agreed, “Deal. At least for Ted and me. I’ll ask Joanie if she’s in.”
Joanie linked me, “Joanie is so in. I’d like to bring a friend too if that’s ok.” I responded, “Anyone you want.” I announced, “Joanie can hear us and she’s in.” Alpha Eric pointed out, “Every werewolf and Hackura here can hear us.”
I pointed at him, “Your shirt is untucked, Alpha Eric. Were you off being a rabbit?” Alpha Eric unapologetically said, “I was and I was about to continue with another round, but this shit happened. So instead of a few rounds with my mate before the mating ceremony I got in one round. You guys suck ass.” I laughed, “I had it handled.”
Alpha Eric raised an eyebrow, “More than one of us were worried you’d kill her. If my dad wasn’t on the damn council now, I might have let you just do it. Because these days it seems like I always have a headache.” Matt argued, “No, you wouldn’t.” Alpha Eric huffed, “No, I wouldn’t. I’d have considered it thought. Really hard for several minutes.”
I changed the subject, “Did Alpha Kyle’s sister agree to mentor her?” Alpha Eric nodded, “She did. She’s actually very excited about it.” I said, “Good.” Maybe someone could knock some sense into Sophia about allies and how they work.
Our group walked back. I linked Matt, “What the fuck is this building and when did it get here?” Matt retorted, “The things you miss when you’re busy not eating, sleeping, or taking basic care of oneself. This is the building Bexley and Emmaline conjured upon Sally’s request.”
I looked around then asked, “Where’s Jenna?” Matt sighed, “You would ask that. She went into heat when her partial fairy mate shared his light with her. Apparently, Haley is watching that reaction with male fairies and female wolves. She has two male partial fairies who are mated to wolves. Both went into heat once the fairy shared their light with them. She should be done soon, and I won’t have to think about my baby sister like that.”
I growled, “Is that that Sebastian pup with Susie?” Matt rolled his eyes, “You know very well who that is with Susie. Yes, it’s Sebastian Kyle, you know, your sisters’ mate.” I growled, “I miss the days when we didn’t actually know, and people just suspected. He’s going to be possessive of her because he knows beyond a shadow of the doubt, she’s his.”
Matt shrugged, “Well, the Soul Searcher is around now. It’s a good thing. Just think about it this way you have yet another Alpha wolf ready to protect her.” I sighed, “He’ll get a pack to run most likely, and she could move away.”
Matt rolled his eyes, “It would be in this general area. At least her mate’s not from California. Plus, maybe the combining of packs with families will be the new way forward. Then she’d be in Red Run. We have a fairy now who could pop you to her, and they have a fairy. Everyone’s a winner.” I grumbled, “True. He better treat her well.” Sebastian caught my gaze and managed not to cringe away from it. Maybe he would be acceptable for Susie.
Matt and Derrick led us to the staircase. I finally allowed myself to look at Lexi. A low growl escaped my throat. Bolt was trying to get free, “CLAIM MATE NOW! IT’S BEEN TOO LONG!” Matt and Derrick gripped me. Matt linked, “Get it together! You guys need to talk first.” I forced Bolt into the back of my mind.
I never took my eyes off Lexi. She was in a stunning black dress. The things I could with the slit. I wished I’d taken my dad up on his offer to do the ceremony. The teasing I could do under the table because of the access that slit would’ve allowed.
Cameron put his hand on my shoulder, “You good?” I replied, “Yes,” without looking at him. The tension in my shoulders loosened a little bit when she smiled at me. I linked Cameron, “Maybe everything will be ok. Maybe she will come home.” Cameron assured me, “We’ll get her back home with you. You’re going to be an uncle and my pup needs his or her aunt. So, we will get her back here.”
I blinked and looked at him, “Really?” He nodded smiling. I gave him a hug, “I’m really happy for you. A little jealous, but so very happy for you and Reagan.” Cameron smiled, “Lots of pups are coming. Maybe Lexi will want to have a pup around the same time Ted does. Then our pups can be close in age. We found out when Bexley and Emmaline came to conjure the building for Sally. Reagan had just finished her heat, and we’d come out to talk to Derrick and Matt. Bexley announced Reagan was positively glowing.”
I was really happy for them, and grateful to Haley for healing my sister in law. My eyes went back to Lexi. The more I stared at her the more everything seemed to be falling back into place. Heath had switched tables with Susie. She was giggling and smiling at Sebastian who was staring right back at her with a wide smile. Maybe Matt was right. Maybe knowing for sure who your soulmate was at a young age would be a good thing. At least Sebastian wouldn’t be where I was when I met mine, or I’d kill him.
Lexi was obviously worried about Heath, while Heath was clearly more worried about her. There was a girl at a different table who kept peeking glances over at Heath. One girl teased her about it, and she turned bright red and stopped.
I linked Derrick, “Who was that girl?” Derrick replied, “I haven’t met her but she’s friends with Sally. All the Hood members here are her family or her friends.” I asked, “How do you know it’s not a family member?” Derrick replied, “Her family is all on the left side and I’ve met them all.” I nodded. Interesting.