Hadley regards me with open disdain. “I’ve met your son before. Cute kid. Hard to believe he’s yours.”
Tell me about it.Luckily, he takes after his mother. Not that she knows that, him, me, or anything. I shoot her a warning look to stop discussing my son as though she knows either one of us.
She doesn’t understand the risks in my line of work. I don’t think she’s even aware of the real risks to her life right now.More importantly, she’s not grasping the situation at hand. I’m bringing her to my one weakness. The only person I truly care for. My Amos.
I’m not a man known for possessing an iota of patience, but for whatever reason, I’m trying with Hadley. Warning bells ring in my head not to let my guard down again because I’m becoming enthralled with this woman. I’ve always been known for my cruelty, yet the feeling somewhat of—is that fucking sympathy—for this woman.
“I’dneverhurt a child. I’m horrified you feel the need to threaten me over this.” She wouldn’t be so surprised if she knew how the world really worked. Sweet Hadley has been kept in the dark about our world, and she’s so damn young. And strikingly beautiful. My heart hasn’t felt this alive since… I don’t want to remember. I’m not looking for romance, but I can certainly appreciate a woman’s beauty and body. Even in the darkness, I can make out her full breasts rising and falling with each breath. She looks delectable. And for all intents and purposes, she’s mine.
My dick stirs with excitement, but I hide all of that with my cold voice. “Good. Do not alarm him either about your… unique predicament.”
She eyes me with disbelief. I hate how I enjoy the sound of her laugh, even though she’s clearly mocking me. Hadley manages to gather herself and holds a hand up. “Don’t worry. I won’t let junior in on our little secret of you taking me against my will. He’ll be none the wiser that his father is a raging, psychotic, abducting asshole.”
“See to it he doesn’t.” My voice is firm, leaving no room for argument and not finding any amusement in her smart mouth.
“And what of Greta? What am I to tell her?”
Jealousy rolls off of her, and that does amuse me. I rub my hand down my face to hide my smirk. She has fire, I’ll give herthat. I’m ready to taste that fire again, get lost in her heat, and if I get burned, it’ll be worth it.
Instead of answering her question, I decide to let her stew on it. I put the SUV in drive and take us to the front of the house. Immediately, the door opens and the woman of the hour steps out.
Greta is in her late sixties, about five feet tall, curvy, with short red hair styled with curls and so much hairspray I worry every time she is near an open flame. The woman has the mouth of a sailor, heart of a saint, and God blessed her with hands to turn any dish into the best thing you ever put in your mouth. Hadley doesn’t have to worry about hiding anything from Greta. There’s nothing this woman doesn’t already know.
I circle around the SUV to open the door for Hadley. Greta is on my heels with her hands waving wildly in the air, scolding me. “You lost your phone? Did you break all your fingers? Is that why you couldn’t call? Doesn’t that fancy, overpriced, and oversized car not have the hands-free feature to call?” Her anger morphs into shock when I open the passenger door. “I see. Maybe your fingers were busy hitting her button.”
Hadley gasps at Greta’s crudeness. I ignore both of them and, in a bored tone, begin introductions. “Greta, this is Hadley. She got loose, and I had to chase her down. Then I had to take the long way here because I wasn’t the only one after her.” I glower at my little runaway and then give her a smug smile.
Greta huffs. “I’m still not seeing how, in all that, you couldn’t call?”
Ignoring Greta, I keep my eyes trained on the woman who has created chaos in my life. “Hadley,” I say with false sweetness. “This is Greta.” Red creeps up Hadley’s neck, and it sends a thrill of delight through me at her discomfort. “The one you were so curious about. She knows you’re not here for a friendly visit.”
“Really, Massimo. Little Amos was asking if you were coming tonight, but I didn’t know what to tell him.” Guilt strikes me—a feeling I loathe and don’t feel often, except for with my son. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I made him some brownies and gave him extra time in the hot tub with his toy dinosaurs. You were long forgotten about after that.”Thanks.“He’s in bed now. Been asleep for about an hour. And don’t you dare think about waking him up. It’s too late. That boy needs his sleep. Get up early and you two can have a snowball fight. I’ll help him pack some snowballs with rocks or ice in the center to throw at your head.” Greta shivers and then scowls at us. “What are you doing? Get her inside. It’s freezing out here. Dinner’s on the stove, and so are some brownies.” She tilts her head at Hadley. “You seem like a nice girl. I don’t know how nice you could be considering you’re mixed up with him.”
Hadley gives Greta a genuine smile. It’s breathtaking. So much that I want to grab her by the neck and kiss it. “You seem like a nice lady, but you’re right; how nice could you be if you’re involved with this asshole?”
Greta claps her hands together and chuckles. She looks at me with raised brows and then back to Hadley. “I like you. I can always tell right away if I’m going to like someone. Don’t let this big knucklehead give you any trouble.” She loudly shivers and turns away. “I’m going inside. It’s colder than a penguin’s pecker out here. Lord have mercy. If you two want to stay out here, suit yourselves.”
The snow is steadily falling, but I don’t move. I’m busy watching Hadley stare at Greta’s retreating back in fascination. “Wow. Not what I was expecting. So she is…”
“My housekeeper.”
“She’s different from your other staff.”
“Very observant.” I don’t elaborate. Greta is the only person I permit to use such colorful language around me. Anybody else would’ve lost their tongue, along with their job.
I hurry Hadley up the stairs inside the house and excuse everyone around us to allow for privacy. She awes as soon as her eyes see the fully lit and impressive Christmas tree next to the window. It’s decorated in white lights, tinsel, and colorful glass ornaments. Not far from it is a large stone, wood-burning fireplace. Garland with lights entwined is draped across the mantle.
“This is like something from a movie. It’s gorgeous. This is the perfect place to be for the holidays.” Her face dies as her eyebrows pull together. “I’ve never had a Christmas like this. Funny this is how I’m going to get it.”
I really am a cold-hearted bastard. Here she’s having a moment, taking in her new surroundings, and wishing for the picture-perfect Christmas; meanwhile, all my blood has gone to my dick. “Remember my offer.”
My desire is strictly to possess her body, not her heart. That part of her I’ll have to politely decline. Not that I have anything to worry about on that front. As naïve as Hadley may be, she surely has enough instincts to not fall for a man like me. I’m sure recent experiences have taught her a few lessons.
“You’ll protect me if I let you use me like a whore?”
My eyebrows rise up as I advance toward her. “Whore? I don’t recall using such a degrading term. But if you’re into it…” I place my hands on either side of her shoulders and begin to gently massage the tense muscles. Shamelessly, I press my erection against her. “Do you want to be my whore?” Hadley further surprises me by grinding her ass against me. “Should I find out?” I gently move her hair off her neck and trail my nose along the slender column. “If I slip my hand down your pants, will I find your cunt soaking wet?”
She spins around, and her hand cups my throbbing dick, causing a hiss to slip past my lips. “I’ll give you my answer tomorrow. I need to sleep on it. But for now, you’re going to fuck me.”