Emmaline demanded, “Take your acceptance back, Cassandra. RIGHT NOW!” Then she turned to water. Dylan said, “I will get you ALL back for this. You just don’t care about the things you do to me. I provide HOURS of entertainment for you all, and no one cares about Dylan.”

A fairy popped to Alpha Lucas, “I’ll bring her right back.” Lucas was growling and pacing. Dylan said, “Sure, Idel you’ll bring her right back and she’ll be a sobbing mess. I had so much candy to throw at her too. All my plans were just sent up in smoke.”

Alpha Lucas turned as a pop sounded. Emmaline was back in his arms. She sniffled, “Thanks, Idel.” Idel said, “Of course, little sister.” Alpha Lucas held on to Emmaline tight, “Baby girl, please don’t do that. Not here.” Emmaline huffed, “I didn’t mean to. She just…UGH! Her soul sucks, and this is a bad idea.” I was joined in laughter by those standing in earshot. I assured her, “I’ve got it. It’s not a problem.” It would be if Haley came back in time. Which I was counting on.

Bjourn grabbed my wrist. I turned, “Yes?” He said, “I don’t know what that was about, and I know you can beat her. If you need me to take your place in the fight, I will.” I smiled, “There’s the Bjourn I know and love. I’ve got this. Don’t you worry.” He frowned, “That I know, but I think I should be worried.” Not for me, but for Haley he should be.

Cassandra stalked towards the middle of the room. The fairy’s parted like the Red Sea to make way for us to fight. Dylan grabbed my arm next, “This is a BAD idea. For TWO very important reasons.” Bjourn groaned, “Fuck.” He figured that out fast. I said, “She won’t hurt me.” Dylan winced, “Sure. She’s a wolf and we are known for being a passive group of people.” I smirked, “I’m not known for getting beat in a fight, Beta Dylan.”

Eric growled, “Dad! Do something to stop her, this is ridiculous.” Eric’s dad replied, “I don’t know what to do. A challenge was issued and accepted. Do you have any ideas?” I did and I found it interesting he wasn’t using an Alpha Command. I bet he promised not to use it on her, at her request.

Eric pleaded, “Take it back, BA. Please.” I shook my head, “No, and I’m not even sorry. It’s time someone taught her some damn manners. Particularly since she likes to lord it over everyone that she’s some impeccable person. We all know that’s not true. I think she’s delusional enough she might believe it. So, really I’m helping her.” Dylan gasped.

I stepped into the circle behind Cassandra. I spoke loudly, “For the record since you were wondering earlier about where Haley is. She’s out making sure some fairies don’t kill your son, Alpha Darrin Conners. Apparently, you insisted ALL your sons be allowed to attend in Faerie despite the fact that King Aiden and Haley said that would be a bad idea. You just didn’t listen, did you? Because Cassandra knows best.” She glared at me.

It was my turn to be condescending, “You seem to have forgotten your sons did kill a lot of fairies, and that group that doesn’t believe Aiden is a King came here to kill Alpha Darrin in retribution.” Cassandra gasped. I continued, “So while you stood there all condescending and bitching about Haley, she was YET AGAIN doing something for your family.”

Cassandra seemed to be considering my words. Then I remembered one more thing, “Oh, and you don’t have a green thumb. Haley’s been keeping your damn garden alive, you bitch.” I punched her in the face while she was distracted. I smirked as I heard her nose break. She screamed in pain.

I ignored the growls in the background. I heard all the fairies squealing. Cassandra came at me, but I used my speed. I knocked her down by kicking her from behind. She growled and stood. Her canines elongated and her claws came out of her hands. I was surprised she was on good enough terms with her wolf to shift. Part of me wondered if her wolf wasn’t shifting to concede because she wasn’t as bad as her human.

Dylan shouted, “NOOOOO! NO! NO! GAP WHAT FUCKING GOOD IS BEING A GOD IF YOU DON’T OCCASSIONALLY USE YOUR POWERS FOR THE GOOD OF US ALL?” I grabbed Cassandra’s arm as she swung and twisted it behind her back. She flailed with her other arm and scratched me. It surprised me enough that I let her go.

She was fighting her shift which told me I was right. Her wolf wanted to concede. She was coming at me again when Eric grabbed her from behind snarling at her. A pop sounded. Haley yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” Cassandra was flung backwards out of Eric’s grasp.

A golden eyed Haley popped in between Cassandra, me, and Eric. Haley yelled, “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING CASSANDRA?!” Aiden grabbed my arm, “Are you alright?” I assured him, “I’m good. I was winning.” Aiden chuckled, “Oh dear, it seems I missed the fun.”

