I rubbed her arm, “When we get Hanson, and we will, you can do your truth thing. We will find out all there is to know about my parents.” Haley agreed, “I’ll do that for you.” I bumped her shoulder with mine, “You’re still my little sister, and I love you dearly.”
Haley whispered in a small voice, “Really?” I repeated, “Really. We may argue, but I will ALWAYS be your big sister and I will ALWAYS have your back.” Haley said, “I’ll do the same. Except replace big for little sister. Even though you’re not that much older than me.” I laughed, “I’m still older.”
Haley said, “It’s really not getting to be too much? Fabian and my mother with the keys and shit.” I assured her, “None of that is on you, and it never was. You make your own choices. My parents decided not to let their family know they knew they were innocent. That’s not on me or Heath. Is it?” Haley shook her head, “No, it’s not.” We hugged for several moments. I said, “Let’s go get our guys.” Haley nodded and popped us outside.
Obstacle Course of DOOM
Chase walked out of the house. I took off at a dead sprint to get to Lexi. Once I got to the hospital I walked directly into her room. She was hooked up to a bunch of monitors all of which were beeping. I linked Dr. April, “Why is she hooked up to so many things? You said it was just her blood pressure. Is she ok? Are the pups ok?” Dr April replied, “I’m monitoring the pups. She is fine. Other than her skyrocketing blood pressure.” Well, that didn’t really sound fine, now did it?
I studied my mate. She did seem calmer, almost too calm. She was being cagey. Bolt linked, “Maybe she’s just checking her searches she has running. Maybe she thought of more she could have.” Bolt could be right, but this felt like something else.
I linked Dr. April, “You link me if her blood pressure doesn't go down, or if something is not ok.” Dr. April answered, “Of course, Alpha.” Leaving her went against every fiber of my being, which wanted to stay by her side. I just knew she was right. I needed to protect my family right now. I needed to act and be the Alpha.
When I got back to the house I walked into my office. Heath was already there with a list. My dad questioned, “Chase?” I admitted, “Lexi practically threw me out and sent me to work.” Heath laughed, “She always understood sometimes the people come first. She’s not in any danger, right? Health wise?” I answered, “Our OB assures me she’s not.” Heath nodded.
I added, “It feels like she’s planning something.” Heath snorted, “She is. What that plan is remains to be seen.” My dad stiffened. I asked, “Dad? Care to share?” My dad frowned, “Lexi is sending Nadine and Susie to Red Run to see Sebastian.” I argued, “They can’t drive anywhere right now. That’s out of the question.” My dad explained, “Oscar and Jenna are taking them the fairy way.”
I frowned and looked at Heath, “What is she doing?” Heath was deep in thought. He said, “Have men on your borders. Lexi is getting your stepmom and sister out and to safety. She might think an attack is coming while we focus on this.” I cursed myself. I should’ve thought of that.
My dad muttered, “Now I have to be grateful my daughter is going on a playdate with her mate at six years old. This is the weirdest shit ever.” I linked Kincade, “Get men on our borders.” Kincade linked back, “Will do Alpha. Lexi is up to something.” I responded, “I know. When you know let me know. I’ll do the same if I find out first.” Kincade said, “Yes, Alpha.”
Heath said, “Here’s the list of everyone that came. I put stars by the most likely candidates.” I read through them. I said, “I don’t know any of the names you starred.” Heath said, “You haven’t met all my people.” I gently commented, “I do see a name here I recognize, Denise Calvert.” Heath shook his head, “No, it can’t be her.” I questioned, “Why not?”
Heath sighed, “I think whoever Betty Newcome is she’s the leak about Lexi. Denise practically took us in after our parents died. She’s like a mother to us, and she would never hurt Lexi. Let alone actively try to get her killed.” I argued, “Never is a bold statement.”
Heath locked his jaw. I pushed him with my next statement, “Just because you don’t want it to be her doesn’t mean it’s not.” Heath sighed, “Fine. She can go higher up on the list, but I will work overtime to prove it’s not her.” For his sake I hoped that was true. Another member of the Calvert family betraying him would be a tough pill to swallow.
A pop sounded. Alpha Eric and Alpha Jackson were in my office with Haley. Before I could say anything Haley jumped in asking, “What the fuck is wrong with Lexi? Ted called me and told me to come. Why did Ted call me? Why didn’t Lexi call me?”
