Tornadoes were flying all around. I snorted when I saw tree branches pull Dietrick and Donald from the house. They were hit by lightning, and the tree was squeezing them a little hard. What not even I anticipated was Haley having the trees swing them around in circles. They were going to puke. I stopped focusing on them and got back to letting my arrows fly.
I saw one fly by that wasn’t mine. I turned smiling at my Uncle Jordan. He smiled, “I’m not as good as you but I’m still good.” I teased, “It must be in my blood or something.” Uncle Jordan winked at me. We began to fire together. I wished it had always been like this. Jasper and Heath were moving together. Tears filled my eyes as I admitted we were good together. As a family.
James was running around them blocking any attacks from behind. Charlotte and Noel were even out there. AA was doing her thing with her vampire. He seemed impressed. She was good with a dagger and fast. We could’ve stopped this Hood ring long ago if not for the pride of stubborn old men and women.
I heard a gasp that stalled my arrow. I looked at Jordan who was looking up. I followed his eyes to a woman that had to be Noel's mom. This was my aunt Lizzy. The branch holding her was being much nicer to her than Dietrick and Donald’s.
She screamed when saw Noel, “NOEL, NO! RUN! HE CAN’T HAVE YOU TOO!” Noel whirled. He flashed towards her. I saw Haley let Lizzy be lowered to the ground. Charlotte took down two guys who were trying to hurt Noel as he ran to his mom.
Uncle Jordan and I notched our arrows and began to help clear his path. I smiled at Bolt ripping apart a warlock who was coming for my uncle and I. Lizzy cried as she held Noel. She sobbed, “Oh my boy. My little boy.” It was a touching moment. Noel was sobbing in her arms. Everyone seemed to be handled, but I didn’t see Hanson.
Fear gripped me so hard. If he wasn’t here, then I knew where he was. I screamed, “HALEY!” Uncle Jordan jumped beside me in surprise. Haley popped to me and I nodded to her. She popped us back to Yellow Hills.
Frank was startled by our appearance. He asked, “What’s going on?” I didn’t answer I had my own question, “Can I link the pack?” Frank replied, “Of course you can. You’re the Luna. Not to be a broken record, but what’s going on?” Haley said, “If you tell them to stay put, they have to until you say otherwise as long as you explicitly state in the order that only you can countermand it. Otherwise, Chase could.” Frank asked, “How do you know that? You were not raised in a pack. You seem to know a lot for someone not raised in a pack. Quickly too.” Haley answered, “I read a lot.” Ok then.
I linked the pack, “Non-fighters get to the safe houses now! Fighters get ready. A battle is coming our way tonight. Let Princess Luna Haley and the Black Arrow handle it at first until we are sure there are no silver bullets that can hurt you. Tonight, we protect your future little Alpha and Luna.” Howls rang out around the pack. At least I knew it worked.
Blade said, “Princess.” Haley explained, “Hanshit is coming here, Blade. The crazy cowardice bastard.” Swords were drawn. Marcus stepped forward. “Let’s go, little sister.” I turned to Frank. He assured me, “I’ve got them. Where’s Chase?” I winced, “Shit.” Haley offered, “Sharon can bring them back if we are right.” I said, “We are right.” A shot rang out and I jumped on Frank. A bullet hole appeared in the wall right behind where he’d been standing.
I linked, “WOLVES STAND DOWN UNTIL I SAY OTHERWISE! DO NOT GIVE AWAY YOUR POSITION!” Ithios said, “Let them come. We will kill them all. Nothing gets up here to the children.” Haley gleefully yelled, “Witches are going in the fucking ditches! BRING IT WITCH BITCHES!”
I told her, “Link Eric to get here. I’ll give us some time.” Haley grabbed me and spoke in Fealish until I glowed. She said, “I’m popping you out of there the second he loses his shit. I used a charm to protect you and make sure the pack can’t hear the words to give away who you are.” That was sweet. I warned, “Make sure Chase stays back.”
Haley snorted, “I am only one fucking person.” I replied, “You are a badass Fairy Hackura Princess. You can keep him back.” Haley smiled, “Maybe for you, I will.” She winked at me. I smiled. Frank whispered, “Lexi.” I ordered, “Guard the twins. I will be fine.” Haley snorted, “Damn right she will be.”
I flashed outside screaming, “HANSON NEWCOME!” Everything stopped. Hanson flashed out, “I would’ve sworn you’d have gone to my place to save your grandpa’s.” I reminded him, “They aren’t my grandpa’s, they are strangers. I could’ve sworn you would’ve gathered your troops and planned. Not run off half-cocked with a piss poor plan, but here we are.”
Hanson laughed, “You seem to forget I have silver wolfsbane bullets.” I chuckled, “I’ve been shot before. Silver and wolfsbane being in the bullets won’t matter to me. Just like they don’t matter to you.” Hanson said, “Your soon to be dead Alpha’s pack though, them it will kill.”
