Wash rejoins us, letting Miller know that they have a meeting with their lawyer the next morning.
“What’s been bothering me,” Prez says, pulling out his cigarettes and lighting up before passing the pack to Wash, leaving us hanging as he takes a deep drag on his, savoring the initial rush, “is that we’re all pretty big targets, and like your girl pointed out, even more so with the fucking Santa suits on. Four of our guys got what amounts to nicks, while more than a handful of the elves are dead or in critical condition. And that’s not counting the hospital staff that was on hand.”
“Let’s not forget the common denominator,” Wash speaks up. “We’ve used that law firm for a long time because they don’t mind organizations; well, I think it’s safe to say that many of their clients make thenaughty listevery year.”
“Shit, if there was ever a time we needed Drake,” Miller growls. “We’re missing something, but the law firm is the hospital’s largest donor, so I don’t see them being complicit in anything that went down at the hospital. Hell, they got us involved in the Santa thing a few years ago to help us with our image…”
“And because the assholes there didn’t want to dress up, let alone spend time with sick kids,” Wash interjects, as they both fill in a blank for me that I never bothered to ask about.
After seven years in prison, someone I trust hands me a Santa suit and tells me to ride, I ride.
“I gotta ask, Goliath,” Miller starts, shifting his eyes down to the bar. “You get Fed vibes from your girl?”
I take my time answering, mostly because it’s the second time he’s referred to Alex asmy girl, and I like the sound of that more than I should. Also, because while I’m certain she’s had some kind of formal training, I’d stake my life on the answer I’m going to give them.
“No. I can’t pinpoint any specific thing,” I lie to them, because I can’t imagine a Fed having a quickie during a mass shooting. “The article said she’s a law student and an intern at the firm you use. Your contact will know more, but I’m telling you, when the shit started, she was cool as a fucking cucumber and probably saved my life.”
“What do you think?” Miller turns to Wash for his read on the situation.
“I don’t know, man. ThisisAlabama. It could be as simple as her daddy’s a prepper, or as complicated as all get-out. She just got added to our list, though, no way around that,” he replies with a shrug.
“One other thing, with all this going on, I didn’t get over to Strike’s,” I remind them, mentioning another member of the Jokers who has a contracting business. “I have that meeting with my PO tomorrow, and I’ll need some proof that I got a job.”
“I’ll have him email something to us by the morning, and we’ll get it printed up,” Wash says before heavily exhaling. “Now you gotta pray that the looker didn’t tell the cops about you being there.”
“I’m certain they’d have come looking for him already if she had,” Miller answers in my stead. “I mean, our brother here has been away so long he probably nutted on her ass, and she’s regrettingsaving his life.”
He delivers the last of that in a falsetto, and Wash’s deep laugh gets him choking on the lungful of smoke he just inhaled.
“Fuck you both,” I growl, even as I chuckle along with them. “Unless there’s anything else, I gotta go scrub the dumpster stench away.”
“I hadn’t noticed him smelling any different than usual,” Wash cracks, looking puzzled. “Did you, Prez?”
I wave my middle finger at them as I head back to my room. Feeling my phone vibrate, I remember that I owe Granny a call, not to mention starting to visit her on a regular basis.
Shaking my head at the hand she was dealt—the car accident that took my mom, her only child, when I was nine. How she and Gramps took me in, and later losing her husband while I was in prison. And you’d never know it to talk to her. She comforts everyone around her without ever asking for anything in return.
Now that I’ll be earning again, I’m going to figure out what she needs and handle it, like Mom and Gramps would have wanted me to do.
Chapter 7
Sapphire Knight
Sapphire Knight
Alessandra (Alex)
“We’ve gotten the list back, Uncle. The names of everyone present at the drive-by of the hospital are there, including the motorcycle club, as you’ve asked.”
I manage to overhear my cousin speaking to my father as I’m on my way past his office. I know I’m eavesdropping again, but this time, it wasn’t on purpose. I can’t help it if I unknowingly happened to stride by at the perfect time, and boy, how perfectit is. I’m not the least bit surprised to discover myfamigliahas been digging into who all was present. One thing stands out front and center; however, it means he’ll know who Goliath is. His real name. Possibly.
Excited flutters fill my stomach, and I have to refrain from jumping with the news. I mean, I could go for seeing the big, gorgeous biker again, and this may be my way into making it conveniently happen. I’m not a stalker or anything, but if we happen to be in the same area of town at some point and run into each other at a coffee shop or something, and it leads back to some pent-up quick alleyway sex, I’m not one to snuff fate. I’m down for as many orgasms as that hunk of sexy Santa wants to offer. Maybe this time he’ll feel like exploring the South Pole and I’ll be all in on his face getting personal with my vagina.
“Alessandra,” Mamá chastises, effectively busting me in the act. “You know better than getting involved in your father’sfamigliabusiness.”
“It wasn’t intentional; I was going to pop in and see if anyone had sent the firm flowers for the funerals since I won’t be there. My boss died, and I don’t want to come off as insensitive to my colleagues.”
Her hand cups the side of my face, her eyes softening, “My sweet girl. You’ve grown into such a thoughtful young woman. I’m so proud of you.”