Haley retorted, “Ass, tit, leg, neck, what does it matter? All of those things get bitten. If too hard it hurts in a not good way. What does the appendage fucking matter? I also did not bite you, and I don’t recall Lexi biting you.” Dr. April groaned.

Haley continued, “And about Dr. Ethan, he’s a fucking tattletale and overzealous doctor. Something you seem to have in common.” Dr. April kindly requested, “Be that as it may, would you kindly pop us to the hospital?” I snorted.

Haley smiled mischievously asking, “What fucking fun would that be?” Haley popped me Chase, and Eric to the dungeons. Chase snorted and started to walk to the hospital. Haley popped when we got there. Dr. April was tapping her foot. Haley snapped her into high heeled shoes.

Dr. April stared at her in surprise. Haley told her, “If you want to tap your shoes and make a point, flats aren’t going to do that.” Dr. April rolled her eyes, “Fabulous.” I was taken back to the room I’d been in before. I was hooked back up to several monitors.

The laptop was set up far enough away that I couldn’t reach it. Chase kissed me, “No popping without me.” I agreed, “Ok but you realize I cannot pop. So, you’re talking to the wrong person.” Dr. April ordered, “No, popping at all.” I teased, “You don’t learn, do you?”

Haley grabbed my bed and popped me around the room, and out into the hallway. Eric finally said, “Angel, the poor doctor is going to break out into hives.” Haley popped me back to my original position. She stuck her tongue out at Dr. April and said, “I will pop my designated big sister any damn where I want. Got it?”

Dr. April nodded, “I see Ethan was not exaggerating.” Haley stuck her tongue out again saying, “Ask King Arthur about me. He loves me.” Dr. April muttered, “Not as a patient. NO ONE loves you as a patient, Princess.”

Haley gasped, “ERIC!” Eric smiled, “Angel, you know you’re not a good patient.” Haley rolled her eyes, “Doctors are borderline as bad as witch bitches. In fact, Doctors are dicks! Plus, Bjourn and Marcus ADORE me. I DARE someone to argue that. I DARE THEM!” Uther chuckled from the doorway with Blade. Eric smirked going back to her doctor statement saying, “You like my dick.” Haley shouted, “DAMN IT! I will come up with something better than dick then you all remember this moment.”

Ted smirked, “We will remember. We might even mark the moment in our memories.” Haley said, “You do that.” Eric kissed her. Chase kissed me saying, “I’ll be back.” I nodded and they left.

Haley sighed, “Did we not make it clear talking to the fucking Troll’s mom won’t work now? You made all the moves we have to make. Now we wait for the fucking Troll to make his move. He’ll do something stupid, and it will be troll hunting time.” I smiled, “That was the goal.”

We all settled in and talked for a while. Then I smacked myself in the forehead, “Ted, isn’t Joanie started her drugs for the insemination this week?” Ted nodded, “Yes, Matt and I were going to go to the Virgin Island house, but we want to put it off until all this is handled.” I frowned, “Don’t let Noah ruin this for you guys.” Ted said, “I can’t be somewhere unable to join the action.”

Haley waved, “Ummm hello?! Are you fucking joking? I could pop you in and out!” Ted said, “Maybe we could do a few days. I’ll talk to Matt about it. Maybe you could make that deal with Joanie. We still want her to go and relax.” Haley was appeased, “I can do that.” Something was bothering her.

I started, “Ted….” Ted interrupted, “Matt doesn’t want to leave Chase in a lurch either. He is the Beta here.” I sighed, “Ok, BUT when this is done you guys will take two weeks to relax.” Ted smiled, “Twist my arm. I suppose that will work.”

James flashed into the room and jumped on my bed. He greeted, “He cuz, I am so upset.” I frowned, “Why?” James said, “I could’ve been in on all your epic-ness from the get-go. You and Heath were right. You ARE smarter than all of us. I mean like smart smart. You threw that plan together in fifteen minutes. My dad is prouder than a peacock and over the fact that you invited us to the meet.”

Jasper spoke from the door, “We came to talk to her, not at her James.” James rolled his eyes. Uncle Jordan said, “Tobias isn’t going to tell the family about Noel. Do you want me to, or do you want to?” I replied, “Neither at this point. I want Noel to decide what he wants. They didn’t hurt him, but he’s been through enough. If they so much as slightly hurt his feelings, they will deal with me.”

