At full force, I slam a palm against the shower wall housing the spout. Unforgiving imported large grey tiles—this house may not be my mansion, but I still have standards—snicker at my ego,“That all you got, softy?”
Unlike Hadley, I’m far past my first kill—hardly asofty, yet I keep finding myself breaking rules due to her very existence. Yes, I tell myself, over and over, that I go to Clyde’s only to gather intel, but there are other ways to gain knowledge. If I truly expected her to reveal who has betrayed me, why would Ieverinvolve my son by taking him there—
My mouth gapes.WhyhaveI taken him there?That child is the only good I am in this world. He is a treasure. One, until recently, I have guarded with the utmost care.
Suddenly, an image of Hadley smiling enters my mind. I grab my chest as I realize the sincerity of it reminds me of my son’s. My son, even as young as he is, has already shown he is nothing like me.Thank God. He always wants to do charitable things, such as be kind to those who are not as monetarily fortunate as he is. One time, while watching him on a playground, I sat on a bench in disbelief as I witnessed him share his snacks with other children who stared at the food. He’s so caring, just like Hadley with Charlie and that damn hitchhiker. Imagine that: she was being kind-hearted to a man who had every intention of abducting her.
Anger spikes through my thawing heart as I think about how irresponsible such ridiculous notions are. She’s a fool, just like my son, who has to learn better. I can’t take such chances with my boy, allowing him the same fate in the midst of his generosity.
Grabbing a washcloth and drowning it in liquid soap, I growl and scrub my skin clean of the woman who dares to bring danger near my son by summoning any humanity in me.
I’m going to throttle her for information,notwhile having sex with her this time.
Without command—or permission—my dick hardens at the mere thought of the best—
“Nope,” I chastise myself. “We are finished with that woman. Time to get back to the much overdue revenge.”
But she’s most likely innocent and clueless, my mind argues.
I rinse my body while replying—as if I have some sort of multiple personality disorder. “None of that has ever bothered me in the past.”
Still back on track, I get out of the shower, rush a towel around my waist, then swing open the door only to have my nostrils attacked by the best scent in the world.For being so sweet, she sure smells like a sensual and tantalizing vixen.
I close my eyes to recompose. “Hadley, it’s time to talk.”
Not waiting for a response, because nothing she has to say or ask is going to derail me again, I walk to a dresser and snag a pair of silk boxers. “You have a past that may be a bit shocking to you—” I pause to swallow down unneeded pity for her, “—not that any of that matters to me.” Moving to a closet, I gather a pair of black slacks and a white button-down.I need simple at the moment.“Your past seems to withhold answers I need.” I slip into the pants, already feeling more grounded in my decision. “So, your issues are your own.” Confident in my lying to myself, each foot glides into leather shoes while my arms slide into the shirt.
I turn toward my bed while looking down and buttoning my shirt, expecting the frustrating woman to be where I left her. “Whether or not an enemy of mine wishes to kidnap you is notmy concern.” Beginning to glance up, I notice her clothes aren’t where I dropped them on the floor.
Nostrils flaring, I look to the bed to see the woman I placed there is gone.
My voice lowering, I warn, “You better be in the kitchen getting water,” I move toward the open bedroom door like an animal searching for his prey, “hydrating, preparing for me to fuck you again.”
Really? But I thought you said—
“Shut up,” I whisper to my celebrating dick.
After checking the kitchen and other bathrooms for my missing vixen, I rush out to my garage to discover Hadley wasn’t the only thing missing.
Cursing, “Sweet and innocent, my ass,” I stomp back to the bedroom to retrieve my cell phone.
Tapping on the screen, I charge back toward the garage for a set of keys—thathaven’tbeen stolen.
I don’t give Big John a chance to finish answering the call before interrupting him.“No questions, but locate my Escalade.”
His voice tightens with immediate anger, “Did that fucker take it from you?”
He’s speaking of the man sent to kidnap Hadley; however, insulting my abilities to protect myself—and a fucking car, I sneer, “Did I not just say ‘no questions’?”
More to himself, he mumbles, “Doesn’t mean I don’t have any.”
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I caution, “Locate. The. SUV, you overgrown Texan.”
He tries to muffle a chuckle before saying, “I think I now know who has your wheels.”
I open my mouth to explain that he’s wrong. Not every time I speak about Hadley do I get irritable. Since that was the hundredth lie of the day, I, instead, listen to him click away onhis laptop before he adds, “Boss, I know you said no questions, but…”