Thinking she would show her gratitude to the fine specimen underneath her, she levered herself up, grinning into Ryker’s smiling eyes – only to feel her stomach rebel when she looked at his face. Panic rose swiftly as his beloved face wavered right in front of her eyes and she gasped out loud, gripping his cheeks roughly.
“Max? What is it?”
Ry’s deep voice barely penetrated the sound of her pounding heart in her ears. Right before her eyes, an image superimposed itself over her beloved’s face. It was still the man she had fallen in love with but not the man she was now used to seeing. This was the face of the man she had first met all those months ago – the man with the long, jagged scar down the left side of his face and the dead eyes. The injury was red and angry as if it had barely had any healing time, but it was the lifeless look in his dark eyes that terrified her the most. Max felt tears flood her own eyes as she tried to scrub the offending mark off his face with her palm.
“Hey, hey. Max! What is it?” Ryker grabbed a hold of her desperate hands, gripping them tightly, “Baby, you’re scaring me.”
Max sobbed, feeling helpless, terrified, and angry over the vision. She blinked, her tears scalding her cheeks, and just like that the fresh scar disappeared from view. But she knew it wasn’t gone, not really. It wasn’t the past she was seeing – not like her thoughts of her own childhood last night and just minutes ago. No, it was the future. Ryker was sitting up now, gripping her biceps in a tight grip and looking worried.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m sorry,” she repeated over and over again, as if just by saying the words she could make it so.
“Okay, okay. Shh, now,” Ryker murmured, engulfing her in his strong arms and practically suffocating her against his chest.
She didn’t care. All she cared about was the feeling of immediate safety from within his warm embrace. The next five minutes were spent with him rocking her gently, murmuring nonsensical words against her ear as he rubbed her back tenderly. She was finally able to relax, her heartbeat returning to normal but there was no way she would be forgetting the image of that horrendous wound anytime soon. “What did you see?”
Ryker’s words startled her enough to have her lifting her head from the security of his wide chest. “Huh?” she hedged, not wanting to discuss it with Ryker – or anyone for that matter.
“Don’t,” Ryker’s voice lashed out and to her surprise he gave her a small shake. “Don’t do that. Don’t lie to me. Do you think I don’t know you’ve been having nightmares and visions? I feel every beat of this heart,” he placed his hand on her chest. “I know when it beats in happiness. I know when it beats in pain. And I know when it beats in fear. Babe, you’re terrified. Now, what did you see?”
Max swallowed hard, reminding herself how lucky she was to have a man so deeply anchored to her soul. “Your face – your scar …” she stuttered.
Ryker rubbed his smooth cheek, “What about it?”
“I saw it come back,” she said, bluntly.
He frowned, “Come back, how?”
Max shook her head, pushing herself away from him a little, “I don’t know! I don’t know how it happens, just that it does. Ryker …” she felt tears falling from her eyes again.
“Hey now,” Ryker gathered her back in and she didn’t protest. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay!” she refuted loudly, punching his chest. “The dreams have always been there, even before I met you all. The nightmares have always been like a demon snapping at my heels. But they were always focused on one thing; the chades. Not that I knew that at the time, of course. But they’ve been shifting. And now visions like this? When I’m awake? I’ve never experienced anything like this before.”
“Your powers are growing, Max. We know that. With you receiving vitality from paladins affiliated with all seven of your domains, it was bound to happen.”
Max narrowed her eyes at him, “You’re making it sound like it’s no big deal, like my growing powers don’t bother you. I know they do. It worries all of you.”
Ryker nodded, “It does. But only because we love you. Honestly? I’m scared where all this is leading. How could I not be? But it’s necessary, Max.Youare necessary. We’re dying, sweetheart. The wardens, the paladins? We’re slowing going extinct. Births are at an all-time low, wardens are becoming chades more frequently. The humans are beginning to notice the effect the loss of nature’s guardians is having on the planet. All the talk of global warming, the increasing hole in the ozone layer, the sickeningly high number of endangered species …”
Max shook her head, “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying one measly scar on my ugly mug is a small price to pay as long as you succeed in your goal.”
Max didn’t agree with him but left it alone for now. The panic and terror she had been feeling was subsiding the more Ryker spoke to her and held her. “And what’s my goal again?” she asked, needing the reminder.
Ryker’s palms cupped her face as he brought her forward, “Healing,” he kissed her right cheek. “Peace,” a kiss to her left cheek followed. “Balance,” a kiss to her forehead. “Revolution …” he whispered the last word, before plundering her mouth with his own.
She sank into the kiss, feeling that one whispered word vibrate through her bones;
Ten minutes into the conversation and Ryker knew Nikolai held the missing links. The ranger had looked decidedly uncomfortable when Max asked about the experiments and Emmanuel. After a few minutes back and forth trying to determine exactly what the correct questions to ask were, they had finally stumbled upon the winning word that had them all leaning forward in their chairs;Custodian.
“You enlisted the help of a custodian to cure Emmanuel?” Max asked.
Nikolai nodded, “It was Garrett’s idea. But we all believed that if anything was going to help, it would be a custodian.”