James dramatically teased, “Ohhhh they don’t want that.” I agreed, “No, they really don’t.” Haley grumbled, “They don’t because it comes with a side of dealing with me and I’m petty. Or so I’ve heard.” Who said that? Jasper said, “But really Lexi thank you for including us.” I pointed out, “We all have a stake in Betty and Hanson. They have hurt our family, and we deserve to be a part of taking them down as a family.”

Uncle Jordan admitted, “I almost sank an arrow into her chest. She knew Lizzy was alive all along. She tore James and I apart. Her brother is part of Fabian’s despicable ring.” Haley looked away. I grabbed her hand. Haley said, “It doesn’t make any fucking sense.”

I asked, “What doesn’t?” Haley answered, “Any other supernatural race being involved in Fabian’s ring. I was never given to any other supernatural race, other than that damn warlock. Fabian wouldn’t have considered others worth it. Research sure, they must have asked for his advice. He would’ve fucking ate that up, but part of Fabian’s ring? There’s just no way. I’m worried…” She trailed off.

I gently asked, “Worried about what?” Haley answered, “We know I wasn’t the only partial Fae experimented on. Fabian traveled. He could’ve helped other supernatural’s do the same.” I gaped, “You think there’s a group like that for each race?”

Haley shrugged, “Maybe there is. David and Fabian were part of it. Hanson could be. I just don’t fucking know. I’ll have to have Harper’s boytoy lover run some algorithm for any mention of the word ring. What if I’ve left some women, girls, men, and boys in the clutches of evil fucking people because I was so focused on my damn self and race.”

I reached for her, “Hey, you said it yourself, Fabian wouldn’t have done more than experiment, take notes, and offer advice. This isn’t on you.” Haley shrugged. I hugged her insisting, “It’s not.” Haley replied, “Hanson may have killed your parents Lexi, but the road leads to it being Fabian’s fault. I’m….” She started to cry, “I’m so fucking sorry.” She launched herself at me, “I love you so much, but I understand if you can’t stand the sight of me anymore.” With that she popped out.

Ted groaned, “Fuck balls.” I linked Chase, “I need Eric.” Chase and Eric walked in. Chase asked me, “Why do you need Eric?” Eric frowned, “What’s wrong with Haley? She’s not too far away. Where did she go?”

I said, “I need to get to her.” Eric growled, “What happened?” I sighed, “What always happens. Fabian.” Eric shouted, “WHAT?!” I explained, “She thinks I don’t like her because while Hanson may have killed my parents it’s likely Fabian played a part in it. She was already feeling bad because Alania didn’t use her sight to save their lives. This tipped the scales towards her self-loathing state.” Eric closed his eyes and growled, “MOTHER FUCKER!”

I started taking off the attachments I was hooked up to. Dr. April flew in ordering, “Put those back on! Don’t touch that.” I gave her a look, “Look here Doc, I don’t take orders from you. My little sister needs me right now. I will be back, and you can hook me up again, but right now, I need to talk to her.”

Dr. April asked, “How the HELL do you think you can catch a fairy that doesn’t want to be caught?” I replied, “Because I know where she is.” Chase chimed in, “Where?” I answered, “My fairy protected house. Let’s go, Bolt. Shift away so I can get a ride.”

I saw Chase’s eyes go black and Bolt took over. He shifted as Frank walked in. Frank threw his hands in the air, “CHASE DANIELS! OUTSIDE. You shift OUTSIDE!” I laughed and climbed on his back. He took us to the spot outside the barrier. Eric shifted and followed us. I got off Chase and he shifted back grabbing shorts. I announced, “I’ll be back.”

I opened the door and heard Haley crying. I closed the door and walked up to my bedroom. I found Haley sitting on the floor chanting in Fealish with a drink in her hand. I asked her, “What are you doing?” Haley stopped chanting and opened her eyes.

She wiped her tears and said, “Putting all the protections I know on all your things.” I sat down, “Haley, Fabian’s sins aren’t yours. He may have known my parents were going to die, and we know your mother did. She saw it. YOU are NOT them. I have known that from the first moment we met.”

She sniffled as I continued, “I’d met other fairies. You were different from the start, and I don’t mean because you were withdrawn and skittish. I mean because you did things for me without prompting. You saw I needed improvements to my BA outfit, and you just did them. You didn’t expect anything in return.”

Haley snorted, “That’s not true. I wanted you to go on more missions with me because you didn’t push.” I argued, “You didn’t make it a stipulation. You just did it out of the goodness of your heart. You are not like other fairies. You are NOTHING like your mother or Fabian. You are not to blame for my parents’ death.”