I pointed out, “In case you didn’t notice, they aren’t coming out. He’s not just my Alpha, he’s my string. That makes me their Luna. I ordered them to get to safety. I have a very good friend that told me I could do such things.” Thank god Haley used that charm or the cat would be out of the bad and I’d have to retire BA.
Hanson’s veins on his neck bulged out. He said, “I see my son will have his work cut out for him to train you. We will have to do that together.” I chuckled, “He can’t do much, he’s dead.” Hanson sneered, “You’re lying. Why would you kill him?”
I tapped my chin, “You mean other than the fact that he wants to kill my son? He lied to me, took my virginity based on a lie, he manipulated me and my brother separating us, and he’s the evil son of the man who killed my parents. I could go on, but I think you get the point.”
Hanson scoffed, “Yet Noel gets none of your ire.” I said, “Noel is a good kid. Noah is rotten to the core. He’s Hanson two point zero.” Hanson smiled, “He’s my good son.” I said, “Thankfully for us all you left your good son alone. Noel is good and that’s all his mom. My aunt, you remember her. I saw her this evening. She’s out of your reach now.” Hanson screamed, “SHE’S MINE!” I shot back, “Not anymore.” Hanson gasped then went to his knees before he stood.
He glared at me, “I’LL KILL THAT BITCH! SHE THINKS SHE CAN REJECT ME?! ME?! After all this time? No, I’ll kill her and have you and Emma. As it should’ve been.” She finally got to reject him. Good for her. I said, “Look ass wipe you’re not getting my daughter. That’s nonnegotiable. I want to know why you were so obsessed with my mother.”
Hanson shrugged saying, “She was supposed to be mine.” I pressed, “Why?” Hanson explained, “I wanted her.” I was stunned, “That’s it? My parents died because you wanted her to be yours and she wasn’t?” Hanson said, “Your parents died because they thought they were so careful and smart. They weren’t. I was going to take your mother with me. She wouldn’t stop crying over her James. I just wanted her to stop calling him her James. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to. I just wanted her to be quiet.”
I glared at him, “You always intended to kill my father.” Hanson smiled, “Eventually. He could’ve lived longer if he wouldn’t have stuck his nose where it didn’t belong.” I casually said, “You mean into your ring? Friends with Fabian Holloran, were you?”
Hanson turned red, “No one was friends with Fabian that wasn’t a Fae. Anyone who thought of him as more than an ally was a fool.” I questioned, “So you have a Hood ring?” Hanson smiled, “You’ll learn all about it.” I shrugged, “I really don’t want to, but I need to. My family will end it.”
Hanson cackled evilly, “You can’t stop evil, Lexi Scott. It’s something your parents didn’t understand. So many supernatural’s have scratched the surface, but they dig deep to find nothing. We are smarter. We will always be smarter.” I surmised, “So it is bigger than you.”
Hanson mused, “We are all cogs in a wheel. The question is if you get crushed when the wheel turns. I don’t get crushed. People like you, you mother, and your father get crushed without question. You have a chance though to be saved. I’m giving you a chance to not be crushed and to save your daughter.”
I informed him, “I can save my daughter and myself. I’ve never needed a man to be my knight in shining armor. I look damn fine in armor. I’ll teach my daughter the same. Helping hands are always welcome, but we can save ourselves.” Hanson snorted.
I continued in a bored tone, “We aren’t going to see eye to eye there I can tell. Let’s switch subjects. Why are your warlock friends so interested in Reagan Daniels?” Hanson said, “Beats me. She seems like a regular she wolf. The way I figure it one wanted her for himself. He was going to take her the night she turned eighteen and used a spell to make her go for a run. Her mate followed and he was unable to get her. Now that he is dead, the others think she’d be a great addition. I don’t see it.”
I scoffed, “In your ring? You’ve got to be joking. She’s a werewolf.” Hanson spat out, “You’re naive.” I retorted, “You’re crazy and you’ll never get her.” Hanson laughed, “We almost did have her. Her next appointment with the fertility doctor was a set up. Her Alpha wasn’t coming with her. Your little fairy friend messed up so many plans. She does that a lot. If that fool hadn’t promised he would not allow her to die, so many things would be mine.”
I pushed, “Like what?” Hanson said, “She brought a light to the partial fairies. A light that was not shining to other supernatural’s. They were perfect for us. All partial groups were open to us. Now because your little friend has been so successful others supernatural’s are looking to find their partials. Tapping into and being aware of a market we had exclusivity on.”
He shrugged, “Wolves usually monitor all partials. It’s one way they were ahead of other supernatural’s. Watching out for their partial and wolf less members. The bastards! Some slip through the cracks, but not many. The packs…”