He paused sneering, “The damn packs always have their backs. Few see our purpose.” I offered, “One of the few being Alpha Hammond.” Hanson smiled, “He had to be coaxed into having a vision. He tried to get out of the darkness he inherited. His father was the visionary like the rest of us. When his mate was taken then killed he came to our side.”

I said, “He was a crazy person like the rest of you.” Hanson laughed, “People always question genius.” I retorted, “I don’t question genius. I’m questioning if you have a brain at all actually.” Hanson laughed, “Me? You’re alone?” I informed him, “I’m never alone.” I tapped my elbow signaling Haley to show herself.

Haley popped beside me. Haley greeted, “Hanshit, I’ve heard you’re not a fan of mine. Join the fucking club. I hate you too.” Hanson laughed, “You are far more vocal than you were on the tapes we have of you. Don’t worry, I advocated with our leaders since I follow Lexi around that you weren’t a docile little thing. I knew you were a spitfire. They don’t believe me though.”

Haley told him with a straight face, “When I rip their fucking throats out, they’ll believe you. Have no fear, Hanshit.” I nudged her, “He’ll be dead though, so he won’t know.” Haley shrugged, “He will because I’m telling him now.” I agreed, “True.”

Hanson laughed, “Three for the price of one. I’m going to throw in the Princess beside you now. Many people would DIE to have a chance at her.” It started to rain. Haley coughed and her eyes blazed. I asked, “Haley?” She whispered, “My dad’s here and he’s mad. His anger is so strong I made it rain.” I said, “Well, that’s bad for you, Hanson.”

Hanson ordered, “Open fire on the pack house!” I screamed, “NO!” Haley yelled, “Yeah, fire” I raised an eyebrow. She snapped her fingers, “Oh, wait that’s right, you can’t because I’m so much fucking better than you shitheads!”

Hanson’s face contorted in anger. He screamed, “I’ll kill you, you bitch!” Haley’s eyes blazed brighter, almost the color of the sun. I found that odd since she didn’t get upset when people called her names. Then I heard Titus yell, “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL MY DAUGHTER?”

I wished to the War Goddess I had a camera on me. Hanson went deathly pale. He hissed, “You called your dad!” Haley said, “No, I’m guessing….” She trailed of then shrugged, “You know what? There’s too many fucking people here that could’ve called him for me to guess which one it was. Each is likely suspect. You can blame your goddess you don’t have enhanced hearing like the wolves, or you would’ve heard me say he was here.” I snorted.

It was Marcus. Hands down it was Marcus that called Titus. I’d say it if she wouldn’t. I’m sure with the number of guards here she did think she had quite the list of suspects. I was going to give her this one, but I was right. It was one thousand percent Marcus.

Titus answered him stepping into the light, “You think she called me? You are an insipid, small- minded man. My daughter can handle herself.” Hanson sneered, “Obviously. That’s why you’re here, King Titus.” Titus came closer, the rain dripping off of him made him look even more intimidating than normal.

He said, “I came because I am her father. There are MANY times I did not protect her, but this… For a man involved with Fabian, I am here. I missed the last one because her cousin killed him. You I will not miss. Anyone who I find out had knowledge of what happened to her dies. Anyone who is involved in the shit Fabian was part of dies.” Hanson gulped, “We are hard to find.”

Titus chuckled humorlessly, “I am a patient man and I have time. So are my sons and my grandsons. You are all enemies to family line, and you WILL die by someone who has my blood running through their veins.” My jaw dropped when I realized he was serious.

I looked at Haley. She said, “Daddy.” Titus looked at her, “They will all die one day, Princess. We all have time apparently because of you. I will wait centuries. I will weed them out. I don’t care what brings them into the open. Something will and they will all die.” Hanson shook in fear. A warlock stepped out trying to chant something at Titus. Titus threw a dagger, and it went straight through the man’s throat.

He bellowed, “I am KING Titus Cambridge. I have killed Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses of ALL races. Do you think a measly warlock can take me down?” Haley answered, “Fuck no. I don’t think that.” I added, “Me either.” Hanson sighed, “I just came for the little girl.”

Titus’ eyes blazed, “You can’t have the little girl you SICK BASTARD! IMPETUS!” Marcus, Blade, Javi, Sasha, Uther, and Thomas ran to attack at his order. Haley conjured her swords. She popped me into a tree.

I linked Kincade, “Get your men out and attack these worthless maggots who want my daughter!” Kincade replied, “Yes, Lexi.” I saw Bolt howl and come running into battle. Warlocks surrounded Hanson. They were trying to drag him backwards, but he was shaking them off.

