Page 98 of Naughty Santa Daddy

“Hadley!” Amos screams happily, his voice traveling from the direction of the kitchen. “Come see!”

Throwing aside the book I’ve been reading on the sofa in the den, I jump to my feet and hurry to the kitchen. Emilio stands near the door, his hand on the knob. Greta is at the counter, seasoning some type of meat.

Amos runs to me and grabs my hand. “Zio says you told him we needed a sled.”

I mentioned it yesterday, still determined that Amos enjoy a sled at Christmas time. I wasn’t sure how that would happen being snowed in, but I hoped it would somehow. Before I evermentioned the idea of sledding to Massimo, I wanted to have the sled. Otherwise, he might deem it too dangerous and veto the idea.

“We have to wait for your dad,” I tell Amos. “He has to give his permission first.”

Amos nods and races past Emilio. Snow threatens again. Although I haven’t asked Massimo what happens now since he’s decided to keep me, I want the option of us leaving. Too much more of the white stuff and we will be stranded for who knows how long.

I’d like to return to civilization again. Had I still wanted to leave on my own, I couldn’t, not with the maze of back roads Massimo drove on to get here. I need the option to come and go as I please.

Keeping me as his woman doesn’t mean keeping me as a prisoner. I want options and freedom. Surely, when he called mehis, he meant…?

Well. What the fuck did he mean?

Twice he’s returned with blood on him, and he disappears for hours at a time. Surely, whatever danger that has brought us here has been extinguished. Yet, no secrets have come to light. Not the ones he promised to reveal to me and not the ones I hold so close. Gaspare Marino was one of the darkest… when I chose life over death.

When my father…



I force a smile on my face, shoving aside the darkness. “Want to see the sled your zio bought?”

My joy is more genuine as I beam at Emilio. Yet, I can’t forget the momentary panic that surged through me when I thought I saw a younger version of Gaspare among Massimo’s men.

Emilio holds up his phone. “Mass is on his way.”

“Come on, Hadley,” Amos says. “Let’s go outside and look at the sled while we wait for Dad.”

“When we come back inside, we can make cookies for later,” I absently suggest, needing the distraction.

“Will we still bake them tomorrow too? For Santa,” he reminds me.

“Of course.” I’ve never left cookies and milk for Santa either, so I’m excited on behalf of Amos and me.

Emilio opens the door and allows Amos to run outside.

“After you,” Emilio says, our rocky beginning behind us.


I walk outside into the gray afternoon and join Amos next to the pull sled crafted from a deep, richly colored wood and outfitted with red cushions.

“What do you think?” Emilio asks, walking to Amos and ruffling his hair.

“I love it!”

The blacked-out SUV pulls up and both the driver’s side and passenger side doors open. Massimo exits the passenger side, while Big John gets out on the driver’s side.

Smiling, Massimo saunters toward us. “Emilio, help take the presents out of the SUV.”

“Presents?” I blurt. Did he leave the property without me?

“Oh, boy!” Amos says. “What’d you get me, Dad?”