Haley came back in and smiled mischievously, “Let’s get you ready.” She snapped and I was in a one shouldered black dress that had cutouts around the waist. It cinched at the waist and flared out. It would hide my small bump, and there was a sexy slit up the front until my midthigh.
Aiden laughed, “You’re trying to kill her wolf.” Haley shrugged, “There’s nothing wrong with making him see what he could’ve lost.” I smiled, “I love him, Hales.” Haley nodded, “Which is why I only slightly pulled fairy hijinks on him.” Aiden said, “Which is impressive given that you were still fighting that magic.” She blushed.
I asked, “What did you do?” Haley said, “I couldn’t do nothing everyone knows the little sister gets you if you hurt their older siblings.” Aiden said, “I don’t think that’s a thing people know.” Haley snorted, “It fucking should be. You mess with the calmer, chill older siblings and the crazy youngest one gets you. That’s a rule.”
Astrid said, “I agree, they should know that. Especially when that little sister is Haley.” Haley clapped and pointed at Astrid, “Exactly. See? She fucking gets it.” I asked, “You’re coming with me right, Haley? I don’t think I want to walk in alone. Everyone will stare at me.”
Haley said, “Of course they will stare. You look amazing, and that deserves stares. I am coming though. Eric’s going to snatch Alexander and I the second he sees us. I’ll link him that until Heath or someone comes over, he can’t take me away completely.”
Aiden snorted, “I’m coming then. This I have to see.” Haley snapped again. Alexander looked adorable in his little mini suit and Aiden was in a dashing tuxedo. Haley was wearing a short dress with a high neck that was all sparkles then at her waist went out into pink. I smiled, “You look great.” She winked, “Thanks. Let’s go!”
She grabbed my hand and Aiden winked at me. We popped into the back of the building. I asked, “What is this place?” Haley answered, “Bexley and Emmaline conjured it for Sally, for the wedding.” It was gorgeous. The top had all windows so you could see outside. It had intricate chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling, and a straight staircase surrounded by flowers.
I heard a growl and turned around. Eric was stalking towards Haley. Aiden said, “I think he’s taking your directive well, little sister.” Haley laughed. Eric gripped her around the waist. Heath flashed over exclaiming, “Lexi!” Haley waved, “See you later, Lex.” Eric handed his son to his brother and dragged Haley inside Chase’s house.
Ted came over, “Good thing we have a minute or two before the ceremony or they’d miss it.” I believed that. He hugged me, “Don’t do that to me again.” I apologized, “I’m sorry.” Ted said, “You are of course forgiven.”
Heath hugged me next. I squeezed him tightly, “I missed you, big brother.” He replied, “You have no idea how much you were missed.” The wolves were all excitedly chattering about me being here. Many were relieved. I hadn’t seen any of Chase’s family or the man himself yet though. I asked, “Ted, where’s the water at? I’m dying of thirst.” Ted led me away.
Heath watched my every move. It seemed he was afraid if I got out of his eyesight I’d disappear. Ted took me over and got me a bottle of water. I heard a throat clear and turned to see Allie standing behind me. She was picking at her dress nervously. Ted said, “I’m going to that seat that is like two feet away. It’s as far as I’m willing to go.”
I rolled my eyes. “Men. Right, Allie?” Allie smiled, “They were all very worried about you.” I acknowledged, “I know. I didn’t mean for anyone to worry this long.” Allie nervously said, “I’ve…. I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while. I’m sorry I didn’t help Princess Haley more at King Damon’s. I tried though, I promise.”
I was about to respond when she continued, “When King Damon found out his child had turned her back on him, he was furious. He was trying to find the Princess because he forgot where he put her. Which was in a closet, so it was understandable he forgot. I put myself in his path. He didn’t end up finding her. I know that’s not a big thing….”
I paled and cut her off, “You put yourself in an angry vampire’s path? Allie….” She shrugged, “He just took too much of my blood. Nothing else. Before I passed out Susanna’s vampire found us. He told the King I was dying because he was taking too much blood. Damon left me on the floor to go take care of other urges and Robert got me to King Arthur. He saved my life.”
I looked over at Heath and realized he couldn’t know. I sighed, “You didn’t tell Heath, did you? He would’ve pulled you out of there.” Allie sputtered, “I needed to stay! He needed more information. How she was being treated was awful!”
I assured her, “Hey, you did what you could. I was never mad at you.” Allie frowned, “You were mad at Heath though for sending me.” I sighed, “Yes, I was mad at Heath not you. He should’ve told me, but it wasn’t about sending you in. It was about not sending me.”
