Ted flashed in one day and threw water on me. He ordered, “Get up! Go shower or you’ll miss your chance to unfuck all of this. Lexi is coming home.” I sat up asking, “She is?” Ted nodded, “It’s Sally and Derrick’s mating ceremony today. You are going to shower, look presentable, and do the mating ceremony for them since you are the Alpha. THEN you and Lexi and talking. Are we clear on the sequence of events? Because you NEED a shower.”

I nodded and ran to the shower. Bolt was even excited at the prospect of seeing Lexi again. I’d get her back. She’d understand how much I loved her if it was the last thing I did.

Heart to Hearts

Lexi woke up in a beautiful house. I jolted up and looked around and startled. This wasn’t where I’d gone to sleep. Had Haley moved me? I heard a child squeal, “Mom, Uncle Heath is here! Hurry up!” What in the weird dream was happening right now?

I got up and followed the sound of the voice. I asked, “Uncle Heath?” The most beautiful little girl and boy came and dragged me downstairs. Heath was standing there waiting for all of us smiling. The little girl holding my hand squealed.

She yelled, “Uncle Heath! You brought Jasmine to play with me!” Heath laughed, “Of course I did. She demanded to see you, Emma.” Emma looked at me, “Can I go play with Cousin Jasmine? Please mommy, please!” I startled, “Mommy?” Me? Uncle Heath? WHAT?! Heath laughed, “Go on, girls.”

The little boy who was the picture of Chase pouted. Another little boy flashed in the house around Heath. The little boy by me yelled, “YES! Joe came to play! Can I go too, Mommy?” I just stared at him in shock. Heath said, “Go on, Emmett.” Heath looked at me, “Are you ok, Lexi? You seem confused.”

I asked, “What is happening? You have kids? My kids are born?!” Heath laughed, “Are pregnancy dreams getting to you? Of course, your kids are born.” I looked down feeling out of breath. I yelled, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” I was clearly pregnant again.

Heath laughed, “My string believes the dreams with twins are more intense.” I shouted, “Twins again?” Heath frowned, “Lex, are you ok? Haley told you when you first got pregnant it was twins again. Twin boys. Is this ringing any bells?” I admitted, “I don’t know. Wait! Your string? You found your second string?” Heath pointed to the couch, “I think you need to sit down.” I agreed, “You might be right.”

Heath guided me to the couch. He said, “Chase asked me to check on you today. Now I see why.” My heart hurt, “Chase…” Heath asked, “Lexi?” I cried, “He’s married.” Heath grabbed my hand saying, “For several years now, to you.” I shook my head saying, “He’s not married to me.” Heath frowned, “Lex, look.” He held up my hand.

I stared in awe because there on my hand was a stunning ring. It was a black round cut diamond. It must have been about four carats with little white diamonds surrounding it and down the band. My eyes teared up admitting, “It’s beautiful. Where is this stone even from?” Heath answered, “Faerie, Chase had Haley get it for him. We need to get you the pack doctor. Did you hit your head? I’ll call Haley and…”

I wiped my tears, “No, so everything works out? He loves me?” Heath questioned, “Do you think I’d let your string live if he didn’t love you as you deserve to be loved?” I whispered, “What if he wants her?”

Heath asked, “Her who? Chase loves you and your kids. Well he says pups, but that’s weird and I refuse to call my niece and nephew that.” I laughed, “I need you, Heath. My you.” Heath took my hands, “I am your Heath. What is going on?” I shrugged, “This is some weird version of the future I guess. Or a dream.”

Heath’s eyes lit in understanding, “Ok then. This is the moment you came to all those years ago. I mean you said we talked but weird.” I wiped the tears off my face, “Chase is married to another Alpha…” I trailed off at the slight flicker of pain on Heath’s face.

I frowned, “Are you ok?” Heath smiled, “We had a long conversation about that after you came back from the Hackura realm.” I asked, “About you?” Heath nodded, “You demanded it. You wanted to pick away at me until I got to my real feelings about the situation.” I said, “That sounds like me. Why would I do that though? Do you and Chase finally get along?”

Heath snorted, “We were getting along after he had my back when, the time we fought our family after they brought you back when you were drugged.” I smiled slightly asking, “Really?” Heath nodded, “I had to admit he’s a good guy, and he loves you. I was comparing myself to him, and I was jealous of him and how much he fought for you.”

