I said, “I think we can all agree how I’ve found out everything about Sophia from her being married to my string to being my brother’s second string has NOT gone how anyone wanted it to. The first one is mostly my own damn fault. I told everyone I didn’t want to know. That’s no one’s fault but mine. The second thing well I put the pieces together. That’s not her fault or anyone else’s.”

Heath held my hand, “We need to talk about this.” I groaned, “Unfortunately, I agree that we do. I need time just like you do. Right now, it’s all too raw and fresh. I can’t be who you need in that conversation right now.”

I took his hands, “We WILL talk though. I’m not talking months here. I need like a few days, or a week tops. Then I’ll be calmer about it. Can you wait that long?” Heath agreed, “Anything you need.” He kissed my forehead. I said, “Let’s go home.”

Haley grabbed my hand, and I took Chase’s. We all ended up touching, and Haley popped us into the main room in Chase’s house. Frank looked at us then said, “Nadine, I think we missed something.” Nadine agreed, “I think we did.”

Haley kissed my cheek then asked, “Heath, do you need to be popped home?” Heath answered, “No, but thank you.” Haley nodded, “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. If you want an impartial someone, I’ll send you Harper’s boytoy lover.” Heath laughed, “Thank you, Haley.” Haley grabbed Eric and popped away.

Frank stood, came over to us, and handed Heath a glass of whiskey. He said, “You need this.” Heath downed it, “Thank you, Frank.” Frank nodded. We talked for a little bit, and everyone slowly left. I walked Heath to the front door. I told him, “I want to come talk to you tomorrow. I’d like to bring Chase to the Shroud.”

Heath nodded, “He can come in with you.” I smiled asking, “Lunch at your place?” Heath nodded, “We can do that.” I hugged him, “You’re the strongest person I know.” Heath said, “I know someone who rivals me in that department.” I snorted, “Not me.” Heath disagreed, “Yes, you.” He hugged me and left.

I grabbed Chase’s hand, “Let’s take a walk.” We walked outside. I led him towards my place. I stopped in the place where he must have stood far enough away from me that I couldn’t smell him. I asked, “Is anyone else around that could hear us?” Chase replied, “No.”

I smiled, “Good. I’ve had something I wanted to tell you, but the timing hasn’t worked out.” Chase wearily responded, “Ok.” I admitted, “I found out something in Faerie….” Chase chuckled interrupting, “That you pack a mean verbal and physical punch?” I laughed, “I already knew that.”

I said, “There’s a reason that I’ve been so tired and sick.” Chase tensed, “The aftereffects of Haley’s charm?” I smiled, “More like the effects of our trip.” Chase frowned, “Did I not let you sleep enough?” I laughed and shook my head no.

I put his hand on my little bump. He furrowed his brow then looked at my face in shock. I explained, “There’s a longer explanation that I’ll give you, but I’m pregnant with twins.” Chase threw his head back and howled in joy, picked me up, and spun me around.

He kissed me deeply. “I love you, Sweetheart.” I whispered, “Are you happy?” Chase said, “I’m so damn happy.” He went to his knees and kissed my stomach, “You must be Emma and Emmett. I love you both so much. Daddy is here now and I’m never leaving you.”

He stood and kissed me hard. He carried me back to the main house. He ran past his dad and brother running straight to our room. I was naked before I could process anything else. I smiled. Everything was going to be ok.


Chase took his time in the shower. I really did reek. Bolt said, “We have to smell good for mate. I need her back, Chase.” I agreed, “I do too. We WILL get her back and nothing will stand in our way. I won’t let it.” Bolt growled, “I will tear anything or anyone to pieces that tries to.” I’d let him.

I got out of the shower and noticed Ted had laid out my suit on the bed. I quickly put it on and walked outside. To my surprise Derrick and Matt were waiting there for me. I walked through the barrier to them where they could see me.

Matt sighed in relief, “It’s good to see you. I do not like this whole I can’t get in to see you in the fairy protected house shit. I made Ted check on you every day for me.” I frowned asking, “Ted stopped by?” Derrick said, “Ted, Heath, and Haley stopped by. Sally tried but the smell she couldn’t take it.” I admitted, “I didn’t notice any of those people.”

