Page 26 of Custodian

Max nodded her head, “Literally. As in maiming and killing and dying. War.”

“Well, fuck,” Axel stated into the silence of the room.

Ryker snorted. He couldn’t have put it better himself.


Diana couldn’t help gravitating toward Darius. The tension and anxiety filling Ryker’s office was palpable, and she sought out the comfort only the love of her life could provide. Darius didn’t hesitate to grab her hand, linking their fingers tightly and caressing his thumb over her skin. She loved the freedom of being able to touch him whenever and however she chose to when they were in the house. Outside of the house was a little different, although that was undergoing a shift now too.

When they had first become official, Diana had been more than happy to accommodate her man when he had asked they keep their relationship quiet within their society. She had no issue with keeping their romance private. After all, it didn’t matter if one person knew or the whole world did – it wouldn’t change her feelings for him or vice versa. But she had to admit, it felt good to be able to do more than smile at him in public. Because in light of recent events – what with their society going down the crapper and all – he had begun to be more demonstrative in public, turning a blind-eye to the whispers and gossiping mouths. She was darn proud of her guy, knowing how hard it was for him to break the rules. As such, she made sure he knew just how much she appreciated his bad boy persona.

“One conversation could prevent the whole thing,” Max was saying.

Diana squeezed Darius’s hand and felt him return the gesture. No-one wanted to see their liege heading an army and leading them all into battle. Although wars still happened in the world, the nature of those combats had drastically changed since the times of the Crusades when Diana had taken her first life in the heat of battle. Verity’s code had been much like her brother-in-law’s in that he had fought for, and alongside, everyday humans. The war Max was proposing was something different again.

“Max …” Diana began. Usually she could be a voice of reason to her liege but Max was already shaking her head, blue-green eyes pleading;

“Guys, I need to try,” Max all but pleaded. “Besides, we don’t even know if Garrett is aware of his son’s actions and intentions. He could be just as clueless as the rest of us.”

“He’s not. He knows exactly what he’s doing.”

The voice scared the shit out of Diana and the rest of the room too. None of them jumped or squealed or anything so dramatic. But they did all produce their blades which were never far from their sides, even inside the house, and ushered Max into the middle of the space made from their surrounding bodies. As for the four paladins now standing placidly in the doorway, they didn’t even bother raising their weapons. Diana liked to think it was because their liege had warned them against drawing on Max and not because they didn’t perceive the Order of Aurora as a real threat. The latter would really piss her off.

Diana spared her liege a glance to see how she was handling the surprise intrusion and fought hard not to cringe. Max had shut herself down into ice princess mode. Diana hated that. Looking at Mordecai now, who had the exact same expression on his face, Diana now understood where Max got it from.

“How the hell did you get in here?” Ryker growled, frowning fiercely at the warden of death.

“Walked through the front door,” Tobias intoned, blandly – a sure-fire way to antagonise Ryker further.

“We did knock,” Madigan was quick to explain, shooting a look at his fellow paladin. One he pointedly ignored if his next words were anything to go by;

“You really should have someone on guard. It was pathetically easy to get in here. Your puppy is super cute, but not exactly the ferocious type.”

Diana frowned down at their bi-coloured mascot. Zombie was cute and goofy but he had more than proved he could be fierce when he wanted to be. He may have four legs and a furry tail but he was a more than adequate guard at the best of times. But on this occasion, said guard was now sitting happily at Mordecai’s feet, tongue lolling and tail wagging. The look on his face was pleased to say the least. It was clear he thought he was the bestest boy ever. The fact that all five men were now standing on the threshold of Ryker’s office also told her that Zombie believed the men were no threat. Diana had to admit, the dog was an impeccable judge of character.

Her man and Axel barely managed to pull Ryker back when he took a menacing step toward the doorway. Talking smack about the security of the house and thus the security of Max, was really not going to endear the Valhalla Order to her Captain. In fact, if the vein throbbing above Ryker’s right eye was any indication, an explosion was imminent.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Ryker snarled, hands balled into fists.

Diana knew he wanted to punch Mordecai right in the head.His dislike of the older warden had increased exponentially upon learning of Max’s parentage. Diana knew he wanted to protect Max from being hurt or feeling vulnerable. Under usual circumstances, Max would have insisted she handle things herself. ButMax was always suspiciously quiet around the subject of her father. It was worrying. Max was loud and outspoken about everything. The things she bottled up were the real problem.

“We came to give you some information,” Mordecai’s words were level and flat – the same as his eyes.

It didn’t escape Diana’s notice that the Death Warden was avoiding looking in Max’s direction just as hard as Max was ignoring him. The silence in the room was thick and Diana was about to speak up when Darius broke ranks, gesturing to Mordecai;

“My Lord, perhaps you and your Order would like some refreshments? Coffee? Tea?” He questioned formally, leading the five men from the room. Diana had to smile – her man was as perceptive as he was ingrained in his duties. No matter what else Mordecai might be, he was still one of the most powerful wardens on the planet, as well as a member of the International Domain Council. Darius couldn’t help but show the proper respect.

As soon as the others left the room, Max sank into Ryker’s chair with a shuddering sigh. “Can you make him leave?”

Max’s magical eyes implored them and Diana felt the deep-seated need to obey her liege flare to life. Ryker knelt down in front of her and began speaking softly and the others all looked around a little helplessly, instinctively sharing vitality with Max in the hopes of giving her a boost of energy and emotion. The only one not focused on Max appeared to be Lark, who was frowning in the direction of the kitchen.

“Lark?” Diana asked softly.

Lark shook his head a little, giving her a smile small, before focusing his attention on Max – who was now watching him with just as much intensity as he had been watching the door.

“You think I should let him talk? Don’t you?” Max inquired, softly.

“I think you should give him the chance he asked for,” Lark reminded her gently.