Page 103 of Naughty Santa Daddy

“Stop,” I demand, putting a hand up.

Hadley’s hands move to her hips, posture ready to argue if she needs to. “I’m—”

I cut her off, “You can go.”

Her mouth snaps shut. When her shoulders ease up, and before she can say anything, I turn, grab Hadley’s arm, and guide her to my truck.

My heart pounds, thrumming in my chest as I struggle with mixed feelings about having her come with me to the shed. She will see the final side of me, the monster,the killer, but deep in my heart, I know she can handle it. In the end, this is about her, and we all need an answer, so I guess it’s going to come out here. Plus, I won’t have to figure out how to tell her about her family, and I will finally find out what she knows.

The tension grows between us as we silently head to the shed.

At least I know these two fuckers haven’t cut their tongues out. I have a feeling Gio wants to spill it all to me. The smug bastard prides himself on what he has or has not done and always brags about himself.

As I lead Hadley into the shed, I find both men tied to chairs next to each other. Big John, Emilio, and a few others are surrounding the room; they’re waiting for me to bring retribution.

How deep does this treachery go? Has anyone else been involved with Gio all these years?

Gaspare’s face lights up when he notices Hadley move from behind me and murmurs,“Mi manchi, principessa?”

What the fuck does he mean, ‘Miss me, princess?’

Hadley’s expression turns murderous. It’s a look I have yet to witness from her before. She’s usually scared or angry, but this is pure hatred.

“Vaffanculo, Gaspare. Perché sei qui? Come mi hai trovato?”she spits out.

Her speaking fluent Italian has me snapping my head in her direction.

The way she told him to fuck off and why he was there clued me in that she knows him well, but when she asks how did he find her, it makes me see red. Did he hurt her too? Was she running from him?

Gaspare laughs while my men and I stand there in shock.Who is this woman?

I ask Hadley, “How do you know this man?”

“He works for my father,” she answers without hesitation while keeping her attention pinned on Gaspare.

Gio laughs, “Fucking finally. Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to figure out, Massimo? How is she linked to all of this? You’re fucking stupid.”

Fresh anger erupts inside me, so I punch him, knocking him out. I need to focus on Gaspare and my woman before I can deal with his treacherous ass. “Talk to me, Hadley,” I growl, losing my patience.

She turns to face me. “Isn’t this what you’ve been pushing me to talk about? I don’t discuss my father, ever. Remember what you told me, ‘My past is in the past?’”

I scoff. “Well, I need you to tell me how you know this guy. He’s involved with an international trafficking ring.” At my words, there’s a glimmer of shock flashing across her face before she’s able to mask it.

Fuck it—it’s now or never. I have to speak up.“Do you know about your real parents?” I blurt out and wait for her reaction while I keep my stare on my girl’s face. Gaspare starts to chuckle, rambling shit off in Italian, commenting how she’ll always be Colton’s princess and that no one can have her.

I’m ready to knock him the fuck out next, but Hadley pulls a gun out from the back of her pants and shoots him. The shot lands between the eyes, stunning me.

Everyone reacts, pulling their guns as well. My heart constricts with pride and affection. Love that I never knew could growinside me begins to fill my soul. My lips tilt into a grin, so unlike me in a situation like this, but I can’t hold it back.

She drops her arm, turning her body toward me, and I can’t speak. I’m proud of her, and with the emotion, my smile continues to grow. She admits, “Colton is my father, but he was never really my father. I have no one I truly claim in that aspect. Or a mother, for that matter.”

Reaching for her, I tug the woman who’s managed to capture my heart to me. Face to face, I say, “Bella, Colton was never your father in the first place. You were taken by Gaspare and Gio from your biological parents and thensoldto Colton.”

Shock, followed by tears, fills her eyes as she takes in what I’ve shared, and her chin starts to shake. When I see hope begin to take root in her eyes, I rush out, “They were killed trying to save you. Your real name is—”

“Halona Tsosie,” Gio blurts out.

I hadn’t known he had come to. We both twist to look at him. His evil grin makes me itch to kill him, but we need answers before I can finish him off.