Prince Bjourn chimed in, “They don’t need to. Those two went on missions exclusively with each other for quite a period of time. They can read each other. Haley specifically since fairies can tell a person’s motivations.”

Kincade linked me, “Lexi just linked the pack saying to prepare for battle.” I yelled, “FUCK!” Kincade continued, “She said for us to get ready but to stay hidden until her order that there are no silver bullets in play.” I whirled, “SOMEONE GET US BACK TO MY PLACE!”

I looked at Lizzy asking, “Hanson isn’t here, is he? He’s gone after my daughter!” Lizzy questioned, “You’re Alpha Chase then? He did leave in a rush because he was going after Emma.” Derrick asked, “How did Lexi know?”

Prince Logan said, “Never doubt a mother's intuition. That shit is no joke.” Katie agreed, “Damn right it’s not. Also, Heath, there’s a bit of a concealment spell on you. I’d imagine it was so that you didn't recall this place. It’s fading the longer we are here.” Heath yelled, “SON OF A BITCH!”

Bjourn’s phone beeped. He took out his phone announcing, “My dad is in your territory, Alpha Chase.” I gasped, “King Titus is in my territory?” Prince Bjourn nodded. Derrick spoke, “First off, that’s cool. Second off, why?” Prince Bjourn explained, “Anyone who had anything to do with what happened to my sister will die by our hands. We swore that to our sister. Just because she didn’t know there were other sects to the ring doesn’t mean they will not die all the same. I will not have other people’s daughters, sisters, nieces, sons, nephews, cousins, mates, so on and so forth, you get the point, on my conscience.” Damn.

He continued, “We are here to protect the realms, Gamma Derrick. It just so happens in this instance our need for vengeance and retribution lines up with what we need to protect the supernatural’s of the realms from.” I surmised, “You’ve known this extends past the Fairy’s.” Prince Bjourn admitted, “We’ve been working on this for decades. It’s why my uncle no longer leaves our realm. It was the last thing he worked on before he shut himself in our realm.”

He angrily added, “We had NO idea it was in Faerie. Every time we get close, we only find a section. We’ve never been able to wipe them all out completely. They are smart, but we have time. My sister didn’t just extend Eric’s pack’s lives with her Fae light. She extended ours when we met her.” I said, “You guys live longer than most any way.” Bjourn smiled, “That we do. Now we have even longer.”

Eric said, “So this is farther reaching than we know. Which means we have a massive problem.” Bjourn sighed, “Knowing what we know, I think Fabian inherited this from someone else.” Eric cursed, “FUCK! You think he took it over from the fairy family that was overthrown by the Holloran’s.”

Bjourn pointed out, “That family was the least obnoxious fairy family for others to deal with. None of us knew of the brutality they were holding Faerie under. I think they found like-minded people and I believe this has been going on possibly for centuries. It will take time, but this will end.

My dad linked me, “We are under attack! I am fine. I was almost shot but Lexi tackled me. She’s stalling.” I growled, “How the fuck is she doing that?” My dad answered, “She’s talking to Hanson. I was overruled and they popped away from me. I can’t leave the twins.”

I ordered, “SOMEONE GET ME HOME RIGHT NOW!” Lizzy yelled, “Wait! I need to do something. If Lexi is stalling, I can give her more time. Let me help my niece!” Dietrick ran to his daughter, “Lizzy!” She slapped him across the face, and more than one person hide a snicker.

She hissed at him, “Do you have ANY idea how long I hoped and prayed you would come for me? What kind of family buys a death without a body? He taunted me with how easy you were to fool, and how little you cared for me. He taunted me with how you left Heath and Lexi after he KILLED Allison and James! He came home and RAPED ME with her blood still on him. How could you? Get out of my face.” Noel pushed Dietrick away from her. He was in shock. Donald walked over and took his hand.

Lizzy took a deep breath, “I, Lizzy Newcome reject Hanson Newcome as my string.” She choked briefly then smiled. She inhaled, “I was hoping before I died, I could do that.” I asked, “He made you marry him?” Lizzy answered, “Yes, yet another thing my family would’ve found out if they didn’t just buy my death. How does one get married if they are dead? These are the questions I wished they would’ve pondered. Let’s get to my niece. She has been without family for far too long.”

She turned to her father, “We need to have a family meeting about your childish pride. You stubborn FOOLS!” He tried to reach her again, but Noel blocked him angrily. I couldn’t blame him, I’d be pissed in his position. A marriage certificate was a giant sign they didn’t even bother to look for.

Bjourn opened a portal and my group stepped through two back into my lands. Sharon popped their group in. I started to run at Lexi as she talked to Hanson. I didn’t want her that close to him. Eric and Cameron grabbed me. Haley popped to us. She looked at Eric.