I frowned, “That doesn’t make any sense.” Heath smiled, “It will when you go back to your present time.” I waved my arms around, “Is this even real?” Heath answered, “It is very real. This is where our lives lead, Lex. We are happy. YOU are very stupidly happy with your wolf.” I nudged him, “And you’re happy?” Heath smiled, “I am happier than I ever thought I would be.” Heath began to fade. I looked at him in panic, “Heath, don’t go!” Then everything was black.

I was wading around in what felt like nothing until a meadow appeared below my feet. Where did my kids go? I yelled, “HEATH! CHASE! EMMA! EMMETT! WHERE ARE YOU?” The War Goddess laughed, “Emma and Emmett are still inside you, my child. That was impressive magic from your Fairy Princess friend.” My first thought was she forgot Hackura.

I gaped, “Haley did that?” The War Goddess smiled, “Yes, I can show you the paths of your future, but I can’t put you inside it like she just did. When I show people paths and choices, they are an outsider. They cannot talk to anyone. Her way may be better. Mine is a vision of the path. Heath was actually able to speak and make choices.”

I asked, “So everything is ok?” The War Goddess smiled, “That is one of the paths that could be taken, yes. That is the future I want for you and your wolf. Heath’s path isn’t set. He has choices to make, so his path could change. He is upset with me, maybe I made a mistake all those years ago answering some of his questions.”

I frowned, “He was happy though, and I want him to be happy.” The War Goddess smiled, “Heath will make his choices and be happy.” I asked, “That path was it his second or third string?” The War Goddess smiled, “I cannot tell you that.”

I asked, “Does Haley know? Did she see that too?” The War Goddess nodded, “She saw it. She picked the moment you’d go to. She knew you’d need your bother.” I pressed, “So she knows which string those kids were with.” The War Goddess admitted, “She could guess based on how his children looked. She does not know for sure.”

I decided to let that subject go. I asked, “So Chase doesn’t want Sophia?” The War Goddess gave me a look, “My child, you know he doesn’t.” I was quiet for several moments then said, “Heath said if a mate was unmarked it wouldn’t hurt either party if one was unfaithful.” The War Goddess asked, “Do you think he was unfaithful?” I cried, “I don’t know.”

The War Goddess cradled me to her chest, “Lexi Scott, I will not tolerate you lying to yourself and me. Do you think your wolf cheated on you?” I whispered, “No, he’s normally with me.” The War Goddess said, “You are correct. He’s never cheated on you, and he won’t.”

I whispered, “If I hadn't been marked I wouldn’t be pregnant, would I?” The War Goddess answered, “No, you wouldn’t. There were many paths, but there was one where Noah got you because you didn’t text Heath about the dead body. Noah raped you, trying to get you pregnant. They mistreated you so that didn’t work out. Your wolf found you, but you couldn’t stand it. You ran off. It was very sad.”

I was confident, “Haley wouldn’t let me stay gone.” The War Goddess laughed, “She did track you down. She’s a stubborn one, that girl.” I smiled, “She is. Why did the vision of the future fade?” The War Goddess said, “Your fairy friend passed out and could no longer hold the connection. She conjured a book from Faerie to perform the charm. Only the promised siblings can perform it, but she did it alone. Her fairy brother is most upset with her.”

Because Haley didn’t know she needed him to perform it most likely. I questioned, “He didn’t tell her that though, did he?” The War Goddess laughed, “She’s passed out so he can’t tell her. He is where you are though.” I questioned, “Are her Hackura brothers waiting too?” The War Goddess shook her head, “No, they aren’t using technology to track Haley because they are determined to figure out where you are on their own.” That sounded like them. They knew we were safe, and they loved a challenge.

I paused then asked, “But Aiden found us?” The War Goddess laughed, “He popped to his sister when he felt the powerful magic she used. He did know you’d be in the Hackura realm though. He does understand how his sister thinks.” I sighed, “So Haley won’t be awake when I wake up?” The War Goddess said, “I couldn’t possibly spoil that for you.”

I laughed, “Is Chase ok?” The war goddess said, “No, your wolf is very far from ok without you. His wolf is weak and hurting as he is.” I frowned, “Bolt is weak?” The War Goddess nodded, “He marked you. You are upset with him and chose to be away from him. That makes him weak, as it would if you were kidnapped.”

I stood demanding to know, “How do I get back? I need to get back to him. I never wanted any of that. I didn’t know that would happen! I just wanted a second to think and collect myself.” The War Goddess smiled, “Wake up then.” She tapped my head, and my eyes flew open.