Chase offered, “You are welcome to stay here so you can speak to Noel when he’s ready, but you will be guarded.” Edgar nodded in agreement, “Alright. Why are you so trusting of me?”
Haley answered, “Me, you dumbass. I’ve been making you tell the damn truth since you gasped for air.” Edgar sighed, “I should’ve known that.” He should’ve. Chase ordered, “Ken, take him to a room upstairs. Kincade, you know what to do.” Kincade nodded and stepped outside.
I asked, “Chase, can we take a minute to talk? Just you and me?” Chase nodded and helped me off the couch. I took one step and he picked me up. He carried me into his office and sat me down in one of the chairs.
He took his desk then asked, “What?” I stated, “You're mad.” Chase said, “No fucking shit Sherlock.” I replied, “Well, I wanted to talk about that.” Chase rolled his eyes, “Oh. So, now we get to talk things through?” I sighed, “I had to do it this way.”
Chase disagreed, “Wrong. You did it this way to go behind my back.” I argued, “No, if I was going behind your back, I would’ve told Heath and Heath alone. He would’ve backed me up. I had to do this to get all the information we could’ve out of her. We don’t know if Haley can make someone without a fucking soul tell the truth. Or if Denise would answer or just cackle like a crazy person.”
Chase yelled, “That’s not what I’m talking about! You could’ve taken the time to walk me through it. It would’ve taken you maybe fifteen extra minutes. I wouldn't have liked it, but I’m your mate. Hell, I’m your FIANCE! You said you wouldn’t do this again.”
I pointed out, “That was different. I left without telling you anything. I told you this time, and I had Haley bring you to the meet.” Chase sounded baffled when he replied, “After the fact! After you TOLD me what you were doing. I didn’t even get the full plan. Haley linked it to Alpha Eric once we were there, and he linked it to me.” Which clearly upset him.
He admitted, “It was a good plan and it worked. You didn’t go alone; I respect and appreciate that; HOWEVER, I should’ve been told the plan. You ordered my men not to tell me.” I acknowledged, “I did. I took them though, and I didn’t ditch them. I got Susie to safety and Nadine.”
Chase sighed, “Lexi, that’s not the problem. Your plan was good. I even understand why you did it how you did. The part I’m pissed off about is that you didn’t let me in until the last second.” I explained, “I thought you would stop me.”
Chase countered, “I would have argued with you, but I would have agreed. Eventually. Like I said it would’ve taken you some extra time. Time we had.” I thought about it. I wouldn’t be happy if Chase did the same to me. The only time he had is when I asked to be excluded from the whole plan.
I apologize, “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m used to being solo, but I wouldn’t be happy if you did this in reverse. I just needed to take back control.” Chase asked me, “What are you talking about?” I explained, “Noah keeps creeping into the places I feel safe. He’s been turning me into the girl that was his little robot. I can’t be that girl anymore. I’m not some girl who needs his approval. I can’t let him take the places I feel safe away anymore. I needed to do it for our children. My body literally itches to have my cocoon of love back. I thought it was a bunch of bullshit when they taught us as kids, but I desperately need it back. I need the twins to be surrounded by love.” His eyes softened.
I continued, “I think Denise... I mean Betty, being here will make them go crazier. I think they will attack to get her back. Hanson, for all his faults, doesn’t seem to be able to stay away from his sister. Noah is a momma’s boy.”
Chase asked me, “Do you really think he didn’t know she would die?” I snorted a little, “I know he didn’t. I don’t know if Hanson knows, but Noah will wonder. With their disagreements about Emmett, they are already at odds. I just need this to be done, but I should’ve thought about it from your point of view.”
Chase was silent for several moments then he sighed. He admitted, “I can see why you rushed off, but that’s not how I want our relationship to go.” I agreed, “Neither do I. Noah just brings out the worst in me to be honest. I knew my plan was good, and I didn’t want you to try to take over and change it.”
Chase nodded, “I might have made suggestions, but Heath would’ve backed you up. Logically, I would’ve known your plan was good. I just would’ve needed a second. You are pregnant, and I get to be a little worried about that.”
I reasoned, “It was for them. I need this to be over. I can’t…. I don’t want to worry that someone is going to kidnap Emma in the middle of the night. Or that Noah is out there plotting for the moment Emmett is alone. What if this goes on for years?” He frowned.