He declared, “IT’S NOW OR NEVER!” The warlock shouted, “THE KING OF THE HACKURA AND SOME OF HIS CHILDREN ARE HERE! IT’S NEVER OR YOUR LIFE!” Hanson said something in response, but I couldn’t hear him.

I aimed and hit him in the shoulder at the same time another arrow flew. I looked over and locked eyes with my uncle Jordan. Neither of us wanted him to die just yet. I froze when I heard a shot. No one should have a gun. Then I heard Ted yell, “YOU BASTARD! YOU CAN’T TOUCH MY WOLF!”

I yelled, “TED!” What was he doing out in the open? I jumped down out of my tree. He was surrounded and shooting. He’d come out because Matt was dealing with a warlock. I heard several snarls. I flashed to Ted taking two of them down on my way. I turned once I reached him. I stood with my back against Ted’s and fired my arrows. Ted had been working on his accuracy with a gun. We managed to take most of them down.

Haley popped in and threw the rest with her wind to Matt, Chase, and who I thought was Isaac in wolf form coming for us. I heard a baby cry. I was confused because that wasn’t my children’s cries. Ithios and two warlocks came flying through the window. Haley conjured an inflatable mat for them to land on. Ithios gutted both men before they could grasp that they’d fallen. I flashed back into the house.

I ran to my room. Frank and the twins were gone. I screamed. Haley popped to me, “They aren’t here.” I yelled, “I see that!” Chase came running into the room. Haley snapped him clothes. I screamed, “WHERE ARE THEY?” Haley said, “My dad had them taken to our realm with Chester and Frank. They are fine.” I said, “Oh.”

I paused then added, “I’m punching one or all of them when this is over.” Haley popped Chase and I back outside. He shifted. Heath and Titus had Hanson. I sighed of relief knowing it was over. Hanson saw me. He warned, “She’ll never be safe. Once you’re wanted, you’ll always be sought after. You and your daughter will live in the fear of what I’ve started.” Haley ordered, “Shut the fuck up, Hanshit.”

Hanson said, “You too Princess.” He stared at me, “You’ll lose your daughter. And she’ll lose you. I would’ve kept you together. You’ve perpetrated the cycle of a daughter losing a mother.” Heath punched him in the face. He laughed, “Your daughters will be wanted too, Heath. Just like Alpha Eric’s and Alpha Lucas’. None of them are safe!”

Titus rammed a knife into his thigh. Hanson screamed in pain. Haley’s eyes were blazing. Thor’s teeth ripped into Hanson’s arm. He looked at Haley who nodded. He ripped off Hanson’s arm. Beta Dylan shifted back saying, “There’s the SGAP we know of love. GET HIM, THOR! Threaten my future Luna! I think NOT!”

Haley partially healed Hanson. She cauterized the wound, but he still didn’t have an arm; he just wasn’t bleeding. Hanson was screaming in pain. He looked at me, “Remember what I said, Lexi Scott. You will NEVER be free of my family. I’m in your head.” He bit down hard then convulsed. Haley was thrown back from him. What the hell? Alpha Eric shifted back.

A pop sounded twice. Aiden appeared back with Haley in his arms. Unconscious. I turned back and saw Hanson was dead. Eric grabbed Haley from Aiden. He yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Aiden ground out, “Goblins working with Demons. Seriously?! Do I not have ENOUGH problems?!” Oscar popped to him and touched his arm. Aiden gathered himself then said, “She will be fine, brother-in-law of mine.” Oscar popped away from him.

Beta Dylan said, “Ok now that we have that confirmation that the super special fun sized ninja fairy goddess will be fine; King Aiden, what BRILLIANT timing you have! He popped into the air to save our goddess from hitting a tree. Which in turn saved SGAP from losing his mind. That would’ve so bad for us all. He’s such a crazy man about her.”

He paused before dramatically adding, “I mean he’s going to go berserk here in a minute because she’s unconscious, but BRAVO on keeping him from going full scale psycho murderer. Though rogues do keep attacking our pack. I wouldn’t have minded setting psycho murderer-y SGAP on loose. To each their own though. What brings you here with your fine Kingly timing?”

Eric said, “She didn’t call on you. How did you know?” Aiden explained, “She did not need to. The magic to incapacitate her called to me. If it was done to me, she would feel the need to come to me the way I was compelled to come for her. Obviously, Hanson and Debbie are idiots. It runs in the family. I’m sure he didn’t know it would kill him to incapacitate her for a few hours.”

Eric growled, “HOURS?!” Beta Dylan sighed, “Oh boy. Lucas, take heart! Our rogue problem is solved. SGAP is coming to kill them all. YAY! It’s going to be like a mini vacation for us.” Eric growled, “DYLAN!” Dylan said, “Now, now SGAP it’s Beta Dylan. Save that growling for the rogues. Bad rogues. They are very bad!”