I questioned, “What things?” Chase explained, “Sophia’s Gamma, who she’d been in a relationship with, was going to forcibly mark her to take control of her pack. She was given that information by an anonymous source.”

I closed my eyes and pushed away from Chase because I was getting a bad feeling. I whispered, “Heath gave it to her, didn’t he?” Chase answered, “He did.” Everything clicked in my mind with Heath being protective of Sophia’s pack.

Tears filled my eyes. I shouted, “NO! NO! She can’t have my mate AND my brother! She treated you both like shit! She broke a promise to you! She just used my brother to protect her pack and give her information! NO! Tell me she’s not Heath’s second chance string!”

Chase sighed, “I think you should talk to him about that, but she doesn’t have me.” I wiped tears away arguing, “She did. She had your name, your ring, and you.” Chase tilted up my chin, “She never had my name other than to say I was her husband. She never took my last name, and we didn’t have a wedding. We signed a piece of paper. I never gave her a ring, and she NEVER had me.”

I cried, “So, you don’t want her?” Chase lightly kissed my lips. He said, “I want you, Lexi Scott. Only you. I want you to be Lexi Daniels and I want pups only with you.” I walked away and whispered, “So, you not marking me wasn’t because you wanted us both?” Shock overtook him, I could feel it in my chest. He yelled, “What? NO! God, Sweetheart, NO! I wanted you to have a choice. I wanted you to hear about all this and decide. I wanted it to be your decision. I was trying to stay away from you until this was resolved, but then…”

I finished, “The demons.” Chase nodded, “The demons. I heard the shot fired at you, and I couldn’t stay in the shadows. I fell in love with you, and when you asked me to mark you, I couldn’t stop myself. I know that’s not fair but...”

I cut him off, “I asked you to. It just so happens that in the scenarios I came up with for your situation, it definitely wasn’t you being married. It makes sense though. Ted’s utter contempt for Sophia combined with Haley’s anger. Your anger even. Your dad’s little warnings. Now that I know it makes so much sense. It just it rocked me there for a minute.”

He whispered, “I know. Haley and I felt your pain. I tried to call you.” I admitted, “I couldn’t focus. Then my alerts went off from so many people.” Chase cried, “Don’t do that again I thought you’d died and I lost it.” I held him as he sobbed into my shoulder.

I apologized, “I’m sorry but that guy would’ve killed Reagan. She seemed really out of it.” Chase snorted, “She was in heat.” I commented, “That would do it. I’m impressed she managed to be as with it as she was then.”

Chase told me, “We are going to have a niece or nephew.” I smiled. Our kids would have a cousin their age to grow up with. My big family dreams were coming true. I asked, “Are we?” Chase nodded, “Yes, Cameron told me today. I guess a fairy told him.”

I teased, “Which one?” Chase answered, “The one with the weird name.” I said, “That’s most of them. I know how Haley got her normal name, and Aiden’s had to be his dad.” Chase snorted, “The other one in Alpha Eric’s pack. How did Haley get her name?” I nudged him, “That fairy’s name is Bexley.” He said, “That’s it.” I added, “Apparently Aiden’s dad actually wanted a little girl named Haley. Then, Titus told Alania he liked the name Melody. So her name is Haley Melody.”

We sat in silence for a minute before I clarified, “So, you never wanted Sophia?” It hurt to say her name. Chase answered, “No, I never wanted her. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.” I whispered, “Promise?” Chase closed the distance between us, “I promise you Lexi Scott, I only want you...” I whispered, “Ok.” He groaned “God.”

Then his mouth was on mine. When we broke apart, he said, “Don’t leave me like that again.” I apologized again, “I really am sorry. I didn't mean to gone so long.” He shakily took in a breath. “Alpha Eric said Haley showed you something. What did she show you?”

I smiled, “Our future. I saw our kids. Our son looks just like you, and our daughter is a perfect combination of us both.” Chase was stunned then he smiled, “Do you know their names?” I nodded, “Emma and Emmett.” He smiled “I like it.” I took a breath to tell him they were already conceived, “Well, about that…”

He cut me off again, his lips claiming mine. He linked me, “I need you Lexi.” I thought about it, and admitted, “I need you too.” He growled and leaned me back on the bed. He held his weight off me and made out with me. He slid his hand under my dress and slid a finger into me. He linked, “You’re so wet for me, Sweetheart. I’m afraid I won’t last long. I’ve missed you.”

He unzipped his pants and slid into me. A few tears escaped my eyes. Everything felt like it was right again. Chase wiped my tears away, “Did I hurt you?” I shook my head and kissed him. I pulled away explaining, “Everything feels like it’s ok again.”