Allie sighed, “Noah told him not to. Heath really, REALLY wanted to tell you, but Noah’s arguments made so much sense.” I agreed, “They normally do seeing as he’s a master manipulator.” It appeared Allie and my brother talked a lot more than I knew about. That was interesting. I was happy he seemed to have someone to confide in.
Allie pressed, “So, you’re not mad at me?” I said, “I was never mad at you, and I’m sorry you thought that I was. My problem was with my brother.” Allie said, “I convinced the Princesses fairy brother she needed food too. I tried to sneak her more, but she was never in that stupid closet they called her room when I tried.” Allie was fierce with her words when she wanted to be. I kind of wish I heard whatever speech she gave Arion.
Allie continued, “I got her a pillow and a sleeping bag. I know it’s small and silly, but they didn’t even have that in there when I first saw it. It was there when she got there though.” I frowned, “You would’ve been punished for that.” Allie shrugged, “It was nothing. I didn’t get dinner for two nights. That’s it. What was done to her was much worse. She needed a pillow at least.”
I said, “That was very brave and you have my thanks for it.” She smiled tentatively asking, “You think I'm brave?” I nodded, “I do. I think you could stand to learn self-defense, but you are brave. The things you did might not seem like much, but those things mattered. You could’ve very well saved her from being almost drained or raped by the former Vampire King. I am VERY glad you were not raped, and that you weren’t killed. You should tell Heath though.”
Allie looked down, “Are you going to tell him? I was just trying to do the task he gave me. I knew it was important to both of you. He cares for the Princess too since she’s your friend.” I told her, “I won’t tell him. I’m just saying, you should. You’re nineteen and you could’ve died trying to help and missed out on an entire life. Heath didn’t want that. He sent you in as his eyes.”
She surprised me by giving me a hug. She whispered, “Thanks for listening. I’m glad you’re not mad at me.” I hugged her back. “Go have some fun today. I’m sure Sally will be so excited to see you.” Allie smiled, “I’ve missed her! I’ve taken over the cooking in the Shroud. Her recipes are my bible.” I laughed, “She always said you had such promise in the kitchen.” Allie’s eyes lit up, “Really? She said that?” I nodded, “She did.” Allie flashed off.
Ted came right back and I was grabbed from behind. I heard Frank say, “Thank the goddess you’re back, Lexi!” I turned greeting, “Hi, Frank.” I gave him a real hug. I felt his tears on my shoulder. He pulled back and said, “Now, you can’t go doing that to us. You’re family, Lexi Scott. We were worried something fierce about you and Chase…”
A squeal cut him off, “LEXIIIIII!!!!!!” I caught Susie as she flew at me. She chattered a mile a minute, “I told everyone you were coming back. Not Chase though because he’s been hiding, but I told everyone else though. SO MUCH HAPPENED! Jenna found her mate, and I FOUND MINE!”
I looked at Frank in shock then laughed putting the pieces together. I asked, “Emmaline?” Susie nodded, “He’s so dreamy!” Frank said, “He’s just a friend Susie.” Susie frowned, “He’s my mate, daddy! He’s so handsome Lexi.” I chuckled, “Who is he?”
A young man came over answering, “Me.” I teased, “Me is an interesting name.” A man behind him laughed, “His name is Sebastian Kyle. He’s been driving me up a wall about seeing Susie here again.” Susie giggled, “See you later, Lexi!” She grabbed Sebastian’s hand and dragged him over to her friends.
Frank sighed, “That’s just…” Nadine appeared at his side finishing his sentence, “Adorable. It’s adorable.” I heard an angry growl I recognized. I called, “Chase?” I didn’t see him anywhere. I took a step towards the sound and Frank stopped me.
Alpha Eric ran past me in a hurry. His shirt was untucked. Heath tensed and took off. I reasoned, “Let me go. I can calm him down. He’s probably upset because he hasn’t seen me.” Cameron appeared and took off too. Reagan walked over towards our group. Frank said, “That’s absolutely part of the problem, but not the whole of it.”
Matt flew past us next yelling over his shoulder, “Hi Lexi, bye Lexi! So glad you’re back.” The ground shook with Chase’s next growl. Haley popped beside me advising, “Link him if they aren’t going to let you go. I was told I’m not allowed to join either. It’s fair, but the magic is all under control now. It’s still fair. Damn it.”
I chuckled then closed my eyes linking, “Chase?” He answered immediately, “LEXI?” I replied, “Chase, please calm down. I’m here and I never meant to be gone this long. I just wanted a day at most to process. Time got away from me because feeling hurt too much.” Chase asked, “You’re staying?” I answered, “Yes, I did promise you we’d talk about your situation when I found out. I’m not leaving you.”