I linked Matt, “No fucking duh she shouldn’t have let her brother back into the Shroud.” Matt replied, “She’s a crazy person, remember?” I said, “Obviously.” I was convinced she was also a terrible mother. She should’ve kept her psycho brother away from Noah. Maybe he would’ve had a chance.

I felt bad for Noel when Lexi asked about him. Poor kid. Denise wanted to know how Lexi put it all together. I heard a choked sob. Damn. Matt linked, “Poor guy.” I agreed, “Yeah, but he deserved to hear the woman who raised him admit that though.” Denise tried to excuse her behavior.

I linked Matt again, “She legit thinks her brother needing time excuses him for kidnapping another woman and holding her hostage for over twenty years.” Matt winced, “I do think that’s what she’s saying.” I added, “And framed an innocent man.” Matt said, “That still seems to be what we are saying.”

I shook my head, “Raping his mate and taking her child. All these things are excusable. Is that really what she is saying right now?” Matt said, “To an unstable person? Yes. I guess these things are excusable.” Lexi pushed trying to get the location of their headquarters, but Denise didn’t know.

I linked Matt, “Fuck. I actually believe her. Hanson wouldn’t want her to know in case she gets caught.” Matt said, “Like she did. Did he have plans for her all along? His own sister.” I pointed out, “Supposedly he was trying to kill his brother.” Matt replied, “Or his little brother went with him. We don’t know.”

Alpha Eric, Jackson, and I locked eyes when Denise said the Scott’s were about to bust his part of the ring. I linked Alpha Eric, “Dear god, there are more.” Alpha Eric replied, “Fabian was very into experiments. He had to get something out of working with them.” Haley looked physically ill.

Matt linked me, “She went from fine to deathly pale in seconds.” I agreed, “Yeah she did.” I looked at Alpha Eric, but he was already looking at Haley. Heath and I both tensed when Denise said Hanson raped their mother. Lexi threw up, but Denise was so gone she didn’t even seem to notice.

Heath’s eyebrows raised when she said Allison killed herself. I whispered, “You don’t believe her.” Heath said, “I believe Hanson told her that. Do I believe my mother killed herself? No, I don’t. She probably upset him by fighting back. He punished her then couldn’t cope with what he did. Denise loved my mom like a sister. She wouldn’t have forgiven him, and he has to know that.” I nodded. We may never know the truth of it, but I hoped Heath was right. He probably was.

Bolt was snarling in my head. All my energy went into not letting that sound escape my lips. Matt linked me, “While you focus on not snarling as directed by your mate, a healer drugged Lexi. Not to split hairs, but something tells me it’s the same healer who switched her birth control to chocolate. Just a thought.” I nodded.

Lexi lost a little bit of composure when Denise tried to compare Heath and Hanson. She said that Noah promised her my son would be given back to the pack. I heard Noel snort. It seems Noah lied to his mother often and she bought it.

Derrick linked me, “It seems the younger Calvert, who isn’t a Calvert, has no love lost for mommy dearest or his big brother. Neither of which are his mother or brother.” I agreed, “That appears to be accurate. He’s going to lose it soon.”

I linked Matt, “THE FUCK SHE COULD BE WITH NOAH! I WILL KILL HIM!” Matt replied, “That’s been the plan for months now.” I bristled when Denise said Noah was Lexi’s second chance. Derrick assured me, “He’s not, you know he’s not.” I said, “It won’t matter because she’s mine. I’d cheat death itself to keep Lexi from that sycophant.” Matt commented, “That’s a big word.” I growled at him in our link.

We all heard Noel’s snort when Denise said she’d get her soul back. Derrick linked, “Detonation in three, two….” Noel stepped out from his hiding spot and justly lost it. He was a smart kid. Or knowing you’d die living without your soul was common sense.

I linked Derrick, “The dad had to know Lizzy.” Derrick replied, “Sally said he would’ve.” I said, “Then he had to know whose son Noel was, and he loves him as if he was his own. Truly.” Derrick shrugged. If anything would push Denise to crack, it was Noel demanding answers.

Alpha Eric linked me, “How cold is this woman? She sent a note and pictures of another woman’s child to her? That’s it? She’s been held captive and raped god knows how many times. Noel could have siblings.” Jesus. Noel might have grown up without his mom, but he was living. If there were kids raised in captivity. Damn.

