Lexi huffed, “Not like that. Just to get away and be alone. It HAS to be where he was leading me.” I asked, “Why did that cottage remind you of that?” Lexi admitted, “It looks similar.” I nodded, “Alright. Let’s do a few more rounds then gather everyone inside, privately and plan.”

Matt linked me, “So, the vampires seem to have news. They just arrived.” I replied, “I do too. Lexi thinks she knows where Noah wanted her to run.” Matt said, “I sense my evening plans going up in flames. Flames so very high.” I sighed agreeing with him.

We got back to the cookout. I texted Heath the update. He showed up along with James, Jasper, Noel and Charlotte. Haley and Eric popped in with the Conners brothers, Molly, Miley, and Jim. I’m sure Haley’s brothers were around as well.

When I had gotten everyone’s attention, I led Lexi into the house. She asked me, “What happened?” I admitted, “I don’t know.” King Arthur announced, “Our trap was sprung. Someone stole something from your apartment. We have a location it’s about…”

Lexi interrupted, “An hour from here.” King Arthur replied, “Yes.” He showed her the location. Lexi said, “It’s the place we used to go to as kids.” Heath muttered, “Damn. I’d forgotten all about this place. We think this is their headquarters?”

Jordan questioned, “Do you think Lizzy is there?” I threw out, “There’s only one way to find out. Let’s come up with a plan.” Charlotte said, “I don’t think we have time.” Noel turned asking, “Why not?” Charlotte sighed, “Because Dietrick and Grandpa Donald found that property, they were going to check it out.” Jordan ground his teeth, “When?” Charlotte gasped, “They swore you knew!”

I shared a look with Heath. Did we really need to go save them? Heath rolled his eyes. Apparently, we did. Jordan said, “I didn’t know. Call them, Charlotte.” Charlotte questioned, “You aren’t going to call them?” Jordan said, “I’m calling someone else. They won’t answer if I do it.”

Jordan flashed out of the room. Jasper sighed, “Damn it, grandpa! Was it just too much to share information? Have we not learned that our family being divided is a bad thing?” Heath said, “We’ve learned. That’s why all the cousins are coming.” No sooner had he said so then they all flashed in.

Noel didn’t seem surprised so Heath must have warned him. They all started to flock to Noel. Lexi cleared her throat in warning. The cousins sighed but stalled their efforts to smother Noel. Jordan flashed back inside looking pissed.

Kincade linked me, “Jordan called his brother. They didn’t know either. The grandmother said they were worried they’d tell Jordan. They missed a check in. Hanson has them I’d bet.” Charlotte said, “They didn’t answer the phone.” Jordan announced, “They missed their check in.” I gritted out, “Of course they did.”

Lexi’s phone rang. Charlotte peeked at it then frowned saying, “That’s Grandpa Donald’s number. Why didn’t he answer me?” Lexi asked, “How does he have my number?” Jordan paled, “He doesn’t.” I sighed, “Oh good.”

Lexi answered, “Hello?” A deranged laugh came over the phone asking, “Don’t you want to ask dear old grandpa how he is?” Lexi said, “I don’t have either of my grandpa’s numbers nor do I want them. Who is this?” The voice laughed again, “How sad. If you don’t like them then you won’t come save them, will you?” Lexi gritted her teeth but didn’t answer.

The voice taunted, “Come now. I know you, Lexi Scott. I’ve watched you since you were a child. I know very well the lengths you will go to when it comes to saving people. Even if you don’t like them, you have this need to save them, don’t you? It’s the perfect combination of your mother and rat bastard father.” Heath held Jordan back.

Lexi sounded bored, “So I’m going out on a limb and guess this is Hanson?” Hanson laughed, “Smart. Just like your mother. You are so like her, you know?” Lexi calmly replied, “It’s hard to remember. I was just a child when you murdered her.”

Hanson chided, “Now, now, I didn’t kill her. She killed herself.” Lexi chuckled, “Keep lying old man. I see through you. My mom wouldn’t have done that. Plus, my brother found your journals. He knows you only lied to Denise. Or do you call her Betty? Regardless, we know you lied to her about killing my mother.”

