“What happened to them? The Custodians?”
Blu shrugged, “I can’t say. There was never that many around at any given time to begin with. And then, suddenly, they were just gone.”
“But there was always one, right? At least one. I mean, that’s what theChroniclessay, isn’t it?” That’s what Darius had always told her.
“Yes. You are correct. Tradition – history – states that there must be a Custodian on Earth at all times,” Blu admitted.
“Huh. And yet, the world seems to be spinning just fine without them,” she mused, wondering how much of what Blu was saying was tradition, and how much was fact. There was, after all, a huge difference.
“Ah, but you’re here, aren’t you my dear? A custodian in the flesh,” he added, merrily, giving her a little poke in the arm.
She dipped her head at him, “Touché.” She didn’t believe her presence had anything to do with the world spinning on its axis, but she was happy to humour the man. “When was the last time you had confirmation of a Custodian’s presence?”
Blu thought for a moment before responding, “From my personal experience? A couple of years before the Great Massacre.”
Max was surprised, “Before the massacre? Not after?”
Blu nodded, “Definitely before.”
“And do you know if anybody else had personal experience with a Custodian?”
“Not many, that’s for sure. There was Verity of course. Being as old as he was, and attuned to the element of life, meant the spirit beings were particularly accessible to him. Mordecai as well had some fleeting experiences. And then there was also –” he broke off abruptly, worry lining his forehead.
“Garrett?” she guessed.
Blu nodded slowly, “Yes. Garrett. I believe he also had some contact with those revered beings. I remember because we spoke of them in great detail right around the time of his son’s death. Well, supposed death,” he amended. “It was, in fact, the time of Emmanuel’s regression into a chade. Actually, I believe the conversation was remarkably like this one if truth be told.”
“Because he asked about custodian energy – custodian power?” She pushed for clarification for what she already knew in her gut. In her mind, she felt her Order stirring, listening more intently from where they were otherwise preoccupied in the background. But they were picking up on her increasing tension just as Blu’s paladins were doing for him.
“Yes,” Blu responded, beginning to look a little pale. He held up a staying hand to his three paladins when they took a step forward and looked Max in the eye when he spoke again, “He wanted to know everything I knew about them. But I was by no means an expert. I pointed him in the direction of the person with the most knowledge.”
Max looked at Diana, who was watching both Blu and her closely. Max sent a silent apology through the link, even as she spoke the name; “Verity.”
Blu nodded, “Yes. Verity. I also informed him that what Verity didn’t know could likely be found in theWarden Chronicles.”
“The sameWarden Chroniclesthat were conveniently burned to ashes during the Massacre.” Max pointed out.
“The very same,” Blu confirmed. “But they weren’t destroyed … were they?” Blu asked, but Max could tell he already knew the answer.
Puzzle pieces were beginning to click into place for Max and she felt her heart breaking for the good man beside her – as well as her own paladin who would feel hurt once more. Still, Max had to respond; “No. I don’t believe they were destroyed. I believe Garrett staged the entire massacre just so he could steal theChroniclesand the priceless information they held. I believe he took the opportunity to kill as many wardens and paladins as possible in the process. And I believe …” she took a deep breath, “I believe he had Verity killed specifically because he knew too much. Because a Life Warden of such calibre would have realised who and what Garrett really was sooner rather than later. And because Verity was pre-cognitive – and Garrett knew it. He was too much of a threat.”
Max heard Diana’s keening cry and felt fresh grief tear through her body for the loss of her liege whom she had been connected to by her very soul. Across the room Darius was quick to gather Diana into his arms despite the public area and the many eyes watching them. Diana folded herself into his strong arms without protest.
“So, Garrett’s son became a chade and he started asking about custodians – a pure energy source. The last of the custodians then disappeared from the world, and a year or so later, chades launched a co-ordinated attack against wardens and their Orders. As well as destroying the one place where all the records of the warden’s history was kept,” Max summarised.
Blu’s deep sigh said it all. No way was all that a coincidence. Max ran her hands through her hair, wondering how she could feel exhausted and energised at the same time. They were on the cusp of something. She could feel it.
“Blu, I was told that Garrett’s son was given experimental treatment but that it didn’t work. It had the opposite effect, acting as a trigger and making him even more twisted – even more evil. Do you know what the treatment was?” she asked, knowing it was important but not sure why.
“I’m afraid I don’t. Everything was recorded of course and placed in the Records Room with theChronicles,” he revealed, regretfully.
“Which were also destroyed. Or more than likely also stolen. Bugger!” Max huffed.
“That would be correct. But,” Blu continued, “I do know of someone who was there. Someone who happens to never forget a thing.”
Max felt herself share an appreciative grin with Blu when they both spoke at the same time; “Nikolai.”