Noel was having an identity crisis. My dad linked me, “Damn. I’m slipping. Lexi’s right. Noel does look a lot like their grandfather.” Denise pulled a weapon, and I was gone. Uther materialized then Haley popped to Lexi’s side and flung Denise away. She got yet another saying wrong. I’d think I’d fall over if I heard her get one right at this point.

I went to Lexi and slammed my lips on hers. I couldn’t listen to another sentence saying she’d be Noah’s tonight, or ever again. SHE WAS MINE! Bolt growled, “Damn right she is!” I heard Denise mutter, “He shouldn’t be doing that. She’s Noah’s, not his. She’s turned into such a tramp.” I growled at her, and she finally shut up.

I was surprised when Tobias walked up. I wondered how he knew about this meet. Lexi wouldn’t have called him. He walked over to Noel. Heath tensed beside me and edged towards Noel himself. Noel lost it. He gathered himself quickly realizing he was leaning on a stranger. He looked like he was a little boy when he locked eyes on Heath. Heath pulled him quickly into a hug.

I wondered if Noah knew that Noel was actually the Scott’s cousin. It would make sense. Tobias said the family would like to meet him. Matt linked me, “Kick the kid while he’s down, man. That’s cold.” I replied, “I think he’s just excited to meet him.” Bolt huffed, “Mate won’t let that happen. He needs time.” I agreed with that.

What surprised me was that Haley popped away with him. I linked Alpha Eric, “Is she ok?” Alpha Eric answered, “She’s decidedly not ok. Fabian being brought up always brings shit up for her.” I meant because she took Noel back alone, but it didn’t seem like the time to point that out.

Haley came back and wordlessly popped us all pack into the living room. Dr. April was waiting. She glared at me and Lexi. I linked her, “Watch your tone April, she’s still your Luna.” I could see April wanted to say many things but merely nodded.

Lexi called Noah. I linked Matt, “Do the Hood like chess?” Matt said, “I guess.” I replied, “Maybe we will be lucky, and he’ll just walk up to the front door.” Matt answered hopefully, “We are due some good luck.” I agreed, “No fucking joke.”

Matt asked, “You’re going to talk to her, right?” I snarked, “Evidently whenever she decides to speak to me. That’s when I can be included.” Matt reminded me, “She is used to being on missions alone. She’s the Black Arrow, and we know she doesn’t often work in teams.”

I huffed, “I’m aware it’s an adjustment. I should’ve been brought in when Haley was. Hell, before Haley but I’ll give her Haley first. I shouldn’t have been the last to know. Heath even knew. She told him she was doing something; I know she did.” Matt agreed, “That does seem likely.”

The realization Edgar was in danger had Haley popping out again. When they came back with him, I linked Dr. April, “Could any of those wounds be self-inflicted?” Dr April was moving to attend to him when Haley started to heal him.

Dr. April stepped back. She studied Edgar from outside Haley’s healing bubble. She answered, “No, those angles tell us that the person had to be taller than Edgar. There’s no hesitation to any of those stabbings. When you injure yourself there’s at least one hesitant cut.” I nodded. It didn’t mean he was innocent, but he wasn’t trying to set up an alibi at least.

Ted ran in with Allie and Sally. He must have stepped out to bring them up here. Sally looked terrified. I linked my dad, “It has to be the healer that attacked Edgar.” My dad agreed, “It does. He’s their inside man. He’ll be gone now though, he’s in the wind.” I begrudgingly agreed, “Yes, he will be. If he’s smart.”

Alpha Eric linked me, “Haley will need something to eat.” I nodded then linked Sally, “Could you make something for Haley to eat?” She nodded and zipped away. When she came back, she had a sandwich in hand for Haley.

I linked Derrick, “Even her sandwiches are gourmet. What the hell is that?” Derrick smiled, “A sandwich Sally style. She saw me make a sandwich one and informed me I did it wrong. I’m not allowed to make them anymore.” I laughed, “You should never be allowed in the kitchen ever again. She’s an artist.” Derrick smiled at her then agreed, “Yes, she is.”

Edgar bolted up asking what was going on. I was not in the mood for this. Alpha Eric linked me, “Haley is going to make him tell the truth.” I was relieved, “Tell her thank you.” The truth was clear as we listened to him. Matt linked me, “He just wanted to believe her, but he knew deep down.” I said, “Since he’s raising Hanson’s son yeah on some level he knew. He had to, but I don’t think he knew Hanson killed the Scott’s. He’s being honest about that. I think he thought his mate was meeting up with her brother.” Matt grumbled, “Because he wanted to believe that.” Maybe. Or it was magic.