Lucinda popped over and squealed, “You did Aiden. It was fabulous.” Lucinda whispered the entire conversation to Aiden who smiled brightly at me. Cassandra crossed her arms, “Haley, she challenged me to a fight.” Haley shouted, “AND YOU ACCEPTED?! AT A PARTY?! After all the speeches about decorum you give me?! Are you fucking serious?” Cassandra huffed, “She insulted me. I couldn’t say no.” Haley yelled, “Yes, you could. You are UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE.”

She turned to me, conjured a dagger, and cut her hand. She placed her hand on the cut on my arm, “By my blood I accept the challenge in place of the Black Arrow to fight Cassandra Conners.” Haley healed both of us. Aiden gasped, “Oh my god, this is amazing.” I heard Haley’s family making noises in shock. Bjourn wasn’t going to let Cassandra fight Haley, but I was certain Eric wasn’t going to either.

I assured her, “I can fight her, Hales.” Haley said, “I know you can, but you picked this fight for me. Right?” I argued, “It was for me too.” Haley hugged me, “I’ve got this. You won anyway.” Haley turned letting her eyes blaze. Eric was growling, and so were his family.

Molly came over to me, “Boy, you sure know how to shake things up.” I shrugged, “Nothing I said wasn’t true.” Molly watched as Cassandra charged towards Haley. Bjourn was moving towards them. I kind of hope he got to Haley to take the challenge before anyone stopped it.

I didn’t get my wish. Eric yelled, “MOTHER! ENOUGH!” Cassandra turned. Eric looked her in the eyes, “Back down. NOW!” She whimpered. I asked, “What did he do?” Even though I already knew. Molly answered, “Something he promised never to do. He used an Alpha Command on her.”

Cassandra said, “I yield the fight.” Haley rolled her eyes and walked back to me. She spoke her space unheard chant. She demanded, “What were you thinking, BA?!” I answered, “That she’s gotten away with hurting you for far too long. She was rude while you were gone. It’s really her fault.”

Haley sighed, “She’s always rude about me.” I pointed out, “And that’s not ok.” Haley hissed, “GLOWING! You are fucking glowing! There’s no fighting when you’re glowing unless it’s unavoidable. If she’d have hurt you, or those little soon to be stinkers... I’d have had to kill her. She’s going to get SHIT for scratching you. How dare she fucking do that.”

I said, “I’m too good for her to have done serious damage. She may have scratched me, but I got in several good punches. I’m certain her wolf wanted to shift to concede. She fought her shift.” Lucinda agreed, “Actually, now that she says it that’s clearly what happened.”

Haley said, “Damn right you are good. It’s a REALLY good thing you are too.” Eric came over and kissed Haley hard. He pulled back, “Are you alright?” She frowned, “You know I am. Your feelings in our bond are confusing. Why are you feeling guilty?”

I chuckled, “Me. Don’t worry, Eric. I know you wouldn’t have let her hurt me; you just knew she wouldn’t. I only had my brother growing up, but I have seen friends with their family. It’s often easier to let others deal with things like I did. Plus, you didn’t know some of what I said. You were in a little bit of shock. It happens.”

I looked over and noticed Cassandra and her husband were gone. I walked back over to Dylan, “Aww, did mommy dearest get sent home before midnight?” Dylan’s eyes were wide, “You are a GODDESS. She did get sent home, with no dinner even. You just exploded a word bomb on the Conners family that my jokes have never been able to penetrate. I bow to you.” He literally bowed.

Dylan turned to Alpha Lucas and put an arm around my waist as Lacy laughed. Dylan said, “She can never leave us, Lucas. It was beautiful. I had a tear in my eye.” Alpha Lucas replied, “I don’t know if that’s the word I’d use.” Dylan said, “Ignore him, BA. He doesn’t have the expansive vocabulary that I do.” I laughed.

Bjourn cleared his throat, “We need her for a minute with her, Dylan.” Dylan pouted, “You’re going to have to say how long you ACTUALLY want her for. Because I WILL just count to sixty and come find her. I bet she’s got fairy blood in her pinky somewhere she’s so damn entertaining. That was GLORIOUS.”

Bjourn responded, “I’ll bring her back when I’m done. How about that?” Dylan sighed, “Alas, my creepy ninja assassin isn’t here to fight for me and my show. His wife had to go into labor, and now he’s with his child. It’s all so unfair. Fine. Take her away.” He said dramatically. I snorted, “I’ll be back.” Dylan said, “See that you are, or I’ll have to find you.”

I followed Bjourn and Haley’s other brothers down a hallway. Bjourn opened a door. Gunner said, “DAMN SLUGGER! You came out swinging! From your words to the punch in the face. Nice cross. You and Logan must have worked on that together.” I admitted, “He did help my technique.” Gunner winked.

Harper surmised, “Haley told you more about the Cassandra stuff than she told us, didn’t she?” I nodded, “Yes, because I didn't tell her she was emotional or just kept assuring her that the Conners family loved her. I let her talk.” Bjourn frowned, “We know she doesn’t want conflict with them.”