I continued with my fears, “The twins could be walking outside. Emmett could just be out with the other kids, and then he’s just taken from us, Chase.” I started to cry. Chase stood up and came around the desk to me. I wiped my tears, “I’m an archer I just see all the areas around where someone could perch and take our son from us. Noah would find someone. He would find someone to take Emmett from us that way to torture and torment me. I just need them to be safe. I’m sorry. I’m not sorry I did it, but I am sorry I didn’t tell you when you came to the hospital.”
Chase consoled me, “Shhh, Sweetheart. We will get better at this communication thing. You are right. You did better than last time. You didn’t just run off without a word and took lots of help. You had backup, I just want to be part of the first group.”
I tried to joke, “I even had archers in trees. Not that I needed that because I had Haley.” Chase nodded, “You and she have a signal communication thing going on, don’t you?” I nodded, “Yes, we have signs for pretty much everything.”
Chase nodded, “We should share those.” I laughed, “I promised Haley those would be just our thing when we came up with them. She seemed to think it was some huge step for us working together.” Chase snorted, “I’m sure she did. We can come up with other ones then.” I nodded agreeing, “We could do that. Are we ok?”
Chase answered, “We are ok. I’m still upset though.” I nodded, “I understand.” Chase stood, “Let’s go.” I asked, “Where are we going?” Chase explained, “To talk to Betty.” I cautioned, “I don’t think she’ll say anything else.” Chase acknowledged, “You are likely right.”
I questioned, “Why am I coming?” Chase snorted, “If you think I’m about to let you out of my sight you’ve lost your mind.” He carried me outside and found Dr. April crossing her arms. She said, “Alpha, please carry her back to the hospital. I need to monitor her.”
I raised an eyebrow, “I’m fine.” Dr. April sarcastically said, “Oh? And where did you get your medical degree from, Luna? I’m sure this plot you devised did NOTHING to help your blood pressure.” I sighed, “Chase wants me to be in his line of sight.” Dr. April countered, “I thought of that. I had one of my assistants put up a laptop in the dungeon and in the hospital room. It’s facing your bed. He will be able to see you on the screen.”
I gaped, “Are you serious?” Dr. April replied, “Yes, and next time no popping out of the hospital if I haven’t released you.” Kincade was trying to hide his laugh, but he wasn’t doing it well. Chase chuckled saying, “Doctor’s orders, Sweetheart.” I muttered, “Overprotective, ridiculous orders. I’m fine.”
Heath kissed my forehead, “I need to go. Isaiah searched Gerald’s things. He’s vanished from the Shroud. I need to banish him and Hanson again so they can’t get back in. I’m going to throw in Noah’s name again too in case Denise, goddess above, I mean Betty invited him back.”
I assured him, “I know what you need to do. Go be the leader. Do you want Allie to stay here?” Heath said, “Not unlike your string I don’t want her to leave my side. There’s…. Isaiah found evidence that Gerald, who was really Hanson, killed Dani.” I gasped, “Heath, I am so sorry.”
Heath admitted, “I knew in my heart that’s what happened. I need to go over his things and make sure everyone is safe.” I nodded, “Go, I’m fine. She’s being obnoxious.” Heath smiled, “She’s being your doctor.” He kissed me on the forehead, “Listen to her.” Heath pulled Allie to his side.
She sighed telling him, “Heath, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Heath disagreed, “I left you with them. I should’ve left you with Anne and Tony. He was looking for you and he would’ve hurt you. Or kidnapped you. Something bad would’ve happened.”
Allie reasoned, “You didn’t know. We all trusted her, and she betrayed all of us. You would’ve left me with my family, but they were out at the time. My brother was coming to get me because you told him to. He would’ve been there fifteen minutes after Lexi called. I wouldn’t have been there anyway, and Edgar would’ve protected me. I’m also very fast and can run away.” That was true. She was one of the faster ones in the Shroud. Heath grumbled, “A lot can happen in fifteen minutes.” Allie said, “Nothing happened to me. I’m fine. Lexi had my back.” I smiled, “Always.”
Dr. April snidely said, “Lovely, what a moving moment. Luna. Hospital. Bed. Now.” Haley asked, “What bit her tit?” Dr. April said, “I’ve heard about you from Ethan, and it’s ass. What bit my ass? The answer is obvious and it’s you two.”