I freeze. “Goliath?” A sob bubbles out of me as he scoops me off the ground.
“Yes, baby. You’re safe.” He holds me firmly against his broad chest. “You’re safe.”
“H-How did you know?” I cry, fisting his black sweatshirt and thanking the heavens for showing me mercy.
“Shh, not now. Our ride is here.”
A car pulls up. Goliath opens the back door and gets in, keeping me in his arms. With a free hand, he removes his mask. He is much more handsome than I remember.
“Where do you hurt?” he asks as he inspects me.
“All over, but I’ll be okay.”
“They’ll never lay a hand on you again.” He pulls me in close and kisses the side of my head.
“I heard how you dealt with them. I’m glad. One was about to rape me.”
A murderous glint flashes in his blue eyes.
“But you came just in the nick of time.” Instantly, my family enters my mind. “My papá and mamá! The fire. We must go back to help them!” I attempt to crawl off his lap, but he’s having none of that.
“Alex, we need to get out of New York. We have orders to take you somewhere safe until the madness is all over. A private jet is waiting for us.”
“But my parents need me! Please, Goliath! Please go back.” More tears stream down my face, but it’s like he doesn’t even see them.
“I’m sorry, but we have orders. Dante will make sure they get out unharmed.” He captures my face in his gloved hands, and his lips descend on mine in a powerful kiss. He’s not gentle or rough. Just perfect as I can remember.
Dante? How does he know my cousin? Just the mere mention puts me at peace.
My mouth opens for Goliath, and our tongues meet, and I forget how or why either of us is here. I trust this man with my life, and that’s saying something, as I trust so few.
We kiss with sizzling abandon, moaning into each other’s mouths and pawing at our bodies. His heart pounds against my arm like mine is against his. The windows fog up with our heavy breathing.
And I’m happy.
I don’t even care about the driver chuckling in the front seat.
Goliath came for me like an answer to prayer.
“When we get to where we’re going, you need to tell me everything,” I tell him in a firm voice.
“Absolutely, but after I clean you up, mend your wounds, and satisfy you in every way.” He brushes my dark hair away from my face and lightly pecks my lips.
“Will you put on your Santa suit and let me sit on your lap?” I tease him, relaxing more now that I’m safe.
“I’d rather you sit on my face.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“You are a naughty one. I like that.” I settle my head on his shoulder and exhale, placing my hand on my stomach.
“Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet. When we get to the safe house, we’ll have all the time in the world to play Naughty or Nice.”
“Never heard of that game before. Sounds intriguing. Where’s the safe house?”
“In Alabama. I can’t wait for you to meet my Granny.”
I pop up and stare him in the face. “We’re going to your Granny’s house?”
“Yes, ma’am. And you’ll love her.” Just like that, my dirty fantasies of Goliath and me doing the nasty go up in smoke.