Hanson yelled, “DON’T TALK ABOUT MY SISTER! I’LL KILL THEM BOTH!” Lexi asked, “You’ll kill who?” Hanson answered, “Your grandfather's. If you want to see them again, here's what will happen. We will do an exchange. Noah and Betty for your grandfathers.”

Lexi looked at me and linked, “He doesn't know Noah is dead?” I replied, “It doesn’t sound like it.” Lexi spoke out loud, “I already told you, I don’t like them. I wouldn’t give you Noah back to torment me for the rest of time. Especially since he’s trying to kill my son and take me from my mate. Denise, well I mean you can’t be serious. She’s going to die anyway.”

Hanson was quiet for several moments before saying, “I can save Betty, I always do. The demon said she would be fine. We just need the knife back, then we will kill Alpha Chase. You get me the knife or your grandpa's die.”

Lexi snorted, “Are you deaf? You have NOTHING I want or need. If you want someone to blame for that, look in the damn mirror. Don’t like the fruits of your labor, Hanson? You divided my family. I only recently met those men you keep calling my grandfathers. They did not impress me, or my brother.”

She told him, “Call my Uncle Jordan if you want to bargain with him for something he has. I won’t give you anything that could harm my kids or my mate. I’m at least keeping Betty comfortable until she dies. Because she can’t be saved. A fairy told me so, and he can’t lie.”

A glimmer of light appeared in the room. Oh good, an angel was coming. Which likely meant it was Raphael. I growled. Hanson screamed, “I’ll take your little girl, Lexi Scott! Then you will wish you had listened to me!” Lexi snapped, “Look, you sadistic sick fuck, you can’t have my daughter! You’ll never come near her!”

Raphael appeared and looked at Lexi worriedly. I glared at him. Lexi continued, “You’ll die, Hanson. Do you hear me? You keep coming for my daughter and you’ll die. You have NO IDEA what you are up against.” Hanson sneered, “Yet another person standing in the way of what’s mine. I’ll have you both. You’ll make do until she’s old enough. Noah won’t mind sharing you with me.” I growled.

Lexi said, “Then you haven’t met your son. Noah would no more share me with you than he would eat peanut butter.” Hanson asked, “Why wouldn’t he eat peanut butter?” Noel, Sally, and Lexi snorted. Lexi answered, “He’s allergic.” She hung up the phone.

Raphael announced, “I have your supplies.” Lexi closed her eyes then opened them. She said, “Thank you, Raph.” Haley was speaking in Fealish on her phone. Aiden popped in and gathered the supplies. He said, “Sister, when you are done with your take down you and your wolf can join me in Faerie. We will destroy the knife. If anyone wishes to say their last goodbyes to the woman with two names, they should do so. Call on me if you need me, little sister.” Aiden hugged Haley and popped out.

Raphael said, “I wish you luck, Lex. I will see you again.” I growled as he apparated. I linked Matt, “Did he have to announce that like he just knew he’d see her again?” Matt said, “He’s an Angel so he does know if he’ll see her again.” I growled, “Fanfuckingtastic.” Matt said, “We have all been hanging with Haley a lot. She’s rubbing off. I kind of love it.”

Jordan said, “You don’t have to come with us to go save them.” Lexi snorted, “We are coming. Family comes for family whether that family is shit or not. The people I care about care for them. What’s our plan?” I threw out, “Haley pops us in and wreaks havoc.”

Everyone turned to stare at me. I asked, “What? I don’t know why that’s not every plan we come up with. She causes a natural disaster then we get everyone that’s left standing. We don’t have time for recon and a plan. He could kill them at any point, he's clearly crazy.”

Lexi said, “I don’t think he’ll kill them. He’ll call back, or he’ll come up with a plan to move on Emma.” I reiterated, “Bringing me back to Haley pops us all there. She does her crazy tornadoes destroy the area deal, and we will fight everyone left standing.”

Eric admitted, “It’s not a bad plan for it being the eleventh hour with hostages involved.” Haley excitedly agreed, “I’m fucking in. Can I PLEASE cause some injuries to the shitty grandfathers?” I snorted.

Jordan offered, “No serious injuries. A cut or two or a punch to the face is fine by me.” Haley pointed to him saying, “I like this one, Lex. He’s one you should keep.” Lexi laughed, “That’s Uncle Jordan. We plan to keep him around.” Haley clearly knew exactly who he was.