It's You
Lexi was relieved Chase finally figured out she was the Black Arrow. I mean honestly I was beginning to think it was going to take me showing up to him in my BA outfit and talking to him in person. I leave for a few days, and he magically puts it all together. His explanation made sense because his allies kept him up to date.
At least that cat was out of the bag finally. It felt like this huge looming cloud had vanished from over us. BA was a really big part of who I am and it felt weird keeping it from Chase. I couldn’t confirm it though, I didn’t have permission. If we were in my home, I could do what I’d done for Susie. Let him see that outfit. Sadly, I did not have an outfit to whip out for him at this moment.
I was a little annoyed the direction our conversation was going. I wasn’t going to abandon Heath or the Hood. It was close to Chase's territory. It wasn’t like I had to move states or anything. Chase was not making sense at all. Having a mission wasn’t the same as leaving him. I wasn’t going to take month long missions anymore. I was done with that now anyway because I’d started a business.
Plus, I didn’t want to go weeks without seeing him. Missions that were a few days was doable, but Heath wouldn’t begrudge me that. When he said he was tired, I studied his face. His eyes were a little red with bags under them.
I leaned over to touch him trying to drive out his worry. We discussed a lot of thing, but his concern seemed to be missions during pregnancy. When he asked my calling card, I had to admit it was different. That would depend on who it was. If it was his family, mine, or Haley in danger then he couldn’t ask me to stay out of it. I would do my best to not get hurt, but I WOULD go to them.
I looked around and saw a door that was open, with a large bed inside it. That was exactly what we needed. I dragged Chase towards it and told him to sleep. He pulled me in close and was out immediately. I slept for a little bit, but my mind was still racing. I was trying to digest all the information I’d learned when I was gone.
I reached for the remote and watched two movies making sure the volume was low enough it didn’t disturb Chase. Not that I thought I could disturb him at this point he was down for the count. I sighed. Hopefully after I was marked, he would settle down. This wasn’t a healthy way to handle me being out on a mission. I didn’t want that for him.
Maybe once I told Haley about Chase and me; he could get together with Eric and have lunch or something. I didn’t actually know how Eric handled Haley having missions, but hopefully he at least did the bare minimum to take care of himself. She did mention they linked during her first one when she was with me. So, maybe that would help Chase.
A knock stopped my musings. I quietly said, “Come in.” Knowing the flight attendant would hear me because I’d seen her around Chase’s pack. She smiled at me once she’d opened the door. She informed me, “We are about to land. You’ll need to wake up the Alpha since we need you guys to be buckled up for landing.”
I nodded, “Of course. Are you guys staying the night out here?” The flight attendant smiled answering, “We are here until we all head back.” I said, “That’s at least nice.” The flight attendant smiled, “One of the perks of the job.” She left.
I gently woke up Chase. I watched him as we landed. He looked much better than when we’d gotten onto the plan. As much as he liked to declare I was his, he was mine too. I’d take care of him whenever he needed it. We discussed marking. The only hang up on my end to mark him was Haley, and that was my fault. I should’ve told her before now I met him, but she couldn’t find out because she saw a mark on his neck at a wedding. She needed to hear it from me.
I was disappointed he couldn’t come to Faerie with me for New Year’s Eve, but I understood. Him not coming would be less of a springboard situation to tell Haley about us. I guess I was going as the Black Arrow then. Lucinda would probably faint from excitement.
Maybe some fairy would be rude to Haley and I could kill them. It was going to be really weird not killing someone on New Year’s Eve. For a brief moment I tried to remember the last one I hadn't killed someone, and I’d spent it with Noah. Nope closing that memory lane avenue.
I focused back on Chase. I almost told him Faerie was a little bit ahead of this realm time wise. I think it was about thirty minutes. I’d make it back in time for a midnight kiss, but I decided I’d surprise him instead. He’d be thrilled, and it would be fun.
I was relieved Haley knowing about us wasn’t going to cause problems because I hated keeping this from her. She’d always encouraged me to tell her anything I wanted to in her own time. Sometimes I wished she’d just be mad at me for it. It wasn’t Haley’s style but sometimes you should call your friends on their bullshit.
Haley always tried to give people leeway to her own detriment though because she wanted people to like her. Cassandra is in a rare group. If Haley didn’t like you, she’d cut you off at the knees with her words sometimes even literally.
If she did like you, it was actually kind of sweet how she approached things. I’m sure it’s how she wishes people approached her. She lets them keep their secrets secret until they are ready to share. That fired my anger at Cassandra tenfold again.
I hid my smirk as a thought hit me. I’ll just bet Cassandra Conners was going to be in Faerie for New Year’s Eve. Well, I think I just found resolution one for myself. Knock some sense into that woman with my fist. Lucinda was going to love me forever. Fairies would eat that shit up, and I was more than willing to give them one hell of a show.
When we departed the plane, I quickly realized we were on an island, but I had no idea which one. I smiled when I found out because I hadn’t been here before. There was even a car waiting. Was there anything my man didn’t think of? It really touched me that he’d planned this down to the little details of getting a car here waiting for us.
I closed my eyes and breathed in the island air. It was freeing to rid my mind of everything but Chase and I. Everything else was going to have to wait until we got back to the real world. I was going to enjoy our trip. I wasn’t going to borrow trouble. We were here and away from the weight and troubles of our lives.
For the first time in my life I was away from everything with a man I loved more than I’d ever loved anyone in a romantic sense. I wasn’t going to let anything ruin this trip. I gasped when he pulled the car to a stop. This was his house? This compound on a beach. Jeez. I bet even the tennis court was his. It had a pool that overlooked the beach. I never wanted to leave this paradise.
My feet led me outside to look at the view from the pool. It was a breathtaking view. For once I was actually seeing it too. I wasn’t scouting for a place to set my perch or watching someone’s movement to get their patterns. I was actually here to enjoy the view.
Chase wrapped his arms around me, and I knew this was one of those rare perfect moments in life. I wished I could freeze this moment forever. A deep need hit me. I needed him to mark me. I needed for us to be real and official.
A small part of me was afraid to ask, fearing his rejection to my request. What if he didn’t want to mark me? It seemed silly to be scared. He’d talked of our future, but there was no going back from this. Maybe he liked having an out. It turned out that fear was unfounded. He practically jumped me when I asked.
When he reached the spot where my shoulder and neck met, I moaned. I knew it was going to hurt, and my body tensed in response. I nearly hit him when he said not yet, but he explained the process. I sent up a mental prayer to the War Goddess to hurry him along. I wanted our souls connected forever.
When I screamed his name, he bit down on my neck. It hurt for a brief moment and then a pleasure I’d never felt before in my entire life coursed through me. It felt like I’d left my body and came back to it. Wave after wave of euphoria hit me.
In my chest I could feel pure delight, and not all of it was mine. I could feel Chase through the bond now that he’d marked me. I knew it would get a little stronger once I’d marked him in return. Chase licked my neck and sparks shot through my whole body. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Clearly, the lack of sleep crashed into me hard.
When Chase talked about me needing to take care of myself, I nearly snorted. If I could open my eyes, I’d text Haley and ask for her full hypocrisy horse saying. I could feel the smile on my face because I was his. It was official, no one else could have me but Chase. I was all in and so was he. With that I drifted off to sleep.
I woke with a start. I stretched feeling completely rested. The sun was shining in our room. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Holy shit! I’d slept for fourteen hours. No wonder I felt rested. I turned around and faced Chase. He was still asleep.