As soon as Drake kills the engine of the truck, I have the door open and am all but dragging Alex across the parking lot toward the clubhouse’s front door. The prospect manning it sees me coming and opens it up for me.
“Braxton! Slow down, dammit.”
I spin to face her as soon as we are safely inside the building and scoop her up bridal style before I stride for the back of the main room, heading straight for my bedroom.
“Doctor said you need to rest. Hate that I had to drag you and Granny away from the house at all, but since I was left with no fucking choice, I need to know you’re both safe. This is where we’re at.”
Reaching my room, I shift my hold so I can dig out my keys and open things up. As soon as we’re inside, I kick the door shut, shove the keys back in my pocket, and lower my woman to her feet. Before she can catch her breath, I have her sexy-as-sin body pressing against the wood of the door, and my mouth is on hers.
She’s an addiction I can’t shake. Don’t want to shake. Nipping her lower lip, she opens up, and I thrust my tongue into her mouth, sliding it against hers and wishing like hell I had the time to fuck her.
“Braxton…” she whimpers my name between kisses, and my cock throbs with how much I wanna get inside her.
With a low growl I break the kiss. “Fuck, baby. I wish I could take care of us both, but I don’t have time. I gotta get my ass into church or they’ll start without me. Probably lock the damn door on me just to be ornery.”
My warrior woman winks up at me with a sexy smile on her lush lips, “Well, better get moving then. Don’t want all the youngin’s having all the fun.”
Frowning, I growl again. “That’s it. Drake’s banned from being anywhere near you. I am not that fucking old. Certainly not a motherfuckinggrandpa.”
Pushing up onto her toes, she presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth, the action so sweet it has my heart skipping a damn beat. “Of course you’re not.Daddy.”
Fuck. Me.
I’m gonna be a daddy.
My cock fucking aches with how much I need to claim what is mine, but I hadn’t been joking about Miller starting church without me.
“Hurry up with your meeting or church. Whatever the fuck you want to call it. I’ll be here waiting for you to come play Naughty or Nice with me when you’re done, Santa Daddy.”
She has me chuckling even as all the remaining blood in my body rushes to my dick. “You aren’t gonna let me forget I was playing Santa when I knocked you up, are you?”
She shrugs before she ducks under my arm and moves across the room. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see. I might be able to be convinced to forget that part.”
I groan and adjust myself, “Gonna be the fastest church session in history, knowing you’re up here, wet and waiting on me to satisfy you, baby.”
I catch her gaze, turning serious. “Do not leave this room for any reason ‘til I get back. There will be two prospects in the hall to make sure no one comes in, but you keep that fucking door locked and don’t answer it for no one but me or Miller, understand?”
She gives me a nod, “I might be all independent woman most of the time, but I don’t have a death wish. I won’t be opening the door for anyone but you, Granny, my father, or Enzo. Miller might be your bestie, but I don’t know the man.”
“We’ve been friends since we were kids, baby. And he’s the president, you can trust him to take care of you.”
She shrugs, “Time will tell. Braxton, I know what to do. I will never do anything to risk our baby. You can go to your meeting.”
That gets me growling again.This woman. “Or you. You don’t ever fucking endanger you or our kids, got me?”
“Possessive bastard… Yes, I’ll keep me and junior safe. Now shoo,” she pauses to flick her hands at me like I’m a puppy nipping at her heels. “Go play with your friends, and I’ll see if Ican find something to do here to keep myself occupied while I wait for your return.”
The sight of her ass while she moves toward my bed has me cursing as it takes every bit of willpower I have to turn away and leave the room.
Miller better be ready to start church the second I get there, because as much as I was deadly serious about taking out the threat to my woman, I was even more serious about taking care of her and my needs.
Chapter 13
Morgan Jane Mitchell
Morgan Jane Mitchell
Alessandra (Alex)