I explained, “There was a present left for her on the desk after her shower she found this morning. There was a onesie and a t-shirt for Lexi from Hanson and Noah. Lexi is in the hospital….” Before I could finish my sentence Haley popped away as I said, “She’s fine.”
Alpha Eric snorted, “You didn’t lead with that, and I am getting yelled at through link about it.” I asked, “What?” Alpha Eric said, “Haley is linking me asking why the leading statement you made wasn’t Lexi is fine and doesn’t need to be healed. She said that the Lexi is fine part should always start the sentence. I’m paraphrasing but that was the gist of it.”
I chuckled, “Duly noted. Why did Ted call you?” Alpha Eric continued, “Lexi was instructing him what to say and to bring me.” Heath commented, “They really are running something.” I said, “So long as we know what the ‘something’ is.” Alpha Eric shrugged saying, “I don’t know yet, but I will. What happened? Some presents and notes were left?”
I explained, “After the baby shower. Probably during actually.” I nodded to my dad and handed them the notes. I called Cameron. He answered immediately, “Chase?” I warned him, “Be on alert. Hanson and Noah contacted Lexi again. I don’t think they would attack you, but they are crazy people so who knows.”
Cameron sighed, “Alright. Are you ok?” I said, “I’m beginning to think until they are cold in their graves, I will not be ok. I need to call Sophia.” Cameron said, “Best of luck to you, brother.” I called Sophia next.
She answered on the first ring, “Chase?” I said, “The people after my mate and daughter made contact. Be on alert. I don’t know if they are still working with Opal’s son, but we are preparing our borders just in case they attack. Call or link me if they do come after you. We will come to your aide.”
Sophia replied, “Thanks, Chase. You do the same. I hope my half-brother is not a part of trying to separate you from your mate and your pup. What he’s done to me is bad enough.” I said, “Eddie’s actions aren’t on you. Be alert and stay safe.” Sophia said, “You too.”
I hung up. Heath was frowning at his phone. I said, “What?” Heath said, “Allie. I left her with the Calvert’s. Edgar just texted me that per my instructions to Allie she’s on her way here. He says she talked to me on the phone. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”
I instantly asked, “Does Lexi know Allie was there at their house?” Heath’s jaw ticked again. He admitted, “Yes.” I said, “Then I think we know what Lexi suspects.” Heath agreed, “Yes, I think we do.” Alpha Eric questioned, “What does Lexi think? That Denise is Betty? That’s what we are saying right?” Heath gritted his teeth, “It seems likely.”
Heath looked down at his phone then began texting rapid fire. I had a sinking feeling it was Lexi. I asked hopefully, “Allie?” He didn’t reply. Kincade linked me, “Heath’s mate and his lieutenant were just popped into the room by the Princess.” I said, “I figured.” Heath closed his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket.
Alpha Jackson asked, “Why did you set a timer for fifteen minutes, Heath?” Heath said, “Lexi told me to call her in fifteen minutes if she hasn’t called me.” I ground out, “Why?” Heath replied, “She didn’t say. She does think Denise is Betty, but I still think she’s wrong.”
My dad gently pressed, “Do you think she’s wrong, or do you want her to be wrong?” Heath admitted, “I don’t know. A little of both probably.” I linked Kincade, “What’s going on over there?” Kincade replied, “Lots of phone calls and talking.” I asked, “About?” Kincade said, “I don’t know. As soon as the Princess popped in, she did her space unheard thing.” I growled.
Matt questioned, “What’s wrong now?” I explained, “Haley did her space unheard chant. Kincade has no idea what’s going on other than a lot of phone calls.” Alpha Eric said, “They are still here at least. I can tell you the minute they aren’t.”
Derrick pointed out, “She could be asking Denise to meet her here. That could be why she sent Susie and Nadine away.” I considered that because it made sense. Heath said nothing. I asked him, “You don’t agree?” Heath replied, “It would give it away. Lexi has never invited her here other than the shower, and that was the group of women. Denise and Lexi aren’t getting along. This is Lexi’s turf, so she’d have the advantage here.”
Dread filled me as I asked, “Would she set up a meeting in the Shroud?” Heath shook his head, “No, that’s the same problem. Lexi may not live there, but she has a position of power as my sister. People would unquestionably do as Lexi said.”