“You’re mine,” Massimo claims breathlessly next to my ear.
My hand moves for him again, reaching behind to grip his neck. I pull him down a bit more for a kiss and reply, “Yes, and you are mine.”
Chapter 19
Naomi Porter
Naomi Porter
It’s Christmas! My eyes flash open, and I hold back a squeal.Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!I force myself not to clap myhands. Santa came! But did he bring my secret wish? I hope so!
My room is still dark, only the glow from my nightlight helps. The sun is still sleeping, but I don’t care. I kick off my blankets and rush out of my room. The whole house is quiet. It doesn’t sound like anyone is up, not even Greta.
That’s okay. I’ll be quiet as a mouse. The excitement dancing in my belly is too much for me. I must know. Right this second. My gift can’t be alone…
One step at a time, I make my way down the stairs. The twinkling lights on the gigantic tree pull me toward it, and hope explodes in my chest when my eyes land on all the presents that surround the huge pine tree.
I run the rest of the way on my tippy toes so I don’t wake up Dad or Hadley.
Scanning the room, I notice the cookies we left out for Santa are gone and so is the milk. Again, I hold back a happy scream.He came, he came!
The short glass next to the milk cup is also empty. A smirk tugs at the corners of my lips. Dad was right, like always. The Jolly Man finished the whiskey left out to warm his bones while he delivers presents to children like me around the world.
I slap my hand over my mouth and giggle.
Last night with Dad, Hadley, Greta, andZiowas the best I ever had with all my family. The food and baked goodies were amazing, as always. Hadley shared her favorite holiday music with us.Ziotold us silly stories about him and Dad when they were children. Those were the funniest. Then we watched some Christmas movies before Hadley tucked me into bed.
Her words repeat in my head…Sweet dreams, principino mio. I can’t wait to have Christmas with you tomorrow.Tears appeared in her eyes, but she didn’t look sad. A smile was on her face as she kissed my forehead and left my bedroom.
Dad loves her; I can tell when he stares at her. She has the same look. They love each other, and that means we will be a family and…
I pinch my face tightly when I don’t find what I’m looking for. My secret wish isn’t under the tree. All the other gifts mean nothing to me. What I always wanted isn’t here.
Tears drip down my face, and it feels like my heart is breaking.
Didn’t Santa get my letter? Did Dad forget to mail it?
Crossing my arms over my chest, I sit in front of the tree and glare at the star at the top. It’s gold and bright and almost touches the tall ceiling. What good is all thisstuffif I have no one to share it with? I just don’t understand. I put in my letter that the only thing I wanted this Christmas was…
I sigh and swipe the wetness off my face.Santa isn’t real.The kids at school were right. They called me a baby when I argued he was real and told me our parents put out the gifts and eat the cookies. Guess that’s why Dad poured a glass of whiskey.
Well, I’mnota baby.
And I don’t care about Christmas or Santa anymore.
I lower myself onto the soft, furry rug and curl into a ball.I’m not a baby,I try to convince myself as another tear rolls down the side of my face.
A yawn takes hold of me and I close my eyes…
Principino mio.Shaking my head, I scoop him off the floor and carry him to the couch and sit with him curled in my arms. What on earth is he doing down here?Alone. On the cold floor with no blanket?
It’s just after five-thirty in the morning. I can’t imagine how long he has been down here in front of the tree. Not even Greta is awake yet. Or Hadley. I wore out my woman last night to make sure she had the best night’s sleep ever.
And because I’m a greedy bastard who can’t get enough of her.