“And we’ll meet them head-on, together,” I promise. “We’re fucking eagles, my little elf.”
“Yeah, we are. Now, about these pregnancy hormones,” she teases. “Think you can help me out with that? Make this a holly jolly Christmas?”
“Oh, sweetheart, I’ll give you jolly. You’ll be humming Christmas carols until that baby comes out.”
She grins. “I love you, Braxton.”
“Forever, babe.” I wink.
Her and my baby, the best presents I’ll ever get.
Darlene Tallman
Darlene Tallman
Alessandra (Alex)
I cuddle my precious bundle closer as we walk along a familiar pathway. These past months have been hectic, to say the least, between marrying my Santa, taking over thefamiglia, and learning to handle the family business.
The day I gave birth dances in my head, and a small smile graces my face.
“Braxton, hurry up, my water just broke,” I shriek as I strip out of my soaked leggings.
“Wait, what?” he asks, practically falling out of the bed when he gets tangled in the sheets that were around his waist. “Okay, let’s go,” he shouts, walking to the door, his fine ass on display.
“Um, Santa? I may enjoy your jingle bells, but I don’t want anyone else seeing what’s mine,” I tease.
“Fuck,” he drawls out, looking down at his morning wood. “Give me five!” he shouts, rushing into the bathroom. As I struggle to put clean underwear on, knowing I’m just going to be soaked all over again, I hear him hollering at himself as he takes care of business. The toilet flushes, the water turns on and off, and he rushes back out, grabbing his jeans and slipping them on.
Once he’s dressed, I grin because his shirt’s on inside out, he has mismatched socks that cover his feet as he shoves them into his motorcycle boots, but his cut sits proudly across his shoulders.
“What are you doing?” I ask as he scoops me into his arms and rushes through the door.
“Getting you to the hospital,” he replies, practically running while holding on to me as though I’m precious.
A contraction takes hold, and I grimace, moaning at the pain. His eyes grow even wilder, and I grin when I see his hair is sticking up everywhere. Gone is the cool, calm, and collected man I love beyond reason, and in its place is a first-time father panicking.
Mamá warned me he might do this; she said all alpha males tend to lose their minds when the woman they love is in pain. As another contraction hits, I realize that maybe we might not make it to the hospital.
“Well, this is a first,” the doctor comments as he walks into the room. “Not too often that I get to deliver one of my patients on the side of the road.”
I grin up at him, exhaustion evident on my face. “You said first babies take hours, Doc. I think you lied.”
“Alex, you’ve never been a typical patient,” he chides as he comes closer. “Let me make sure everything is going well,” he says, putting on a pair of gloves.
Braxton says nothing, just looks at the tiny baby curled up in sleep in the bassinet that’s beside my hospital bed. Leaning down, he kisses me, which is a good distraction from what the doctor is currently doing down below. “Love you, my little elf. More today than I ever have before.”
“And I love you, Santa Daddy.”
I walk beside my wife, paying attention to our surroundings. While I understand what she’s doing, I don’t like being so exposed since we both know her enemies are still out there. When I notice several of Lorenzo’s men hiding in plain sight, I nod to let them know I appreciate the fact that they’re here to protect her.
My Alex.
My elf.