He linked me, “Haley said she will make you stay here if she has to. We need this information, and Lexi deserves answers. She’s ready to pop Lexi out the second there's trouble.” I snarled, “THE SECOND she gets a bad feeling, Lexi is out of there.” Eric nodded. He looked at Haley who nodded too but shot me a glare.

Eric linked, “She’s offended you didn’t think she would get her out of there at the first sign of trouble.” I sighed, “It’s not that…” Eric cut me off, “It’s your mate being in danger. I know, I get it.” Lexi was trying to get answers. Sadly, there were no satisfactory ones given. Her parents died because he was crazy, and they were onto his section of the ring.

I grabbed Heath’s shoulder to silently give him my support. He looked up at me, and I knew he was beyond angry. Justifiably so. Jordan, Jasper, James, and Noel surrounded Heath. Jordan nodded to me. I wished I could do more.

Kincade linked me, “There are two warlocks above my men in trees. We are going to take them out quietly. There are five in a group just to your left should Heath need to kill people.” I wanted to let a string of curses out. I needed to kill people, but I was going to let Heath have this one.

I whispered in his ear, “We have a group of five warlocks on our left. Go kill them quickly.” Heath’s group flashed away. I heard several necks breaking and they were back. Heath said, “Thank you, Chase. I know you wanted to kill them too.” I shrugged, “What’s a few dead warlocks between brothers in law?” Heath smiled.

Alpha Jackson linked me, “You guys need to catch up with us. With my sister in law's hatred of all thing’s witches and warlocks we’ve killed our fair share lately.” I questioned, “When did witches and warlocks as a group become so obnoxious?” Alpha Jackson sighed, “They have bad mentors, and there’s good money in doing bad things. It will bounce back, it always does.” I shrugged. I hoped he was right.

Hanson confirmed what Bjourn had said about the ring. They were smart, but eventually the Hackura would get them. It might not be a while, but it would all catch up. We will all come together for this. When Hanson offered Lexi safety for her and Emma, I bit back a growl. I opened my link with the pack, “NO ONE TAKES YOUR LUNA OR YOUR FUTURE LUNA. This sick bastard touches neither of them! Are we clear?” Everyone linked back, “Yes, Alpha. Where is the Luna?” What? Matt linked, “The Luna is safe with the twin.” He linked me, “Molly linked me that Haley did some fairy thing so the pack wouldn’t know BA is Lexi.” Smart.

Ted linked, “So, Emma can’t be an Alpha?” I answered, “Emma can choose if she wanted to lead the pack with Emmett one day, but no one will take that from my little girl. Calling her a Luna is what is done since she’s the second born.” He made a face like that didn’t make sense but accepted my explanation.

I would make sure my daughter could eat shits like Hanson for breakfast. She would be strong like her mother. She would never be separated from our family until it was time for her to live with her mate. I swore that to the Moon Goddess here and now.

Lexi changed the subject asking why they wanted Reagan. Cameron gripped my arm. I linked him, “It’s ok, little brother.” My jaw dropped when they said the reason Reagan went on a run the night, she’d turned eighteen, was because of a spell. If Cameron hadn’t chased her, they’d have taken her. I wouldn’t have let that go. That would’ve put them on my radar and my allies' radar. That was a horrible move.

Derrick linked me, “I WILL FUCKING KILL THESE SHITTY WARLOCKS!” Angry brother, check. Cameron linked me, “I just knew I had to get to her. I just had a feeling. A strong feeling came over me and I couldn’t ignore it.” I assured him, “The Moon Goddess protected her through you.” He nodded, “It had to be. They would’ve taken her from me Chase.” I said, “They didn't, she's here and she’s safe.”

I linked Reagan, “Link Cameron and Derrick tell them you are fine. You are in the safe room, right?” Reagan answered, “With Susie and Nadine and the other non-fighters. Trust me I’ve got the heebie jeebies about this too. We have the video feeds up. I’m all kinds of glad Cameron went all Alpha male and chased me that night. I want no part of what they are talking about.”

I assured her, “You never will be.” Hanson said they almost had Reagan, that her fertility appointments were a trap. I linked Eric, “That would put them on our radar. I don’t think they understand what taking her would’ve done.” Eric replied, “Crazy people do not abide by logic. We would’ve hunted them down to bring her back either time.” Eric stiffened when they said Haley messed up their plan to take Reagan.

I linked Cameron, “Is that true? You weren’t going with her to the next doctor appointment?” Cameron looked at me with wide eyes, “I was going to surprise her. I wasn’t going to let her go alone. She knew I had a meeting and thought I couldn’t make it. Rick was going to cover it for me, but then Haley healed her.”

I questioned, “Who knew? Who knew you weren’t going?” Cameron answered, “The doctor’s office did. Reagan told them after our first appointment I couldn’t make the next one.” I ordered, “Get Rick to get men there. NOW!” Cameron nodded.