Chase groaned and thrust into me. I moaned. He put his fingers on my clit, working them in tandem with his thrusts. I came quickly and so did he. We laid there for who knows how long. Everything was ok now with us. His arms were wrapped around me tightly.

He sighed, “We have to go lead our pack in a run.” I smiled, “Isn’t it still just your pack? I’m not the Luna yet. Haley said she had a ceremony.” Chase kissed me, “You are their Luna, and it is OUR pack. We can have your ceremony whenever you want. I’m not married anymore. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll marry you tomorrow. I’ll throw you the wedding of your dreams. I’ll wait a decade. I don’t care.”

I smiled, “We can talk about it more later. Let’s go lead the pack in a run for Sally and Derrick. I do want to marry you. I might punch Sophia in her stupid face for marrying you first though.” Chase laughed, “Haley beat her ass pretty good for you. Her foot still isn’t healed completely.”

I asked, “Her foot?” Then tears came into my eyes when I realized he knew that she was still hurt. I whispered, “You’ve seen her?” Chase quickly explained, “She showed up today to try and come to Derrick and Sally’s ceremony. I told her to leave.”

I asked, “Is that why you were so upset?” Chase nodded, “I knew you were here, and I didn’t want anything to mess up my chance to talk to you.” I told him, “I wouldn’t have left.” I also knew what Haley wanted to apologize for. She probably thought Sophia deserved a hit or two, but Chase said she kicked her ass and she was still injured. That fairy magic really wasn’t a joke.

Chase said, “I hadn’t seen you in days. I wasn’t in a good place.” I said, “Going back to her foot?” Chase snorted, “Haley turned her into a snake and stomped on her tail. When King Aiden transformed her back to a human her foot was crushed. It will heal in a few more days.” I admitted, “I vaguely recall Haley saying she was going to stomp on her. I told her the saying was squash her like a bug she said it should be stomp. I’m sure she didn’t intend for her to still be injured though.”

Chase kissed me and pulled back, “Getting a saying wrong and being confused about it sounds like the Haley Conners we all know and love. I doubt she did mean for her to still be injured. She was trying to control her anger several times, but with your pain…” He winced, “She just kept lashing out, and Sophia said she understood. I guess Aiden sent fairies to explain the consequences if she stalled.”

Aiden was certainly very smart. How did Alania keep a lid on him for so long? I bet that pissed him off. We walked outside. I noticed everyone not in our pack had left. Heath was even gone which made me sigh since I wanted to talk to him.

Chase shifted and I actually gasped. Howls of laughter and actual laughter went around the pack. Bolt was pink instead of black. I was trying not to laugh. Chase linked me, “Are Derrick and Matt fucking with me or am I really a pink wolf?” I answered, “You really are a pink wolf. Haley said she pulled a slight fairy hijinks prank on you. I’m guessing this is it.”

Chase shook his head. He linked me, “Are you running beside me or climbing on my back?” I smirked, “I’ll run beside you.” He took off running for Haley’s border. Ted and Sally were keeping pace with us. We got back to the main yard. Several couples had split off during the run.

I walked over to Sally and hugged her, “I’m so damn happy for you.” Sally smiled, “I’m glad you made it back in time.” Matt, Derrick, and Chase walked over with shorts. Matt joined our conversation, “Sally, I speak for the ENTIRE pack when I say we are all glad she was here. Also, our Alpha is pink and that’s just amazing. Lexi brings peace and calm to our pack and a Fairy Hackura Princess who’s got jokes.” I admitted, “I missed you guys.” Derrick commented, “We beyond missed you here.”

We all turned when we heard a man yell, “HEATH, YOU ASSHOLE! GET BACK HERE!” I took off without a second thought as I heard a woman scream, “DON’T! STOP IT!” I could hear clothes shredding behind me and paws hitting the ground. I heard Ted and Sally running after me, but I kicked into high gear. Heath could be in danger.

I cleared a hill and saw Alfred fighting my brother. A blonde woman was crying on the ground. I was not going to focus on who she was, but I knew. I tackled Alfred before he could try to hit Heath. I screamed at him, “GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!” Alfred pushed me away and I hit a tree so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

My babies! I was the WORST mother ever. Growls erupted and the sound of people shifting back. Heath shouted, “You’re a fucking dead man!” He hit Alfred. The woman who had to be Sophia screamed, “PLEASE, NO! STOP!” Ted came over to me. I gasped, “Haley! Call Haley now!” Ted frowned, “Ok…” He dialed.