Matt scoffed, “We know you didn’t. They all said you didn’t register their presence.” I said, “I thought Haley was with Lexi the whole time.” Matt explained, “Haley always had someone with Lexi, but I guess Lexi was in so much pain that eventually Haley couldn’t stand it. So, she did some big fairy thing that Alpha Eric is PISSED about.”

I questioned, “What did she do?” Derrick shrugged, “Some glimpse into the future shit.” I pressed, “So, she showed Lexi the future? How the hell does that work?” I looked at my phone and threw it. I shouted, “SHE CALLED ME AND I FUCKING MISSED IT!”

I went to a knee when I felt Lexi’s nearness slam into me. I stood announcing, “She’s back!” Matt grabbed me emphatically stating, “And SHE wants this to be about Derrick and Sally. Ted’s already got her. Lexi’s with him and Heath.”

My dad came running up. He blurted out, “Son, it’s good to see you, but you look like shit.” I mockingly replied, “Aww, thanks dad.” He snorted, “Did you sleep at all?” I admitted, “No.” My dad frowned, “How about I do the ceremony today then?” I disagreed, “No, I’ll do it.” Derrick inclined his head, “Why don’t you guys head up and see Lexi? I’ll take a walk with Chase.” They both sighed but nodded.

Matt went and stopped about a football length away, whereas my dad was on a mission. I linked him, “You missed her too. Didn’t you?” My dad answered, “Of course I did, I missed you too.” I was still around.

Derrick and I walked the grounds. I nudged him, “Are you excited?” Derrick admitted, “Beyond excited. I’m worried Noah’s going to attack the ceremony to ruin the day for Sally.” I said, “He’d be wise to stay away. As much as I despise him, I think he’s smart enough to know this is not the time to attack as much as he may want to.” Derrick raised an eyebrow.

I pointed out, “All our allies are here, along with a shit ton of Hood members. Not to mention Hackura and Fairy royalty are likely here as well.” Derrick laughed, “Hackura royalty, other than Haley, no. Her guard is here somewhere though.”

Two men materialized. Blade said, “Is here. Always here. Princess trouble. Blade tells.” My eyes widened. I greeted the other man, “Javi, it’s good to see you again. What did Blade just say?” Javi said, “It’s good to see you again as well. As for what he said, Blade basically announced his presence, said he’s always near where the Princess is. He also said she’s in trouble for this last charm she did. He’s going to tell her that.”

I nodded, “Sure. You guys have been working together a long time, haven’t you?” Blade answered, “Yes. Always work.” Javi smiled, “We’ve been working together since we could walk.” I nodded. It made sense.

I caught a whiff of a scent I did not want to smell and took off. I heard Derrick groan, “Oh shit!” I could hear them running behind me, but I wasn’t slowing down. I reached Beta Alfred seconds before he stepped into the clearing where he could’ve been seen by pack members.

More importantly Lexi might have seen him and Sophia. They could’ve ruined everything! I threw him into a tree growling at him. My dad linked me, “Chase?” I snarled, “Sophia’s here! She WON’T mess up my chance with Lexi! She won’t! Mostly because Bolt and I won’t let her.”

Bolt agreed, “Yes, let me out!” My dad reasoned, “I don’t think that’s why Sophia is here.” I replied ordering, “You keep Lexi the HELL away from this area until I get her out of here.” My dad agreed, “Consider it done.”

Cameron linked me, “Chase, calm down. I’m on the way.” I snarled at Sophia. I didn’t care that her eyes were rimmed red and bloodshot. She looked just as bad as I did. Matt linked, “I’m practically there. Just don’t kill anyone.” Alpha Eric linked me, “For fucks sake, has the world gone mad? Since when do people stop me from doing what I want? That needs to stop. I’ll have to work on my reputation. I’m not hearing you chuckle. Don’t make me tell Lucas to tell Dylan Frost we need him. Don’t you do it, Alpha Chase.” I didn’t bother answering any of them.